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»What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology
»What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology
»What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology
eBook326 Seiten12 Stunden

»What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology

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Über dieses E-Book

Already Scripture asks many questions regarding anthropological problems. In the 20th century, the scholarly field of anthropology has become a lot more complex heuristically, methodically and hermeneutically. Therefore, modern research needs to answer arisen questions considering a wide range of disciplines: Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and also Empirical Research. This volume is an interdisciplinary project within theology. Contributions seek to not only reflect the state of the art in anthropological research from a theological point of view, but also provide a theological interpretation of one virulent question: What is a Human?
Erscheinungsdatum5. Dez. 2016
»What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology

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    »What is Human?« - Eve-Marie Becker

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