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Zeitalter des Zerfalls (Telepolis): Gespräche zu Entwicklungen unserer Epoche
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Zeitalter des Zerfalls (Telepolis): Gespräche zu Entwicklungen unserer Epoche
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Zeitalter des Zerfalls (Telepolis): Gespräche zu Entwicklungen unserer Epoche
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Zeitalter des Zerfalls (Telepolis): Gespräche zu Entwicklungen unserer Epoche

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Brexit und Trump, Rechtspopulismus und Terror, die beschleunigten historischen Entwicklungen unserer Tage geben uns keine Atempause, sondern konfrontieren uns unentwegt mit neuen beunruhigenden Nachrichten.

Schon in der Antike wurden politische Herrschaftsformen als unablässiger, nahezu gesetzmäßiger Kreislauf beschrieben, der niemals ruht: Er führt von der Demokratie zur Oligarchie und von dort hin zur Tyrannis, bis mit dem Sturz des Alleinherrschers die Bewegung wieder von vorne beginnt.

Auch in unserem multimedialen Internetzeitalter kann der Zeitpunkt kommen, wo die Bewohner liberaler Gemeinwesen die Vorzüge dieses Systems geringer schätzen als vorangegangene Generationen - und wo das Verlangen nach dem Absoluten, nach Spiritualität, nach Risiken und Gefahren, nach charismatischen Führern wieder überhand nimmt, wie schon oft in der Geschichte der Menschheit.

Vielleicht ist er sogar schon eingetreten. Die abnehmende Begeisterung für die Institutionen der EU in ihrer aktuellen Verfasstheit, die daraus resultierenden Wahlergebnisse und der Aufstieg von Parteien und Ideen, die man in Europa schon als überwunden geglaubt hat, deuten in diese Richtung.

In was für einem Zeitalter leben wir also? Worauf müssen wir uns einstellen, was haben wir zu erwarten? Ramon Schack geht diesen Fragen nach - in Gesprächen mit Experten und Chronisten unserer Epoche. Es handelt sich um Gespräche zu der Entwicklung unserer Zeit, über die dramatischen Verschiebungen des globalen Machtgefüges, deren Zeugen wir sind, deren Folgen und Auswirkungen aber nur die wenigsten noch erfassen können.

Ramon Schack schreibt für die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zeit Online, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Telepolis, Die Welt und viele andere namhafte Publikationen. Der Nahe Osten, Osteuropa, der Islam, politischer Extremismus sind Schwerpunkte seiner journalistischen Arbeit. 2013 erschien sein Buch "Neukölln ist Nirgendwo", 2015 sein Portrait "Begegnungen mit Peter Scholl-Latour".
HerausgeberHeise Medien
Erscheinungsdatum25. Mai 2017
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Zeitalter des Zerfalls (Telepolis): Gespräche zu Entwicklungen unserer Epoche

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Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    well its telling Stuff u know allready, from behind the Media, stuff u can collect over time if u watch media over a long time, and dont liste to all the Propaganda stuff wich is in the Media, Its History the history under the Propaganda, he dosent Point directly the finger on those wich made all this possible, but he collected alot data wich shows how it happend and why it happend. But i think his view about the EU is wrong, because even the View on Europa and the EU is wrong, the EU started as Industrial Norm, to make Markets even everywere, thats the Base on everything, make things wich are different even vor all, and u have to know that to see how the EU is working, today... what went wrong was that the EU is so conflicted between 2 Supermights and is used mainly as Playball for the West. Did u saw any blue helmets since the Kosovo War? did u saw any non fighting strategie since them, no but u saw the good Nations, the club of the so called good, using a Genozide Weapon in War called DU Ammunition, most people just forgot that it was used in Kosovo the first time this Natzi inventions, the superweapon the Nazis had, but couldnt use because they hadnd enough of it, Hitler would have loved such a weapon, wich kills and poisons the air the soil for Generations to come, its so sad that all this Atomic stuff is burryed under so much falsh and wrong information, that soldiers with clear signs of radiation poisoning were send back home to die cuz they had a flue... or remember the Gulf War Syndrom, were the wind blow the Particles over the own troops, and the Children today playing in the radiant spots from back then, or adults trying to make a living from recycling not knowing they poisen themself so far that they never can get healty babys anymore, thats the real crime, everyone thinks the German Nazi regime was bad, but this ist 1000 times more against humanity a weapon wich will kill, even if the war is forgot long ago... the soil is poisoned and will never in a normal livetime give back a healty crop... the west thinks the dream of Europe is death because of so many killing People flushing to theyr nations, but remember who fought the war, who helped, and who didnt intervent with blue helmets... all this wars in Arabia are nothing more then the fight America against Russia, over the Cost of many innocent People, like the innocent people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... the Russians dont invade the dont gather Soil, but the Nato is growing like a Cancer around them, Irak was never about Terrorism, it was all about to get a Stratetic Base in the region were u can station Long range Missiles, with the plan to reign over the hole region... it was not only for the oil, it was just a chess play for wich millions of people had to die, thats how Europa is dieing, by seeing the cruelty and do nothing against it, because nobody has the balls to step between superpowers to remember them what Humanity is.... that we are all one famely and we have only one Planet, the direction we today chose, will lead in the end to destruction of everything, politiks lead only by the strong had never survived long in history, and if u look around today, Ramon Schack is right on so many lvls about the downfall, because to many people are to blind wars are to far, even if the bombs arrive in theyr own countrys people are only interested in theyr own live and how it goes tomorrow, then to notice how others do and die... that ignorance leads to whats going, and thats the Problem of today, to much missinformation to much propaganda, and to less humanity to less helping to less understanding of others...