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Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs?: Atomic Structure
Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs?: Atomic Structure
Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs?: Atomic Structure
eBook29 Seiten20 Minuten

Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs?: Atomic Structure

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Are the chemical properties of the elements, instead of an electron system, better explainable by a proton-neutron system of the atom? Already Mendelejew and Meyeer saw the atomic mass as causal! Until today there is a contradiction between the views of Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer and those of Niels Bohr on the cause of the chemical properties of the elements, which has never been discussed. While Bohr and with him today's science assume that the chemical properties of the elements depend on almost massless electrons of the atomic shell, Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer saw it quite differently. In contrast, they postulated that the chemical properties depend on the atomic mass. However, as we know today, the carriers of the atomic mass are not the electrons, but the protons and neutrons. Therefore, the question arises whether there is a proton-neutron system instead of the electron system on which the chemical properties and valences of the elements depend?
Erscheinungsdatum1. Aug. 2021
Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs?: Atomic Structure

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    Is the Electron System a Misinterpretation Bohrs? - Helmut Albert

    Atomic Structure and Atomic Mass

    Until today there is a contradiction between the views of Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) and Lothar Meyer (1830-1895) versus those of Niels Bohr (1885-1962), on the cause of the chemical properties of the elements, which has never been addressed. While Bohr and with him the present science, assumed that the chemical properties of the elements depend on almost massless electrons of the atomic shell, Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer saw it quite differently. In contrast, they postulated that the chemical properties depend on the atomic mass. However, as we know today, the carriers of the atomic mass are not the electrons, but the protons and neutrons. Therefore the question arises whether there is a proton-neutron system instead of the electron system, on which the chemical properties and valences of the elements depend?

    At the beginning of the paper, the state of science concerning the periodic table and the atomic structure is presented. Thereby the shell model, or orbital model and the Bohr atomic model are shown as the atomic models which are decisive for today's atomic conception. Likewise, the nuclear shell theory, which was only published in 1948, is presented, which refers exclusively to the atomic nucleus. An important aspect of the atomic nucleus and its nucleons is the atomic mass, which is also examined in this chapter.

    This is followed by a discussion of the content and significance of the periodic table of the elements. It is shown that the periodic table of the elements is not only a clear table of the elements, but can be understood as a starting point for a logically comprehensible atomic structure. The focus is also

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