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Das Urteil
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Das Urteil
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Das Urteil
eBook18 Seiten14 Minuten

Das Urteil

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Über dieses E-Book

"Das Urteil" (Untertitel: "Eine Geschichte für Felice B.") ist eine im Jahre 1912 (in der Nacht vom 22. auf den 23. September) entstandene und im Folgejahr veröffentlichte Erzählung von Franz Kafka.
HerausgeberBoD E-Short
Erscheinungsdatum23. März 2015

Franz Kafka

Born in Prague in 1883, the son of a self-made Jewish merchant, Franz Kafka trained as a lawyer and worked in insurance. He published little during his lifetime and lived his life in relative obscurity. He was forced to retire from work in 1917 after being diagnosed with tuberculosis, a debilitating illness which dogged his final years. When he died in 1924 he bequeathed the – mainly unfinished – manuscripts of his novels, stories, letters and diaries to his friend the writer Max Brod with the strict instruction that they should be destroyed. Brod ignored Kafka’s wishes and organised the publication of his work, including The Trial, which appeared in 1925. It is through Brod’s efforts that Kafka is now regarded as one of the greatest novelists of the twentieth century.

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