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Der Brief an die Römer: (Teilband 2: Röm 9–16)
Der Brief an die Römer: (Teilband 2: Röm 9–16)
Der Brief an die Römer: (Teilband 2: Röm 9–16)
eBook525 Seiten16 Stunden

Der Brief an die Römer: (Teilband 2: Röm 9–16)

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Über dieses E-Book

Michael Wolter presents the second volume of his EKK-commentary on Paul's epistle to the Romans. The first volume appeared in 2014. Within the history of Christianity the epistle to the Christians in Rome had a strong theological impact. It has been considered to be the most important of the Pauline letters. Detailed philological and historical studies explain the text of this letter, make it transparent and comprehensible for the modern reader. Wolter interprets the text within its cultural and historical environment. These investigations are combined with a theological interpretation that examine the distinct profile of Paul's theological thinking as it is expressed in this writing. This commentary is the first German commentary on Romans which interprets the letter within the scope of the »New Perspective on Paul« and as part of the Christian-Jewish separation process.
Erscheinungsdatum3. Dez. 2018
Der Brief an die Römer: (Teilband 2: Röm 9–16)

Michael Wolter

Dr. theol. Michael Wolter ist Professor emeritus für Neues Testament an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn.

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