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Potzblitz Biologie: Die Höhlenabenteuer von Rita und Robert
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Potzblitz Biologie: Die Höhlenabenteuer von Rita und Robert
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Potzblitz Biologie: Die Höhlenabenteuer von Rita und Robert
eBook402 Seiten4 Stunden

Potzblitz Biologie: Die Höhlenabenteuer von Rita und Robert

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Brother and sister Robert and Rita are just as curious as other children. That is why they have to explore the snake cave, the entrance to which they have rediscovered by chance. After school they sneak off to have many an adventure inside the cave. Not only do thy come across such animals as spiders, foxes, toads and owls, but also a treasure trove and strange graffiti on the walls. This is when they both turn into detectives: Who used to live in the cave? And even the police have to be called when a skeleton is discovered.
Gripping entertainment for young readers from 10 onwards. Alongside the well told horror story, topics on nature and history are covered in their own boxes and accompanied by many line drawings. Complete with cross references and recommended further reading.
Erscheinungsdatum8. März 2012
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Potzblitz Biologie: Die Höhlenabenteuer von Rita und Robert

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