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Fashion and Accessories
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Fashion and Accessories
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Fashion and Accessories
eBook120 Seiten1 Stunde

Fashion and Accessories

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Über dieses E-Book

Tips, information and thoughts on fashion and accessories. From the appearance and type equitable fashion with personality to fashion trends and makeup tips, advice for Petit and Plus Size, figure and color tips, basic wardrobe and combinations up to the business dress code for Women, bra ABC, Celebrity Hair Styles and Health Killer-Clothes. Continuing with designer and catwalk fashion, jeans, accessories such as shoes, jewelry, scarves, belts, bags, sunglasses, watches, men's fashion, and teen fashion, e.g.. skater clothing. This is followed by clothing stores, outlets, trends and top brands like Hilfiger, ODLO, Replay, Lacoste, Gaastra and Adidas.
Erscheinungsdatum13. Jan. 2017
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