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Green Lantern Rebirth
Green Lantern Rebirth
Green Lantern Rebirth
eBook162 Seiten37 Minuten

Green Lantern Rebirth

Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Die Wiedergeburt eines Helden? Der Beginn eines neuen Mythos! Hal Jordan, einst die größte Green Lantern des Universums, ist tot und fristet eine seltsame Zwischenexistenz als menschlicher Wirt des göttlichen Zornes Spectre. Doch als Kyle Rayner, die letzte der Green Lanterns, mit der Warnung vor einer tödlichen Gefahr aus den entferntesten Winkeln des All zur Erde zurückkehrt, regt sich etwas Finsteres in Hal Jordans Seele. Die Justice League, allen voran Batman, fragt sich aus gutem Grund, ob Hal den Einfluss von Parallax endgültig hinter sich gelassen hat. Doch die ganze Wahrheit ist noch viel unglaublicher, als die Helden es zu erahnen vermögen! Geoff Johns und Ethan Van Scivers moderner Klassiker in exklusiver Neuauflage – der perfekte Begleitband zum Mega- Epos Blackest Night!
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
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Bewertung: 2.75 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    I have settings specifically for English books but getting only German results… terrible app.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Hal Jordan has to deal with the fact that the spirit of Vengeance is within him, that the evil is trying to take over again and that maybe it's time to face up to his fears.Interesting and I love the artwork, particularly John's constructions.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Johns' writing has gotten much better as he's gotten older; for a moment in comics that is so important, the writing in this collection is fairly awful.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The return of Hal Jordan. My first foray into all things Green Lantern and it's definitely a way to do it with a bang. There's a nice interweaving of all the different men who have taken up the mantle of Green Lantern plus some appearances from other heroes in the DC universe. There's enough back story given that you don't feel completely lost but I have to admit that the art, while beautiful, had me a little confused as to what was actually happening in a few fight sequences.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    An overblown masturbatory retcon set to bring the original iconic character. Though as retcons go, it wasn't all that bad. Just a bit over congratulatory and self indulgent.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Although I'm mostly a Marvel fan, I've been trying to get into DC Comics for a while now (mainly so I'll have more comics to read, since I tend to devour them so quickly). I figured that this would be a good place to jump into Green Lantern. Well...I'm not sure.There was a lot of stuff thrown at the reader at once. I know that this is an attempt to get Hal Jordan back into favor in the DC Universe, so a lot of continuity is almost a must to please the fanboys. But it makes getting into the character quite a chore. Plus I really didn't find myself liking the character of Hal Jordan much at all. He's cocky and something of a jerk; at least, that's how it felt in this comic. I'm not giving up on Green Lantern quite yet; I'll be picking up some more issues and hoping that I can get into the series by sheer force of will. But I really didn't think that this is worthy of all of the rave reviews that it's received in the comic book world. Maybe if I had been a Green Lantern fan from the beginning, or at least for decades, I'd feel differently. But comic book writers really need to have some jumping on points for new fans, too, if they want to attract new readers.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    If you're really into Green Lantern and the mythos, I guess you might really enjoy this book. However, it's often recommended as a "great place to start" with Green Lantern as it's something of a "reboot".

    Well, it's not. What it actually is is Geoff Johns doing a very impressive job of synthesizing the convoluted continuity of Green Lantern into a cohesive single continuity. This is very well done, but if you're not really into all of that continuity, this book is really just page after page after page of dialogue in which characters explain "what actually happened here was all along!" to justify everything. A 6-issue retcon, so if you're not all pissed off about Hal Jordan becoming Parallax and all that stuff, there won't be much to enjoy here.

    It's barely even a story, it's really more of a meta-narrative about Green Lantern the comic itself.


Green Lantern Rebirth - Geoff Johns

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