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Hinterher ist man immer tot
Hinterher ist man immer tot
Hinterher ist man immer tot
Hörbuch (gekürzt)6 Stunden

Hinterher ist man immer tot

Geschrieben von Peter Lohmeyer und Eoin Colfer

Erzählt von Peter Lohmeyer

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Daniel McEvoy hat ein Problem. Der Mob ist hinter ihm her. Die Polizei auch. Dabei will der Exsoldat und frischgebackene Clubbesitzer doch nur gemütlich mit seiner neuen Freundin auf dem Sofa sitzen. Aus ihm völlig unbegreiflichen Gründen findet er sich plötzlich in einem Auto auf dem Grund des Hudson wieder – und muss zudem die Sprachfehler und grammatikalischen Schnitzer seiner Verfolger ertragen. Aber ein Feingeist wie er ist Kummer gewohnt. Als sich dann auch noch seine glamouröse Stiefoma in die Jagd auf ihn einschaltet, erkennt Dan, dass die Familie die tödlichste Bedrohung darstellt.
HerausgeberHörbuch Hamburg
Erscheinungsdatum28. Feb. 2014
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  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Wow talk about a book that takes forever to go nowhere. I got a third of the way through and gave up. Not one interesting character in the book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Are sequels allowed to be so good? Are authors allowed to be talented genre hoppers like Eoin Colfer? Apparently so, because this sequel to Plugged is super ace. I didn't even think Colfer would continue the story of Dan McEvoy but he did and I am glad for him doing so. Plus, it's hard to hate any book that involves an irate middle-aged Irish man beating down two crooked New York cops with a big ol' dildo. Bravo.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The sequel to his darkly humorous crime novel "Plugged", this continues the tale of Dan McEvoy, a can't-catch-a-break owner of a New Jersey club. The previous book ended with a tenuous truce with local kingpin Irish Mike Madden; here the truce dissolves when McEvoy's leverage disappears in an accidental death, and he is forced to perform a seemingly simple task for Madden. If you combined the styles of Douglas Adams and Jimmy Breslin, you'd get something very like this noir escapade.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Screwed is the second book in an adult crime series by famed Artemis Fowl author Eoin Colfer. It continues the story of Daniel McEvoy from the novel Plugged, following on a few months later and begins with the news that Irish Mike's mother has died. This is bad news for Daniel, since small time mobster Irish Mike was giving him a pass on the basis that he had a friend back in Ireland keeping an eye on her (with a threat that should Mike hurt Daniel, Mike's ma would be placed in a similar condition). Now, Daniel has to go to Mike's club and see what the price for his prior indiscretions (he killed a good number of Mike's men in the first book) will be. He is told to deliver a package to another mob-boss up in NYC. Daniel figures this might be a set-up, but he has no idea the mess he is about to get involved in. Long-lost relatives turn up and there's an escapade (or should I say "sexcapade") with some dirty cops. As with the first book, if violence or foul language bothers you, stay away. In this case, if you particularly abhor comedic violence with sex toys, find another read. If you can appreciate the humor in bizarre situations filled with even more bizarre characters, then read Plugged first and get Screwed next. Er, you know what I mean...