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Wolverine: Origin 1
Wolverine: Origin 1
Wolverine: Origin 1
eBook153 Seiten33 Minuten

Wolverine: Origin 1

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Dieser Softcover-Sammelband enthält die komplette, atemberaubende Miniserie Wolverine: Origin von Paul Jenkins und , mit Original-Titelbildern von Joe Quesada. Erfahrt die wahre Herkunft von Wolverine und die dunkelsten Geheimnisse aus seiner Vergangenheit! Neuauflage!
Erscheinungsdatum21. Okt. 2016
Wolverine: Origin 1

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Bewertung: 3.8661616484848484 von 5 Sternen

198 Bewertungen6 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I really liked this volume. As evidenced by the five star rating. I loved the artwork. I loved the story. That about sums it up! It’s not what I saw in the movie, but I already imagined that the movie would not be accurate according to the comics. They aren’t usually total correct. I liked this story better than the story in the movie. For one it was much more involved. Of course. It’s a book. It was also much more of a mystery. I liked it. This is the origins that I was looking for originally to start with. I would like to read more from Jenkins in the future.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This isn't a bad story, but I wonder if it would have been better to leave Wolverine's origins shrouded in mystery - it's a big part of the characters appeal.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a great book, as much as I feel bad for them finally giving these answers, I did truely enjoy them. Finding out how old Wolverine really is was pretty cool. There are a lot of things we learn about Wolverine some of which are very interesting to someone who knows Wolverines later history.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Good story and decent artwork. His origin has always garnered lots of attention and speculation. Now we have a graphic novel, a comic series, and a movie that don't follow each other in entirety. Why can't we have one straight story?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I love everything Marvel. The storylines are incredible! They have everything you could want: action, adventure, comedy, romance, political intrigue, allegories, metaphors, etc. Some stories drag, some end too soon.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen

    If you're going to try to create an origin for one of your most iconic characters, that origin had better be (*@#ing memorable. Look at Batman, for example. Or look at what Alan Moore did for the Joker in The Killing Joke. The origin should resonate for the reader.

    In Origin, the story kind of lands with a dull thump.

    Oh, it's not terrible. The authors clearly tried. They just weren't up to the task, that's all. And so they've created an utterly forgettable, inconsequential, run-of-the-mill...

    I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?

    Oh yeah. Origin. Sorry, I nodded off.

    In a fractional system, Origin would get a 1.8 from me. At best, it was kind of cheesy. I mean, when you've got your character running and howling with wolves, it's a pretty good sign that you're in way over your head...unless you're a really, really good writer. Which these guys aren't. And maybe it was a warning sign that there were three writers on this turkey.

    Hmm...if they'd had Wolverine running and gobbling with turkeys...now, that would have been memorable! :D

    PS - the claws looked stupid to me. Claws should look like claws, not unicorn horns!


Wolverine - P. Jenkins

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