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Horses: A Word of Love
Horses: A Word of Love
Horses: A Word of Love
eBook48 Seiten19 Minuten

Horses: A Word of Love

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Über dieses E-Book

This booklet describes horses not only in words but also in the shape of drawings from the author of her time of childhood and youth. It takes up with the relationship between horse and human being in a lovely way. It is rich of information.
Erscheinungsdatum10. Sept. 2013
Horses: A Word of Love

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    Horses - Amanda Kelly

    Smiling Horse

    Bild 69288 - Dieses Bild ist aus diesem Werk.

    Approach the horse slowly step by step. Meanwhile watch its ears. At the position of the ears you can see how a horse feels inclined towards you. Are its ears pricked up, it is interested in you. Then you can come closer. Do not at once lift up your hand for caressing. The horse cannot foresee what you intend doing with your hand. Let it sniff at you first. Place yourself a bit at its side and caress its neck. Then rub it gently under its head before you touch its tender nostrils. As a reward the horse should receive an apple or another, natural goody.

    If a horse puts its ears strictly backwards, hold on immediately! That means the horse is combative and could bite you. In this case just keep standing absolutely calm and wait a while, whether it becomes curious. It will probably shake its head after some time, gain trust and pricks up its ears again. Actually it was only afraid of you! Now approach the horse more closely and let it sniff at you. The horse has yet achieved the necessary confidence that you will do it no harm.  At the smell of a human, a horse is able to recognize how to estimate over a person. If your fear for horses is great, a horse is going to smell that by your cold sweat.

    Horse Model

    Bild 69289 - Dieses Bild ist aus diesem Werk.

    When your love towards horses is bigger than your fear, the pouring out of scents is going to

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