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Two Cowboys' Christmas Bride: Blessing, Texas, #2
Two Cowboys Too Perfect: Blessing, Texas, #4
Loving My Cowboys: Blessing, Texas, #1
eBook-Reihen4 Titel

Blessing, Texas

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In Ihrem Land nicht verfügbar

In Ihrem Land nicht verfügbar

Über diese Serie

Unverheiratet und alleinstehend zu sein, ist gefährlich in der Wildnis von Texas. Lillian Bradleys Familie starb und überließ ihr eine Ranch, auf die ihr zwielichtiger Nachbar ein Auge geworfen hat. Und jemand stiehlt ihr Vieh. Sie braucht einen Beschützer, einen Ehemann, und sie braucht ihn so schnell wie möglich. 


Die Texas Rangers Will und Seth suchen einen Revolverhelden. Sie kommen nach Blessing, Texas, gerade als dort ein Banküberfall stattfindet. Nur das der Dieb nicht die temperamentvolle blonde Frau ist, die sie beschuldigen. Schon auf den ersten Blick wissen sie, dass sie ihnen gehört, dass sie sie schätzen, beschützen und lieben werden.


Ist Lillian der Schlüssel, um ihren Verdächtigen zu finden und ist sie die Frau, die ihre Sehnsüchte befriedigen wird? Oder wird eine Familienbindung aus der Vergangenheit das Leben zerstören, das sie sich aufbauen?

Erscheinungsdatum16. Feb. 2022
Two Cowboys' Christmas Bride: Blessing, Texas, #2
Two Cowboys Too Perfect: Blessing, Texas, #4
Loving My Cowboys: Blessing, Texas, #1

Titel in dieser Serie (4)

  • Loving My Cowboys: Blessing, Texas, #1


    Loving My Cowboys: Blessing, Texas, #1
    Loving My Cowboys: Blessing, Texas, #1

    Two Texas Rangers and One Wild Bride? Unmarried and alone is dangerous in the wilds of Texas. Lillian Bradley's family died leaving her to run the ranch that her lowlife neighbor covets. And someone is stealing her cattle. She needs a protector, a husband, and she needs him now.    Texas Rangers Will and Seth are looking for a gunslinger. They ride into Blessing, Texas just as a bank robbery is occurring. Only the thief isn't the feisty blonde woman they accuse. With one look, they know she will be theirs, that they will cherish, protect, and love her.   Is Lillian the key to finding their suspect and is she the woman who will satisfy their longings? Or will a family tie from the past destroy the life they're creating? 

  • Two Cowboys' Christmas Bride: Blessing, Texas, #2


    Two Cowboys' Christmas Bride: Blessing, Texas, #2
    Two Cowboys' Christmas Bride: Blessing, Texas, #2

    An Unexpected Christmas Present    After her uncle sells her to a brothel, Anna Best is kidnapped. Terrified and tied up inside a tow sack, she's dumped on the doorstep of two Texas Rangers.   Mack and Jake think Santa has come early when they unwrap the package to discover a beautiful brunette with a feisty spirit.    One look convinces them she will be theirs, that they will protect her from a crazy uncle determined to enslave her. Only a wedding ring, their badges, and six shooters can keep her safe right where she belongs—in their arms and their bed.    With Mack and Jake, will Anna have the family she craves or will her greedy family destroy her happiness?

  • Two Cowboys Too Perfect: Blessing, Texas, #4


    Two Cowboys Too Perfect: Blessing, Texas, #4
    Two Cowboys Too Perfect: Blessing, Texas, #4

    Can Beauty Tame The Wild Beast?   Ella Dillard is the perfect unwed schoolteacher in the small town of Blessing, Texas, but she longs for a family of her own. Then she's made an offer she can't refuse if she wants to save her brother from jail—to temporarily marry two Texas Rangers who can help him.   Warren Alley and Clinton Flowers have one year to claim a wife and birth a child or lose the land Warren's grandfather left to him. No heir, no land. Ella is perfect for them, but she doesn't know they exist until her brother commits a crime. Warren and Clinton make an arrangement to help her brother correct his errant ways, if she will marry them for one year.    Only Ella soon discovers she doesn't want just one year. She wants a lifetime. These two cowboys are too perfect to let go. 

  • Two Cowboys to Protect Her: Blessing, Texas, #5


    Two Cowboys to Protect Her: Blessing, Texas, #5
    Two Cowboys to Protect Her: Blessing, Texas, #5

    Can Two Texas Rangers Protect Her without Losing Their Hearts?   Rena Hall witnesses a horrible murder and the killer knows who she is. In the protective custody of two Texas Rangers, she soon realizes she wants more than just being protected. She wants her bodyguards to guard and protect her heart forever.   Harley Kerr and Clayton McCoy are Texas Rangers passing through Blessing when Rena comes running into the saloon to tell someone of a murder. But when they are asked to protect Rena, it's all they can do to keep their hands off her. And after one night of passion, they refuse to let her go. But when she's kidnapped, will they rescue her before the killer ends her life?

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