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Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology
Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology
Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology
eBook194 Seiten7 Stunden

Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology

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Über dieses E-Book

The movement of Scandinavian Creation Theology was shaped by its three founding figures: the philosopher K.E Løgstrup, and the systematic theologians Regin Prenter, and Gustaf Wingren. In their appeal to Martin Luther, all three of them were deeply inspired by the Danish theologian N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872), seing him as a creative mediator between Luther and contemporary Christianity.

The program of Scandinavian creation theology is not a naive call for an additive theology, as if to merely say: "we need more creation." Nor does it represent a creation theology linked to a traditional theology of the orders of creation. Rather, Scandinavian Creation Theology claims that a theological interpretation of the shared conditions of humanity is to be considered a prerequisite for any interpretation of the Christian faith in the present religious situation.

This volume aims to reformulate the potentials of Scandinavian creation theology for the 21st century, arguing that Scandinavian creation theology adds significantly to the body of theological reflection on the future shape of Reformation theology.

The reader will find fresh interpretations of the sources, critical elaborations, and sustained attempts to reconfigure Reformation theology for a post-secular age.
Erscheinungsdatum15. Mai 2017
Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age: Løgstrup, Prenter, Wingren, and the Future of Scandinavian Creation Theology

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    Reformation Theology for a Post-Secular Age - Niels Henrik Gregersen

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