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Der Mittelsman
Der Mittelsman
Der Mittelsman
Hörbuch7 Stunden

Der Mittelsman

Geschrieben von Renee Rose

Erzählt von Ivo Jessen und Tilly Caspari

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch


Vor acht Jahren habe ich eine Lüge ausgesprochen, die das Leben eines Mannes verändert hat.

Mein Vater hat ihn aus seiner Bratwa-Zelle verbannt. Aus unserem Land.

Jetzt ist er zurückgekehrt, um mein Erbe an sich zu reißen. Mein Leben. Nicht durch Mord, sondern durch Heirat.

Und mein eigener Vater hat es veranlasst.

Maxim glaubt, er könne mich seinem Willen unterwerfen. Er glaubt, er könne die Ansagen machen.

Früher einmal habe ich ihn gewollt, aber er hat mich abgewiesen. Ich werde ihm nie wieder verfallen.

Ich habe nicht vor, mich zu beugen.

Nicht einmal, wenn er mich vor Verlangen erbeben lässt …

Erscheinungsdatum23. Mai 2024
Der Mittelsman

Renee Rose

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE loves a dominant, dirty-talking alpha hero! She's sold over a million copies of steamy romance with varying levels of kink. Her books have been featured in USA Today's Happily Ever After and Popsugar. Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won Spunky and Sassy's Favorite Sci-Fi and Anthology author, The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and has hit the USA Today list seven times with her Wolf Ranch books and various anthologies.**Sign up to receive a FREE ebook: subscribepage.com/alphastemp**Visit her blog at www.reneeroseromance.com**Follow Renee at www.Facebook.com/ReneeRoseRomance - She loves to chat with readers!**Follow her on Instagram at www.instagram.com/reneeroseromanceWHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT RENEE'S BOOKS:"I savor Renee Rose's books as if they were the finest of champagnes" ~USA Today Bestselling Author Sierra Cartwright"Renee Rose has an ability to write the most captivating, most intriguing, and the hottest books around." ~ USA Today Bestselling Author Alta Hensley"A sexy tale for modern women that's as steamy as a locker room shower." ~Kirkus Reviews"I've been completely blown away by this series" ~The Romance Reviews"Nobody writes a bad boy hero like Renee Rose" ~USA Today Bestselling Author Cara Bristol"If you are looking for a romance you can lose yourself in and think fondly of for days after, look no further. This is a Renee Rose book and this author is very good at what she does." ~USA Today Bestselling Author Maren Smith"If you like spanking romance that's not too crazy hard but not too icky soft, and has lots of nice, special touches, read Renee Rose." ~NYT & USA Today Bestselling BDSM author Annabel Joseph"If you're going to read spanking romance, Renee Rose writes it H-O-T." ~USA Today Bestselling BDSM Author Natasha Knight"I have yet to read a book by Renee Rose that I don't enjoy so much as to read it again and again." ~Bottoms Up Book Reviews

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