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The kingdom order: God establish his kingdom on earth, our paradise
The kingdom order: God establish his kingdom on earth, our paradise
The kingdom order: God establish his kingdom on earth, our paradise
eBook464 Seiten7 Stunden

The kingdom order: God establish his kingdom on earth, our paradise

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Über dieses E-Book

God has 4 targets world wide to establish his kingdom of earth. 1. is worldpeace and 2. is food for the hunger, 3. is justice and equality and human rights and 4. is his will must come over all politicians of all goverments by convincing all politicians to do his will and his 4 targets.

His will is also that we be like Buddha and follow his eightfolding path and his teachings and meditation and joga and that we be like Jesus and speak the fathers worlds like he did it in the Bibel of the 4 gospels. He also wants that we don't sinn any more and he has given us new laws made much comparisons in which he compares us with flowers in his garden and he teached us to pray and many other things how to live now and in his kingdom. This book is the first of two books, this first book descibes how to establish his kingdom, the next book descibes how to lern to live in it and how we will live in it exactly.
And Jesus wants us to be friendly to each other and forgive each other and stop to sinn.
Erscheinungsdatum17. Jan. 2013
The kingdom order: God establish his kingdom on earth, our paradise

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    The kingdom order - Dieter Keller

    Kapitel 1



    (org. German: Der Königreichsauftrag, Johannes der Prophet)



    Table of contents



    The Kingdom Order Speaking’s 1-59


    Back cover page


    Look forward to the experience a paradise on earth

    To be able to make them, with the help of God, the God here in this book offers. In this

    Book is also criticism of some practice, but the author wants to discriminate against anyone

    Or offend anyone. And above all make use this possibility really know God once again to

    Learning and of all the rumors of God to come and to an actual

    Knowledge about God and his plans with the humanity in these years to reach!

    The publisher


    I will now tell you how I have the world

    Imagine. And ye shall then act like it, you will be told by me in the

    Subsequent texts. For I am your God in heaven, and wants your me my

    Speeches met. So I love you, because I want to build my Kingdom on your

    Obedience. That is why you are my servant on earth. Because this I expect of you, immediately

    What faith or religion in each city. That is why my speeches around the world should

    Go. And of all people will be taken. So I will do my service to you,

    You’re me half. Therefore ye shall hear these speeches, so that you’re in my paradise arrives,

    The length is predicted. In this book tells you how to get my Kingdom were built, on

    My creditors in these days. So read this book and you will know it and also

    Act in this way. It is important to me. Anyone who believes in me will know it. Then ye

    My children and perfectly happy time of your life, what I hope you.

    Welcome in my Kingdom. Because I am your father in heaven.

    Therefore shall ye also, as I say it to you in these speeches. So are you

    Welcome to my heaven once after edification my Kingdom. Peace with

    You. So are you now with my new book. Because I am your God in the heavens, to

    You speaks through my new prophets, I have made in these days. Jesus

    Ye shall love and will be with me, and then it will go well with you. The following words speak

    I to the Prophet, so that I can redeem the world for you and any

    More suffers, but all will be happy with me. Because there is no second father in

    Heaven. So this is not a second truth. Therefore ye shall go with me and my

    New words are followed. Then shall ye also be redeemed, which is my washed. Then

    Can I be good to you and accompany you to paradise. It is my will and my

    Her son, Jesus because we will go together with you in my new Kingdom on earth.

    So it should be. This is my will. Because I am your father, you

    Has created. But I will help you; by you’re my sentences follows. So am I, since me

    Love. Together we want to go, because I will accompany you to Jesus your king

    Can be. So stay with me, and I wish you good luck, because you will build your

    My Kingdom according to my instructions. And so it should happen in my name and

    The my son. So you are easier, because I'll deal with you and do not leave you alone.

    Because I love you, like no other. That is why ye shall be with me, but by me,

    Suffer any damage. So believe me that I have spoken to you in this book

    And ye shall be redeemed. This is my will. That is why I am with you, and also my

    Sons. So you be blessed for the edification my Kingdom. As you say, my

    Subsequent speeches in this book. Mercy is with you and with your soul.

    Your father in heaven, he loves you

    The new book John the Prophet:


    (Org. German: Der Königreichsauftrag, Johannes der Prophet)

    Received by the Prophet John

    From 10.14.2006 until 11.21.2007 ac

    Chapter 1:

    The redemption of humanity

    Received on 10.14.06


    I wish that my redemption will take place, which I have prepared for you. I would like that

    My son my humanity will take place. And I would like to give salvation, for each of the ready

    Is to go with me. It is from and will take place my son, and ye shall find salvation!

    I would like, that everyone should have the sins departs to the day, which he has placed his joy and daily

    Will take place, which I had prepared. I would like to save you, for each day, your me

    He gives and you continue to bring, than ever before. And ye are my

    Humanity. And I gave you was born, because your cause me the joy to you and ye shall go to

    Way to lead. The way is my son, and the love is my kindness, which you do not

    Don't be put off, in Order to be able to serve my son. Your

    You must go all the way with me and persevere until the end. So that you can find redemption

    You will be. And you must have the devil miss from the way, so that your joy will take place,

    Otherwise you will not find redemption, but the hell. You weren't banished from my life

    And never again find the joy, from me to be pampered. So rejoice of life

    And it is with me! I am all days with you, and I will accompany you, because I loved it

    I am, as some people may serve me. Can you be an example for you and you will be my

    Joy. You will be with me, all the days of the life, and you are looking forward to be a man.

    I accompany you, until you have found you are to me, because I want to have you with me up in all

    Forever and ever. It is with me already, such as in paradise and ye shall share it. My joy …

    I will share with you and be at your side, until your redemption through found me

    You have. So you should accompany my happiness to in all eternity. And ye shall be my joy.

    From the beginning of humanity up to its perfection I will be with you and you

    Lead to the goal, which is my kindness. And remain in me, until I have redeemed you!

    I want to reward each and every one of you, the way a piece with me is gone and you

    A piece of paradise more to give. Therefore, I will much reward, because I have many wants to save.

    And ye shall stay with me, because I love you and wants to remain with you. So shall ye at

    Me, until I come to you, in Order to deliver you. Ye shall all the days of the life

    After me, strive to you have been with me and I am with you. Then all that remains is your paradise

    Will receive and I can deliver you. Remain in me, and I will redeem you. I love you and

    Before you can deliver your own downfall! Because you cannot serve the devil,

    You would be lost. It remains for me, and I can deliver you! All the days of the life remains

    Without sin, and I will love you. So serve me, and I will give you what you

    From paradise deserves and I will be with you all days of my future. Therefore, you are with me

    Are you, I will dwell with you, and prepare for you a place in paradise and pamper you,

    As you have earned it. For each and every one is to get the, what I give him

    I will. For me it is nice and I want to be at each, the serves me and accompany him in fidelity.

    So you love me, I will give you, what of heaven. At I am all the days shall ye be, until I am with

    You, because you are my sun ye are. Accompany me and I will reward you. Then ye are redeemed.

    It should not be lost, because I want to

    All will deliver. Because your belongs to me, and to any other. I want to be your lord, as long as

    I can protect you. Remain in me all the days, so I will give your redemption. Can be

    You turn from those who serve me, in Order to deliver you. I want to love you, immediately

    How deeply pleased her, you can always reverse, because ye are worthy to be saved, because

    My children and I want everything you are awarded. So your with me, you will find your

    Redemption and conversion you can find every day, if you are my servant hearth. So ye shall return

    To belong to me. You will soon have peace again, because I feel that it would set up! So

    You can serve in peace, until I give you redemption. Until then puts down the weapons

    And serves no people in the war, not even in the name of faith, because the one who I am

    Believes, will never kill them, also not in Order to serve me. In this way, all soldiers home

    Go in peace and pleasure, because there is no more war! Because I will all the wars

    Dissolve and my peace force to prove that I was soon all people serve in the peace

    Will be! I will that all my children will be, so I can redeem them. Serves me, and your

    You will be my children, so I will make you rich gifts. My Kingdom is soon to start

    On the earth, and you will soon be back on my lawn, so that I spoil you

    Can. In peace shall ye go forth, and my messages such as the spread, serve me

    Today and ye shall be saved from your torment! At me there is no suffering and no torment and no

    Fire, the more you hell is preparing. So ye shall live on earth. It remains for me and you nothing

    Will happen. I will give you keeper and the pastor and you will be able to live the peace, I will give

    You. Because everyone who lives in me will be redeemed. And ye shall be my children and in

    Attracts hordes therefore come. Remain in me and I will love you up in all eternity.

    Chapter 2:

    My people -

    Received on 10.17.06

    My people will go with me until I had my dominion have justified. Those who with me

    Are, I will reward. Those who are with me, I will send to paradise and to keep me

    All the days of the future. I let my enemies perish, as they appeared to me. I want to

    Will be with you, in all your difficulties, until my dominion is justified. And then

    Will I have dominion over my sons and daughters all days! Those who stay with me, I will

    Lead to the paradise, until my dominion is perfect. Ye abide in me, until me

    You open up and show who I am. So walk in my reign, until me in all eternity

    Be with you and will not resist me, because I tolerate no opposition. Withstands

    The devil and don't let yourselves to him! Until I am with you, it takes a time, so

    Converts in confidence. Anyone who follows me blind, I will redeem them and to my reign

    Share. It remains to me until I can give you advice, such as you are my dominion

    Concerns! So you can leave my Kingdom to start. Jesus will lead you and in the

    Heaven accompany them when it as far as is. And ye shall serve him all the days of the life! Your

    Abided in him, as I will tell you. So you can pamper you by Jesus words, as I do in the

    Heaven and rejoice all days Jesus to be able to serve, because the reward is great. It remains

    With him, and you will be pampered from heaven, like my son it deserves

    Has! Rejoice, you your servants, because your share will be great. It takes you to

    Me and returns from every sin, until I am with you! Great is the day on which I am at

    You will be. Because I would justify my dominion on the earth. So come to me in

    Almighty and remain in me, until I you proceeds. Ye shall be my people and as a family

    Live with me, until you are in heaven and you are pleased with me. So as I am to you

    On the earth rejoice, if your serves me! It remains to me until the end of the world and I will

    You make it big and into paradise to bring, as you have your it deserves. So Jesus serves all days and I will

    Pamper you! I will establish my world domination by my sons serve me

    My word and pass it on. I go all days with you and will help you, my

    Objectives to get to. So I stay with you until I can pamper you and to rule the earth

    Can. So I have spoken, who obeys me will go to heaven and who

    Serves me on earth I bring into paradise! Ye abide in me, all days and you will be my

    People and my sons and daughters of the earth and the heavens will me a place for

    You are preparing. As you have earned. So I am left with me, your savior and creates a

    Rich full of sons, and they serve me! Because I want to have dominion over the earth. So are you with me

    And serves me, how I imagined it and you will be saved, as your it deserves

    You have. So are you my rich and I will give you gold and jewels, that you

    You may know as noble in this world, until you come to paradise, thanks to my deliverance. Jesus

    He came to this world as my son and I am proud of him, as he was you to services.

    Jesus continues to serve and ye shall be redeemed until in all eternity. It remains for me

    In addition, I will let you look at miracle, which you have not believed possible for you. Because Jesus

    Is the goal of humanity, and then are ye all my children. As in a family, as I

    It had imagined! So serve me, up to your salvation and who the Garden of Eden

    Want to learn about, one must first serve me and have loved Jesus, before your serve Jesus

    You can. Therefore, can I make perfect humanity? Therefore, I have brought this victims

    And my son sent in this world, to which you can learn from him.

    So could the humanity will be saved. Up in

    All eternity, this law will remain exist: "who loves Jesus and as my son recognizes

    Can be saved, and all the others I sink up to my world domination justified

    Is!" Who lives with me, can experience the happiness in the heaven to be collected. So abide

    For me, until ye shall be saved. In my Kingdom come ye, if your you have served and not with

    The sword, but with my word and the peace that I on the humanity to bring

    Wants to! So stay in peace, until I have redeemed you. In this humanity there is no

    The goal, except to serve Jesus It shall inform the bread with Jesus, in Order to be saved from me, until in

    All eternity! So I will establish my dominion and my son, in Order to serve you

    All to deliver from your badness, your sins and your vices. Otherwise, your

    I was under and I would lose you, until you are destroyed. Therefore comes to me and your

    You will live in paradise on earth, as all days. So I love my people as my family

    Full of children, of which I have made, in Order to serve me. So are you because of Jesus, the

    Guide to the leads you into the salvation, until your ye have been redeemed.

    Until I am satisfied with you, my children. I love you, until Jesus deliver you

    Can and is with you. Then ye shall be mine. Until then I expect of you, that you

    My people are ye and obeys me and for the peace of the world, and every cease fire

    Includes, until I make peace. It can be the arms rest until I come to the earth

    On all to reign in peace, I will never again broken, otherwise you would all

    Sink. Jesus will rule over you as your God and king, so that I deliver you

    Can. Otherwise you would be destroyed. Because my son who does not love, not life.

    Without me, there is no and no life, because I have made the world and also the

    Life. So I can give or take it and I liked it all, my son love

    And obey me. It will be your future, as I set them up. So I will

    Justify my world domination, until in all eternity! So come to me and I will give you

    Comfort and be with you all days, as my children have it deserves. It remains for me

    In addition, Jesus, and ye shall be redeemed. You are my people, and I will give you what the

    Paradise is. This is your future, which I command you client. Jesus, my son, I will krone

    And he who serves me, also serves my son with fervor because one of my son not

    Serves in the peace will be excluded from my Kingdom. Whoever ceases to serve me is the

    Hell, I know you set up. So walk in my reign as my children,

    The love Jesus more than themselves. So are my people. Others cannot live and

    It will in future not to give up. So I will keep my world domination have submitted bids for this earth

    In addition, its inhabitants. So I speak unto your God for all eternity, anyone who doubts this is going to sink,

    How I would create it. Until the last of my enemies is fallen. It remains at

    I and I will help you to get to the paradise, as Jesus will. About us

    Serves, will be redeemed, how I want it, because you are my children, who are in the paradise

    Belongs. Therefore, I will establish my world domination for all the world, and my children. Who

    Wants to be redeemed, serves me and my words in all righteousness. Until there is only one religion

    There is, my people that believes in me and serves me up in all eternity. So let cases all

    Your doubts, until your serves me. So I will help you, for me to be, as I used to it

    I am in heaven all days. Ye abide in me, until I am with you and you are to belong to me. So

    You will be my people. I rule over all of you for ever and ever and I am your salvation from all your

    Existence and would be your happiness, how your it deserves! Ye shall be my people

    To be in all eternity! For I am your God

    Chapter 3:

    The way to me

    Received on 10.20.06

    The friendly will come to me. So, as I will. Come to my son,

    I will make her immortal. I will be with you, so that you are friendly you will to me

    In addition, the other. Is your path, as I want to him for you! And ye will stay with me.

    Don't let yourselves get lost, because I will show you the way! Remain on the straight path,

    Because it leads to me. I will be with you until the day’s masters. You will kneel

    And I will make you to arise. So I want you, until ye me recognizes. The straight

    Way you will be masters, until I bring you to the goal. It is with me already and I want to

    You will remain. It is the way and you will arrive at me. It is easy to recognize me,

    Because I give signs and ways, until you have been with me, so I will give you hope.

    For me is above the heavens, and he shines for me all the days that ye shall ye also soon life,

    Because I am going to look after you, that ye be not in poverty. So I want to

    You, until you have been with me. He gives me the hope that your invert you will and I

    I will be with you until you are on their own feet. Ye shall the straight path, go to your

    When I arrive, otherwise you have no more hope! For me, because ye shall be that friendly

    I want to see a smile from you. Ye shall be glad, in Order for me to come to. Because at

    I was in heaven it is friendly and the angels shine all days. You are in me, because it is well worth it

    Themselves. It is all the way and you are friendly and you will come to me. I'll deal

    Me to you, so you will be saved. Belongs to me and you can all your problems

    Releasing the creatures as my heaven. So also with you, and I will have you,

    In Order to live with you. Deep inside, you remain in me, even when you are not yet know.

    In this way you will remain with me, even if I do not yet see. It is with me, and I

    I will redeem you, as soon as you have been with me. No one can do without me, so I will go with you

    Go. Now goes deeper than you ever have gone, in Order for me to come. So I want to

    You all days. For me you can be nice, because I love you. So I will spoil you,

    Until you feel comfortable. It is with me, because I want to give you. In the garden will

    I will be with you, because each and every person belongs to me! For ye shall be with me, so I will

    You, until I you precedes. Goes deeper in your life and I give you my kindness. So

    Ye shall serve me, because I will remain with you all days. Don't forget to pray to me and

    I will be with you. It is with me, and wasted, because you do not want the angels with

    You, in Order to guard you. Every day is a step to me and I will soon be in

    You will arrive to you, in Order to redeem it. So do not lose your time, because it is precious! A

    Anyone who wants to leave, redeem me, is welcome. Not considering your debts, because

    I have no money. Debts are ye come into the world. So I want you

    Back. For me is the benevolence and this is friendly, so I want that your to me

    You are, until I will redeem you can. Then you will no longer die. So, then my

    All the day’s journey, until you have been with me. And not think about your neighbors, because they are

    Unable to be with you. Only I would like to offer me to be with you, the whole future! Does my

    Goodwill and the of the angels, who will be with you. Because it makes them joy. So

    Recognizes all the friendly and makes the good, until I am with you. Is that because I

    I will be with you. Because I am very friendly, your father of all. So walk in joy,

    Until I am with you. Redemption is near, for I am with you and wants to rule over

    You and all your life. I am the good, because I will judge the good, and the

    Bad, so the court. It is now free from debt, because for me ye shall no debts

    Have. Don't be so deeply involved that I do not think more! Because redemption is to

    Each find and in my rich. Remain in me and I will forgive you and you are

    Debt-free before me, I will it, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, because I am true

    Before you. So I will justify my Kingdom and crown my sons and daughters. Because I

    Wants to make you rich in my reign over humanity! I want to serve you, so that

    Missed you are not in the way. So I am counting characters. So listen to my priests, because they

    Know my word and my word are already and will deliver you. This is the way I

    I have prepared for you. Remain in me and I will serve you with words and deeds,

    As I have done for you all the days. Because I work in the humanity through you

    In addition, my sons. So familiar with the good, who know me and do not listen to the doubters, the

    Not from me, because you know you will be lead in an aberration! Remains of humanity,

    Your sons of God, and takes you back, or else were not many will be lost. Because I

    That you would like to stay with me, my beloved priests. So I will redeem you, because your

    You will have it deserves. I confer immortality each, the serves me and remains with me!

    So I will give hope and confidence for your responsible task. It manages

    The municipalities, until I am with you. So he gives the municipality confidence, as I

    You give, on redemption of the day. So I will be with you, in Order to serve you, so

    You can deliver me that you, as I will deliver you. Goes to the church, as you yourselves

    Purifies and do not talk about how you can happen. Because anyone who blasphemes does not come to

    I was in heaven. In this way you will completely free of your worries, so that you give to me, because

    I am joy from it. Remains very pure and ye shall be redeemed on a day in the

    I will be with you. The church goes with you, if ye were lifted up lift up to the purity

    And to the all grace of stars. So unless ye abide in me every day and I will give you joy

    Prepare. Redemption is near, because I am among you with my sons and their stars,

    For example, one me, and ye shall all stay with me! And ye shall find the way and

    Do not stray from the path. And ye shall find me. Now remains as the angel, so I love

    You most, because of the day are coming, in the I appear! So calls halleluiah, God in the

    High, save me. And I am with you. So will I save you! The path is done, if

    I appear you, because then you heard me, and ye shall not leave me. And

    I will bring you into paradise, as soon as you have been with me. So will I save you! On the you’re at

    Me, ye are the God in the height of the angels and whom. It is released and you will

    Be completely free, so I will compensate you, so I have it on the favorite and you have arrived at me,

    Like the angels in heaven. Does the good work and do not despise, because it was you

    Destroy it. Therefore, I will not say unto you, I will be clean for you and so, as you were, as you are a child

    Wart. So you can easily redeem your you, until you are not more be marred, then you have

    I delivered unto you. So abide firmly and forbid the devil, because he is not well-disposed toward

    You! So you can find the way, until you arrived at your with me, aloft in the sky, until I

    Warm welcome to you. So I stay there for you, your servant and rulers in the words and

    In fact. I will be quite with you, so that you will be my children, because I want to protect you,

    For ye have earned it. So is my word and I will fulfill it, as your Jesus

    Is used to make large, my word, I will judge your gardens in paradise on my

    Grass place. It serves all that is good, because your gift to me and I will repay it with

    My merit, which I had on the earth! The world is a gift that I made me

    I have. So if ye live in it, as my children and ye shall be redeemed on the whole way.

    Serves me, and I will give it deserves, as you, that ye shall ye shall live on earth up in

    All eternity! It is intended to be the way that a person is, to me to belong to him that I

    Never again leave! Then, you can stay with me and the world enjoy, as I have made them.

    I have, full of joy and beauty, without sorrow, and hast in the perfect paradise!

    So I will humanity and each one people, on the you belong to me and you are mine,

    Because I want to children in rich mass! So be fruitful, and listen to the priests, because they

    Belong to me, because you have wanted me! So I will be with you all days on the whole

    Way, until you have been with me in heaven and in the presence of the angels. I will redeem you, so


    I am your God!

    Chapter 4:

    The garden of the humanity

    Received on 10.21.06

    I want to go out to the humanity to prepare a garden. Remain in me, so I will

    Love those who love you. Anyone who wants to leave, I will leave the world. Because I do not

    Tolerate rude in my Kingdom. So I will go with you, as you love me, until the

    You have discovered truth, because I am your God. You are in me, and I will give to you the world

    Already make. Remain in me, because I will love you. It is from, because I am sending you angel, to

    To guard you. So I will be with you until your reach me you are. So I shall be happy to

    I will have mercy which, among the people, want to figure the to me. Because you are there

    Value to be delivered. I go with you, until ye have been redeemed. Many will follow me to

    To serve me. I will reward all, such as you have earned it. So I will remain with you, in Order to

    To help you to master the world. Serves me, and I will redeem you. So, they go

    Until you are in my Kingdom. I want you to love me as your beloved, then are ye because for me,

    Because I will redeem you want. Large works that humanity will formerly to perform. Because I

    Want to they accompany. The garden is large and rich and I want to Order it. This garden will be

    Once you are established, as I want it. So I will be with you, until the

    Garden is great. I love you, so will be me your mercy. I go into this world in Order to

    To deliver you. Because my mercy knows no borders, so I will love you. Go

    In this world than the revivified, because I want to give you strength to deal. Goes from and pulls a

    In my Kingdom, because I welcome you! So I will stay with you until I will redeem you

    Can. I go with you until you are in my Kingdom recruits. So is every turner me welcome.

    For I will redeem you. Now, in my Kingdom and I am with you! All

    Days of the world remains my Kingdom on earth. And I will send you an angel. It is used

    Me, as I liked it, as my sons and daughters of the earth until you are in heaven. Because

    Great is your will, like me, and I will give you. In addition, turn ye unto him from me

    A in my Kingdom, and ye have arrived with me, so I will welcome you.

    I want to love you, until you are in heaven, you will be charged. Now lives and returns from the

    Vices, because I want to no doubters in this world full of hope. Returns a with me, and I

    Wants to serve you with my words and my confidence that I will give you. I

    I will go with you until your by me ye have been redeemed. So are my sons, because he is in this

    World in Order to come to serve you. It remains for him, and it will be good to you. Loves

    Me, and ye shall be redeemed. So the law and the hope of your father! So

    Remain in me, because the world is good to you, so I will be to you has mercifully until your

    You are in me. So I love my children. It is a big the world to know, because I love you. So

    You will succeed me. So are you because has mercifully to your next until I am with you.

    Loves you and commits no sin, and no crime, because ye have debts to me, the

    You still have to repay. So, they go and accompanied me in my projects to the world

    Modify and from your my Kingdom to make. So I will remain with you. So I will

    To give you rescue. My son will be completing my Kingdom. So I will deliver you

    In addition, my son krone as a God of humanity. It remains for me because all

    Days, because I want to love you. So kneels down because, because I want to bless you for my


    Chapter 5:

    The humanity and your progress

    Received on 10.22.06

    Humanity will find the redemption, when I am at her. I will redeem them, as soon as

    You shall refrain from any action to be against me. So I will be with you, so that your journey will

    Take place. Because the future will find new ways. The angels will accompany you. It is the way,

    So that your with me, so I will give redemption. So that you have been with me, I send

    You angels, who accompany you. So I will go deeper than ever I am gone. So I will

    More on you to go. The progress you will find in me and my future for you. So

    It is the ways in which I have explained it to you! You can find them in the bible: the sin and the

    Forgiveness, as well as the mercy my son Jesus It should be your future, the

    You will find her. Come to me and I will be your mercy! I go the whole

    Away with you, until you arrive at me. Remain in me and I will give you, the children.

    I will redeem you in your bellies, so that you no longer hunger abound. Wants to redeem

    I ask you in your hearts, so that your love will take place, you are so urgently needs. Redeem

    I will you in your neighbors, so that you can leave. I will redeem you in

    Your spirit, so that you recognize me. I will redeem you in your fate, so that your

    Arrive at me! Remains in your spirit, so that my love will take place. So now take place every

    Day your way, so that you will love me! I love you all, so will take place because forgiveness

    In your ways. I love you, because ye have been with me! This is because all,

    Because my Kingdom is great! My mercy finds no end, so unless ye abide in me,

    Because I want to embrace

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