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Art and Expression: Contemporary Perspectives  in the Occidental and Oriental Traditions
Art and Expression: Contemporary Perspectives  in the Occidental and Oriental Traditions
Art and Expression: Contemporary Perspectives  in the Occidental and Oriental Traditions
eBook336 Seiten8 Stunden

Art and Expression: Contemporary Perspectives in the Occidental and Oriental Traditions

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Having lost its humanist platform in the post-Romantic era, expression still stands on its own critical merit explaining the artwork in all its genres. An international team of eminent scholars explore the multidimensional perspectives of expression in the Occidental and Oriental traditions of aesthetics and philosophy of criticism. Under a single cover the editor, Ananta Sukla, exhibits a plethora of ideas and insights expanding the horizon of our critical pursuit.
HerausgeberTraugott Bautz
Erscheinungsdatum5. Juli 2012
Art and Expression: Contemporary Perspectives  in the Occidental and Oriental Traditions

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    Art and Expression - Ananta Charan Sukla

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