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Infinite Crisis
Infinite Crisis
Infinite Crisis
eBook266 Seiten1 Stunde

Infinite Crisis

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Infinite Crisis: DIES IST DIE DUNKELSTE STUNDE DES DC-UNIVERSUMS… OMACs laufen Amok, die Magie erlischt, Schurken vereinen sich und im Weltall tobt ein Krieg. Und inmitten all dessen hat ein kritischer Moment die drei größten Helden der Erde voneinander entfremdet: Superman, Batman und Wonder Woman. Doch lange verschollene Helden aus der Vergangenheit kehren nun zurück, um das Universum wieder in Ordnung zu bringen… koste es, was es wolle! Helden werden leben, Helden werden sterben, und das DC-Universum wird niemals wieder dasselbe sein!
Geschrieben von Fan-Liebling Geoff Johns (TEEN TITANS, 52), mit Zeichnungen von Superstar Phil Jimenez (Otherworld, New X-Men) und Andy Lanning, enthält dieser pralle Superband zudem Zeichnungen von George Pérez, Jerry Ordway und Ivan Reis. Und als Bonusmaterial präsentieren wir euch ein Interview mit den Machern, unveröffentlichtes Artwork und ein Vorwort des CRISIS-Architekten und DC-Chefredakteurs Dan DiDio.
Erscheinungsdatum30. Dez. 2021
Infinite Crisis

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Bewertung: 3.395683557553957 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A action packed story by one of the top DC authors.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    What a mess. Full of inside comments and nods to the readers. The DC universe is a mess. One comment I have to make is I love how Batman always ends up with central role in these battles of galactic proportion. There will be god like villains moving planets. But wait! There's a back door! The villains weren't looking and Batman leads a select crew into the heart of the matter! I have seem this a dozen times. I get that Batman is the one solid DC character, he has kept me loyal to DC, but come on.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    So this didn't blow me away and I'm not a huge fan of the "doing great evil for a good cause" plot. It was really dark and I liked that. I was glad they didn't have a "and everything went back to the way it was before the event" kind of ending. I knew the Joker would show up eventually and when he did it was great.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, who along with Earth-2 Superman and Lois Lane, survived the original Crisis on Infinite Earths; have been living in a type of limbo, separate from the time line of Earth-1. Long chafing against their exile, the two manipulate Superman-2 into seeing the heroes of Earth as incontrovertibly tainted, and convince him to break loose from their "haven". Alexander Luthor had long before replaced Earth-1's Luthor with a hologram, and created the Villian's Society to bring the Earth-1 villains under his control. Alexander, using a machine that utilizes the remains of the Anti-monitor, creates a machine that will re-separate the multiple Earths that were merged into Earth 1 in Crisis on Infinite Earths. This machine is powered by the various heroes of those Earths, who are incorporated into the tower. Alexander Luthor's goal is to create a "Perfect" world, while Superboy-Prime, whiny little bitch that he is, seems only to want to pick fights with other Super(men). Alexander Luthor has also shifted the center of the universe from Oa, causing some sort of space storm that Donna Tory, Animal Man and other heroes go to fight. As if he wasn't busy enough, Alexander has also taken control of Brother Eye and the OMAC's and caused the Spectre to declare war on magic, killing off many of the magical characters from the DCU. Somehow, this all swings on Connor Kent and Dick Grayson, the only two heroes available to fight Luthor-3 and Superboy-Prime.Confused? Don't be scared, you're not alone. The purpose of this seems to be to clear the chaff out of the DCU, to bring continuity into line and to reset the Big Three. This could be a very good thing, particularly if they quit making Batman a Paranoid Idiot. However, readers without a fairly extensive knowledge of the DCU will be mighty confused by this book, which aside from a plot that relies on no more than 5 TPB precursors, features some of the most complicated and intricate panel artwork I've ever seen. Big on two page splashes, my eye was literally accosted by some of this artwork. I didn't know where to look. Even the pages featuring a more traditional layout are packed with information, a situation not helped by the aged looking artwork. Nods to the original Crisis aside, a cleaner art style would have gone a long way towards making this book more readable. I do credit Johns and crew for doing their best to cram a lot of story into a little space, but between busy artwork and information overload, this one was tough going. Essentially, this is a 12 issue story that got crammed into seven issues. Fans of the DCU will probably find this required reading, but new readers should stay away.


Infinite Crisis - Geoff Johns

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