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Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates
Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates
Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates
Hörbuch58 Minuten

Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates

Geschrieben von André Klein

Erzählt von André Klein

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

What’s the secret of the old marble bust Michael is trying to ship off to a distant relative? Will Manfred and Sabine ever escape the doldrums of everyday life and finally go on vacation? What’s a birthday without a cake? Why does Sarah hate superheroes? And what’s wrong with Mrs Margolis BMW?

This book is designed to provide beginners and intermediate learners with real world conversational German from everyday life: a stroll over the farmer’s market, a neurotic’s trip to the doctor’s office, a brief foray into the arcane mysteries of German train fares, a job application gone rogue, and much more.

(To get the most out of this audiobook we recommend listening while reading through a paperback or ebook edition of "Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates" and working through the exercises and using included flashcards to reinforce memorization.)

Erscheinungsdatum8. Dez. 2020
Easy German Dialogues: Fun & Simple Conversation Practice For Beginners And Intermediates

André Klein

André Klein was born in Germany, grew up in Sweden and Thailand and currently lives in Israel. He has been teaching languages for more than 15 years and is the author of various short stories, picture books and non-fiction works in English and German.

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Bewertung: 3.875 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Sehr gut! Lustig und interessant. Ich kann das Buch gern empfehlen.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    No free download is permited. Not worthy to waste your time.