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Götterwort in Menschenmund: Studien zur Prophetie in Assyrien, Israel und Juda
Götterwort in Menschenmund: Studien zur Prophetie in Assyrien, Israel und Juda
Götterwort in Menschenmund: Studien zur Prophetie in Assyrien, Israel und Juda
eBook291 Seiten7 Stunden

Götterwort in Menschenmund: Studien zur Prophetie in Assyrien, Israel und Juda

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Über dieses E-Book

The book comprises eight articles on ancient Near Eastern, especially Assyrian prophecy from journals and collective works, a German translation of all of the Neo-Assyrian prophetic texts, and an epilogue updating some of the topics dealt with in the earlier treatments of the matter. A comprehensive bibliography and indexes are included. The main assertions put forward in the book are the following: (1) The so-called "Assyrian" or "Arbela oracles" are prophetic sayings. (2) The phraseology and genres used have near counterparts in the Old Testament (especially "Deutero-Isaiah"). (3) The "Salvation Oracle for Israel" represents a re-interpretation of the earlier oracle of salvation for kings. (4) Prophecy of Salvation is the normal case of Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy including that among Israelites and Judaeans.
Erscheinungsdatum22. Jan. 2014
Götterwort in Menschenmund: Studien zur Prophetie in Assyrien, Israel und Juda

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    Götterwort in Menschenmund - Manfred Weippert

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