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The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin
The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin
The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin
eBook44 Seiten28 Minuten

The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin

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Über dieses E-Book

A love story
All seas on the planet Earth are somehow alike, all equally salty, usually cold and blue, except one. This one is delightfully crystal, transparent, heaven-like glimmeringly green-blue, like the stars in the night sky, shining abundantly, overwhelmed by corals of the most diverse colors and sizes of marvelous beauty.

It is very small and a bit hidden from the other huge seas whose waves rise higher than mountains and where powerful hurricanes roar.

The small, calm sea in all its beauty and depth hides a tragic secret tale of the little mermaid and cheerful scamp, the dolphin.
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum11. Nov. 2019
The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin

Ilija Jorga

Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga was born on November 15, 1940 in Belgrade, formerly Yugoslavia and present-day Serbia, and is the second son of Cornelius Jorga, a civil engineer and cousin of Nicholae Jorga. He graduated from the Medical University of Belgrade, the city he calls his homeland, with a degree in Medicine (Clinical Physiology and Sports Medicine). Today he travels all over the world and spends several months a year in Russia and the United States. He is the best-known senior karate instructor in the Balkans. Prof. Dr. Jorga is the founder of Fudokan Karate and professor of physiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade. He incorporated the knowledge of physiology and anatomy into the development of Fudokan Karate as he created a unique style of traditional karate – Fudokan, for which he has become world famous.

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    The Little Mermaid and the Happy Dolphin - Ilija Jorga

    There are only a few such impressive people in the world

    as Shinami Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga, who creates art in manifold ways

    with his profound knowledge and ability, be it the aesthetics

    and perfection of the Fudokan karate developed by him,

    his statues that almost seem to be alive and now this delicate story.

    Dana Gerscher und Karl-Hans König


    Respectfully and deeply connected for our Shinami


    (Mountain in the East)

    Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga

    Table of Contents


    The fairytale begins like all fairy tales…



    All seas on the planet Earth are somehow alike, all equally salty, usually cold and blue, except one. This one is delightfully crystal, transparent, heaven-like glimmeringly green-blue, like the stars in the night sky, shining abundantly, overwhelmed by corals of the most diverse colors and sizes of marvelous beauty.

    It is very small and a bit hidden from the other huge seas whose waves rise higher than mountains and where powerful hurricanes roar.

    The small, calm sea in all its beauty and depth hides a tragic secret tale of the little mermaid and cheerful scamp, the dolphin.

    The fairytale begins like all fairy tales…

    Once upon a time, at the palace, lavishly built of red-gold corals, lived the good king of the blue-green crystal sea. Whenever he would leave the palace, riding proudly on the back of a great turtle harnessed together with the seahorses, all fishes would gladly greet him by waving their fins. King’s little entourage was made up of the most curious water creatures, numerous cuttlefishes, jellyfishes, octopuses and his faithful guardians, small striped sharks. This merry bunch used to set out every day from the coral reef, on which the castle was placed, and ride to the very frontier of the small sea, where the green corals, its guardians, stood, lined up in a row.

    From visiting around his kingdom, the king would return just before sunset, back to the palace where playfully and joyfully his daughter, the princess, the little mermaid of marvelous beauty, would await him. The King would gently embrace her, rejoicing in her sonorous laughter, whose allure would make all the seaweeds – her protectresses, tenderly cherish and watch her swing.

    The little princess was well acquainted with the whole kingdom, as she has been pacing curiously from one coral to another

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