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Tote Stille
Tote Stille
Tote Stille
eBook526 Seiten7 Stunden

Tote Stille

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Gerade erst hat ein Hurrikan die Stadt verwüstet, da macht die Polizei von New Orleans eine grausige Entdeckung: In einem alten Kühlschrank liegen sechs rechte Frauenhände. Wer hat die kranke Tat begangen? Alles weist auf den Handyman hin: ein Serienkiller, der auch Captain Patti O’Shays Ehemann auf dem Gewissen hat. Ein dramatischer Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt. Patti muss dem Wahnsinnigen das Handwerk legen, ehe sie sein nächstes Opfer wird...

HerausgeberMIRA Taschenbuch
Erscheinungsdatum10. Dez. 2009
Tote Stille

Erica Spindler

Erica Spindler studierte zunächst Kunst. Als erfolgreiche Malerin stellte sie in namhaften Galerien aus. 1982 begann sie mit dem Schreiben, als sie mit einer Erkältung das Bett hüten musste. 1987 veröffentlichte sie ihren ersten Roman. Zunächst tat sie sich als Autorin romantischer Geschichten hervor, wandte sich aber ab 1996 dem Kriminalroman zu. Ihre Bücher erreichen immer wieder die ersten Plätze der New York Times-Bestsellerliste und erscheinen inzwischen in über 20 Ländern. Spindlers Stil wird durch ihre Faszination für Psychologie und Zwischenmenschliches geprägt, die ihre Romane zu einem spannenden und emotionalen Erlebnis für ihre Leser und Leserinnen macht. Auch als präzise Beobachterin und Kommentatorin gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen fällt Erica Spindler auf. Die 1957 in Illinois geborene Autorin lebt seit 1980 im Raum New Orleans. An der dortigen Universität schloss sie ihr Kunststudium ab. Heute wohnt sie mit ihrem Ehemann und den beiden gemeinsamen Söhnen im ländlichen Louisiana nahe der Metropole.

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Bewertung: 3.4999999743589743 von 5 Sternen

78 Bewertungen8 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A great read, though, in my opinion, not one of Erica Spindler's best. The plot was definitely interesting and kept me entertained. This is a sequel, though you could easily read this as a stand-alone and have absolutely no problem understanding the story.I didn't find the story to have any one true "main character". A family of cops are chasing a serial killer called "The Handyman". A lot of family dynamics are woven into the story, so it becomes much more than a typical serial killer novel. However, I found the story to drag a little at times. (At 522 pages, it could easily have been 100 pages shorter.) Also, I figured out who the "bad guy" was about half way through. There were a couple of good twists that had me second-guessing myself for a brief period and the end result was good enough that it didn't matter that I had guessed correctly.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Another book I did not read during this month/year. What possessed me to read it I'm not sure except that i had nothing else on my personal shelf at home (that was unread) except this. Oh, and it was raining that day... I truly don't remember what my reaction was to the style of writing, as I don't actively try and guess who the evil person is. Hard as this may be to believe I actually don't care what happens, and that is why I rarely read mysteries. 2.5/5 just because that is exactly a 50% rating.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    One would think based on the way thriller writers write about them that every fourth person in the United States is a serial killer. To say that this sub-genre is overdone would be a massive understatement. Most of the ones I have read are not very good, and Last Known Victim is worse than most. Set in New Orleans, post-Katrina, the serial killer du jour is known as The Handyman. If that’s not a generic serial killer name, then I don’t know what is. Unfortunately the author put as much imagination and inventiveness to the naming of the killer as the rest of the novel. Every weak trope that is used in this sub-genre can be found here to the unbelievably unrealistic nature of the killer. I won’t spoil it, but when I found out who the killer was, I wanted to wretch. The killer was so obvious and so stereotypical that it was almost like this author was spoofing serial killer novels. Unfortunately, this isn’t a spoof. It’s just a bad novel. I would suggest staying away.Carl Alves – author of Blood Street
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    This was such a 'blah' book I have trouble even giving it two stars; the characters were wooden, the writing clichéd and repetitive. Not sure if I'm interested in picking up her other books now. Suspected the killer early on, but went back and forth between that particular person and another person; ultimately, the big 'reveal' was not a surprise at all.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I am a huge fan of Erica Spindler. If I recall right, the first book I read of hers was Fortune. I enjoyed it so much, I went to purchase every book she’d written to date. I’ve always found her to be very consistent with the quality of her writing.I was very excited about the release of her latest book, Last Known Victim. However, after reading it, I was a little disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, it was a very good book, but it just didn’t have the impact on me that some of Spindler’s other books did. I haven’t really figured out why, yet. It could have been the ending. When the killer was revealed, I wasn’t shocked. I just kinda thought, “Oh, ok.” It could have been the characters. The characters in Last Known Victim were brought back from See Jane Die and Killer Takes All.Anyway, I’ll have to think on it some more. For now, I’ll just sit back and wait, patiently for Erica’s next book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This was good. I was on the edge of my seat. I was not sure who the killer was until they told me. I guessed wrong about 4 times before the truth was revealed.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This was my first Erica Spindler book, and I think I’ve found a new author! The suspense is good, the characters are believable, and she does a great job of keeping you guessing. There’s more than one convincing red herring (I did *not* guess the bad guy!), and you’re not really sure if you can really trust Yvette until the very end. Patti wasn’t the greatest leading character — I found her to be a little wooden — but the other characters, especially Stacy and Spencer, make up for it. One thing to note: even though this isn’t technically part of a series, some of the characters have appeared in earlier Spindler novels, and there is reference to them. But I didn’t feel like I was really missing anything by reading this one first.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Erica Spindler is in my top ten favorite/must read authors for a reason. She has more than proved herself as a talented, page turning author. Her characters are solid and interesting. Her facts are more realistic than a lot of books in the same genre. In LKV, Patti O'Shay, a captain in the New Orleans police department is out to find her husband's killer. The first clues come from an abandoned refridgerator left in Katrina's aftermath. One of my three suspects eventually became unmasked as the killer. This isn't a bad stat. I like to be kept guessing, and Spindler suceeds in that again here. I hate having to wait a year each time for a new Spindler book. If you haven't read any books by this author, I recommend you pick up some of the older ones first. Work your way through them to this one! Last Known Victim isn't a five star book like most of her others, but it still is way above the norm.


Tote Stille - Erica Spindler

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