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Basic German: A Language Course For Beginners
Basic German: A Language Course For Beginners
Basic German: A Language Course For Beginners
Hörbuch2 Stunden

Basic German: A Language Course For Beginners

Geschrieben von Nora Klein

Erzählt von Nora Klein

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

Learn German language with this easy to follow course for complete beginners, a key to unlocking new cultural experiences and enhancing your communication skills. German has significant influence across Europe and is spoken by over 100 million people globally. As the official language in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, learning German opens doors to a host of travel and other experiences.

Designed specifically for beginners with no previous experience in the German language, this course gently introduces you to the essentials of German. Starting from the very basics, you'll quickly find yourself grasping the commonly used words and phrases that are essential for everyday communication. Whether you aim to navigate travel, engage in simple conversations, or understand basic signage, this course equips you with the language tools you need. You'll be able to greet people, shop, ask for directions, order in restaurants and complete many other tasks at the conclusion at this five-session course.

Learning German not only enhances your ability to communicate while traveling in Central Europe but also provides a competitive edge in various professional fields, including business, engineering, and the arts. This course emphasizes practical usage, ensuring that each new word and phrase you learn can be immediately put into practice. This approach helps build confidence and fluency, making your language learning journey both effective and enjoyable.

With a focus on real-life communication, you'll be able to start speaking German from the very first lesson. The language's structure and vocabulary is introduced to you clearly with a lot of opportunity to review throughout the course. This course provides you with a solid foundation in a major global language, ready to enjoy deeper travel experiences, explore new opportunities and broaden your horizons. This course targets A1 (beginner) level on the CEFR scale.

Erscheinungsdatum2. Juni 2024
Basic German: A Language Course For Beginners

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