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Jethal, Ein Dorf Erholt Sich: Photography Books by Julian Bound
Jethal, Ein Dorf Erholt Sich: Photography Books by Julian Bound
Jethal, Ein Dorf Erholt Sich: Photography Books by Julian Bound
eBook109 Seiten2 Minuten

Jethal, Ein Dorf Erholt Sich: Photography Books by Julian Bound

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In der nördlichen Grenzregion von Nepal liegt das Dorf Jethal vor den schneebedeckten Gipfeln von Langtang und der Gaurishankar-Berge im Himalaya. Die Geschichte von Hilfe und Wiederaufbau für Jethal nach der massiven Zerstörung des Dorfes durch die Erdbeben vom 25. April und 12. Mai 2015 ist ein Zeugnis für den erfolgreichen Kampf einer Gemeinschaft gegen die Not. Güte, Mitleid und Großzügigkeit von anderen Menschen half dem Dorf nicht nur beim kompletten Wiederaufbau, sie führte darüber hinaus zum Bau von fünf Schulen und einem Gesundheitszentrum im Herzen von Jethal. Über einen Zeitraum von achtzehn Monaten dokumentiert "Jethal - Ein Dorf erholt sich" mit den Mitteln der Fotografie die Wiederauferstehung von Jethal, das dabei unterstützt wurde von UKALO – Aufwärts e.V. aus Deutschland, vom Singapore Red Cross, dem Romanian Mountain Club, Close To My Heart aus Norwegen sowie von internationalen Freiwilligen, die ihre Zeit und Energie spendeten, um den Menschen von Jethal zu helfen, in Sindhupalchowk, Nepal. Bilder und Originaltext Julian Bound, deutsch von Dr. Marianne Weber-Keller.


Born in England, Julian is a documentary photographer, film maker and author. With photographic work featured on the BBC news, his photographs have been published in National Geographic, New Scientist and the international press. His work focuses on the social documentary of world culture, religion and traditions, with time spent studying meditation with the Buddhist monks of Tibet and Northern Thailand and spiritual teachers of India's Himalaya region.

Present for the Nepal earthquakes of 2015 he documented the disaster for eighteen months whilst working as an emergency deployment photographer for various NGO and international embassies in conjunction with the United Nations.

The author of novels 'The Geisha and the Monk', 'Subway of Light' and 'Life's Heart Eternal', when not on the road in Asia, Julian is based in the UK.

HerausgeberJulian Bound
Erscheinungsdatum17. Feb. 2020
Jethal, Ein Dorf Erholt Sich: Photography Books by Julian Bound

Julian Bound

Born in the UK, Julian Bound is a documentary photographer, film maker and author. Featured on the BBC news, National Geographic and in the international press, his work focuses on the social documentary of world culture, religion and traditions, spending time studying meditation with the Buddhist monks of Tibet and Northern Thailand and with spiritual teachers of India’s Himalaya region. His photography work includes documenting the child soldiers of the Burmese Karen National Liberation Army, the Arab Spring of 2011, Cairo, Egypt, and the Thailand political uprisings of 2009 and 2014 in Bangkok. With portraiture of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Julian has photographed the Tibetan refugee camps of Nepal and India. His other projects include the road working gypsies of India, the Dharavi slums of Mumbai, the rail track slums of Jakarta and the sulphur miners at work in the active volcanoes of Eastern Java, Indonesia. Present for the Nepal earthquakes of 2015, he documented the disaster whilst working as an emergency deployment photographer for various NGO and international embassies in conjunction with the United Nations. Julian has published  photography books of settings across the world, including portraiture work, and city guides, and has also published several poetry books, including ‘Haiku, a Journey Through the Deepest Emotions’, Julian is also the author of  the novels ‘The Geisha and the Monk’, ‘Subway of Light’ and ‘Life’s Heart Eternal’.

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