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Learning German Through Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück: A Detective Story For German Learners (for intermediate and advanced)
Learning German Through Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück: A Detective Story For German Learners (for intermediate and advanced)
Learning German Through Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück: A Detective Story For German Learners (for intermediate and advanced)
Hörbuch1 Stunde

Learning German Through Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück: A Detective Story For German Learners (for intermediate and advanced)

Geschrieben von André Klein

Erzählt von André Klein

Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Experience the fifth episode of the Baumgartner & Momsen detective story series for German learners on your stereo or headphones, at home or on the go!

The narration style and speed of this audio book is aimed at providing learners with real-world spoken German which is clearly understandable, not too fast, but also not too slow.

When a loyal family dog comes upon a human ear in its feeding dish one morning, the police is notified immediately, but due to a sudden change in staff, the investigation proceeds only haltingly.

To get the most out of this audio book we recommend listening alongside the ebook or paperback edition of Learning German Though Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück and working through the exercises.)

Erscheinungsdatum17. Nov. 2021
Learning German Through Storytelling: Heidis Frühstück: A Detective Story For German Learners (for intermediate and advanced)

André Klein

André Klein was born in Germany, grew up in Sweden and Thailand and currently lives in Israel. He has been teaching languages for more than 15 years and is the author of various short stories, picture books and non-fiction works in English and German.

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