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The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction: Spin up and Spin down
The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction: Spin up and Spin down
The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction: Spin up and Spin down
eBook41 Seiten21 Minuten

The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction: Spin up and Spin down

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This work is a translation of the German edition "Der Nukleonenspin als Ursache der starken Wechselwirkung". (Dec. 2020). The strong interaction is supposed to describe the forces which are active in the atomic nucleus between the nuclear building blocks. Until today, however, it has not been possible to design a theory free of contradictions. Instead, in the 1970s, the theory of "quantum chromodynamics" emerged, in which the name itself is based on an analogy. Just like the "color charges" mentioned as cause of the interaction. The question is only: Analogy to what and due to which energy? Because either it refers to the electric energy, then there would have to be some kind of electric parallel energy, but this is nonsensical. Or it doesn't refer to the electric energy, then it must be a form of energy which already exists. But quantum chromodynamics makes no statement about this.
This QCD theory standing on shaky feet thus virtually challenges the contradiction. In order to oppose this very artificial theory with a down-to-earth one, it is important to keep in mind the basics of the known interactions. All particle systems can build up only if their particles have besides their energy also an opposite property by which they can interact. The simplest system is a binary system, e.g. a common salt crystal. The opposite properties are the electrically positive and negative charge of the ions.
But which opposite property enables an interaction of the nucleons? It cannot be an electric charge. The astonishing answer to this question is given in this paper at the end. It also becomes clear that quantum chromodynamics is a fallacy. For a better understanding, contents of earlier publications of the author are partly included.
Erscheinungsdatum26. Dez. 2020
The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction: Spin up and Spin down

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    The Nucleon Spin as Cause of the Strong Interaction - Helmut Albert


    Spin up and Spin down

    Helmut Albert


    Concept, texts and illustrations:

    © Copyright: Helmut Albert; December 2020

    Publisher: Helmut Albert, Talstraße 63, 79102 Freiburg / Germany

    hm.albert@t-online.de. Internet: www.proton-neutron.com

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


    The importance attached to the strong interaction today becomes clear when one considers the current research effort. While basic research is the daily bread of scientists in physical institutes and facilities, additional projects with large research budgets are being launched. For example, the European research project STRONG 2020, which focuses on the strong interaction in the atomic nucleus, was launched in 2019/2020. It is hoped that the results will lead to progress for fundamental physics as well as for society.

    New theories and positions outside the academic community are not heard very often. But there are reasons to open up. After all, many decades have passed in which highly specialized scientists and gigantic particle accelerators have brought hardly any progress to the theory of the strong interaction. People still cling to the so-called Quantum chromodynamics, the name of which makes one think more of the description of a painting by Jackson Pollock than of an interaction between atomic building blocks. However, it would not be the first time in history that science would be subject to decades of error, as was the case, for example, with the Phlogiston theory in the 18th century. But in order not only to criticize, but also to make a productive contribution, I publish here a counterposition to the theory of Quantum chromodynamics. This paper partly incorporates contents of my work on checkerboard atomic structure published between 2017 and 2019.

    Helmut Albert, Freiburg, December 2020


    With the present paper, a counterposition to the interaction theory, Quantum chromodynamics is presented. For this purpose, the

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