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Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner
Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner
Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner
Hörbuch2 Stunden

Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner

Geschrieben von James Bowen

Erzählt von Carlos Lobo

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Seit Bob da ist, hat sich mein Leben sehr verändert. Ich war ein obdachloser Straßenmusiker ohne Perspektive und ohne eine Idee, was ich aus meinem Leben machen sollte. Nun stehe ich wieder mit zwei Beinen auf der Erde, ich habe die Vergangenheit hinter mir gelassen, aber ich weiß nicht, was die Zukunft bringen wird. Ich brauche wohl immer noch Unterstützung, um auf meinem Weg zu bleiben. Zum Glück steht mir Bob mit seiner Freundschaft und seiner Klugheit zur Seite.

Die wunderbare Geschichte der Freundschaft zwischen James und seinem Kater wurde mit "Bob, der Streuner" zum Welt-Bestseller. In seinem neuen Buch erzählt James, wie Bob ihm in harten Zeiten und selbst in lebensgefährlichen Situationen immer wieder den Weg weist.
HerausgeberLübbe Audio
Erscheinungsdatum13. März 2014
Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner

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Bewertung: 4.058252475728155 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The World According to Bob are more stories about James Bowen and his adopted street cat Bob. This was just as lovely and heartwarming as the first book. I enjoyed the adventures the pair had and even got a little teary eyed in places it was so touching. Both have come such a long way on their journey together. James and Bob's story is truly inspiring. Who rescued whom!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A fun, quick read. I think James Bowen has a good heart and he and Bob make a great pair. I'll be interested to see how their story continues - hope to hear more from them.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    "I still don’t know whether I found Bob or he found me. What I do know, however, is that without him I’d be utterly lost."Bob continues to charm! C’mon, the handsome and wise tabby seems to say to James: you nursed me back to health when I was injured and hadn’t a soul in the world to care about me. Now I’m going to help us from relying on the streets to earn our living so that we might find a gentler, kinder life together. But never in James’ wildest dreams did he imagine Bob might repay his kindness with a book deal!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The continuing saga of Street Cat Bob and his owner, James Bowen. This sequel picks up where the first book left off, through Bowen's work with the writer of the first book, and ending with the pair's first book signing. The tone and style of this is very similar to the first book: part difficulty, part happiness. It's another feel-good book about, quite possibly, the world's most loveable and smart cat and his owner.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Auch in diesem Buch geht es darum, wie der Kater Bob das Leben von James verändert. Das Buch deckt die Zeit zwischen dem ersten Teil und der Veröffentlichung des Buches ab. Es werden viele Episoden erzählt, die verdeutlichen wie James lebt, welche Schwierigkeiten er hat und wie auch vermeintlich ganz normale Dinge (Arztbesuch) extrem schwierig für ihn sind. Bob ist eine so große Unterstützung, dass man sich unweigerlich fragt, wie es für James weitergehen wird, wenn Bob einmal nicht mehr da sein wird. Ich finde das Buch sehr authentisch. Der Ghostwriter trifft die Stimme, die Probleme und Hoffnungen James´ wirklich gut. So wird auch für „Normalsterbliche“ deutlich, wie es den Menschen geht, die Straßenmusik machen und die Straßenzeitung verkaufen. Und die Geschichte selbst ist natürlich einfach ein Wunder.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I received an ARC through Goodreads.
    Before I read this book I didn't know about Bob the cat. But now that I have read this book, I want to know more and follow Bob and James' stories and adventures throughout London.

    Bob certainly is an interesting cat. I love reading Bob and James' adventures and stories about daily life on the streets of London.

    It's truly inspirational how Bob inspired James to become a much better person and the friendship between them is so pure and loving. There is never any doubt that animals are intelligent and are our friend and companion.

    This was a very easy and interesting read. You are quickly tugged into their world and try as you might you are eager to find out whats next that you won't want to put the book down.

    Overall, a good read.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Was at the library taking back the first book about Bob, and lo and behold, on the new books shelf there is another book about Bob. Much like the first, although I didn't enjoy reading about James' hospital visit [blood stuff and I don't always do well].
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I don't typically read sequels, but I enjoyed James Bowen's first book, A Street Cat Named Bob so much that I couldn't wait for the second, The World According to Bob to come out. When it finally did, I devoured it in two days.The second book is a lot like the first, but I found a certain added poignancy in The World According to Bob. In the first book, Bowen was a man who had nothing, and therefore, as Bob Dylan famously sung, had nothing to lose. In the second book, Bowen realizes the extent to which he and Bob depend on each other. When outside forces threaten to tear them apart, as happens a few times in the narrative, I felt Bowen's anxiety along with him. Fortunately, this uplifting book, like its predecessor, ends happily.Highly recommended for all Bob fans!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The continuing adventures of two lost souls in London. Although a bit lacks the freshness of the previous book still an inspirational and uplifting read about how a man saved a cat's life and how that ginger cat saved his... Highly recommended!