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Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen?
Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen?
Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen?
eBook131 Seiten19 Minuten

Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen?

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Er ist das mächtigste Wesen der Welt. Als einziger Überlebender eines untergegangenen Planeten hat er es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, unsere Erde zu beschützen. Und obwohl sein immerwährender Kampf für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit bis zum heutigen Tag weitergeht, hat eine Frage seine strahlende Legende immer begleitet: Wie würde die Geschichte von Superman schließlich enden? Diese und weitere Fragen werden in Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen? Beantwortet – einem Band, der zum ersten Mal alle legendären Abenteuer des Stählernen aus der Feder von Alan Moore präsentiert.
Erscheinungsdatum30. Dez. 2021
Superman: Was wurde aus dem Mann von Morgen?

Alan Moore

Alan Moore is an Architecture Modeling Specialist at The MathWorks. He has extensive experience in the development of real-time and object-oriented methodologies and their application. Alan was co-chair of the OMG's Real-time Analysis and Design Working Group and served as the language architect during the development of SysML.

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Bewertung: 4.03723414893617 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The last great Silver Age Superman story, period.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Printed in 1986 but drawn and written like a comic book from the 50's, a somewhat corny and superficial story from master of the dark and substantive Alan Moore, and the final issue for Silver Age Superman putting a bow on his story line after the confusing retcon effort Crisis on Infinite Earths, it should come as no surprise that Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow is weird.

    Though weird and written/drawn in a style I generally do not like, I enjoyed Alan Moore's effort quite a bit. The storyline is pretty basic, I mean, as basic as you can get when the broken corpose of Braniac merges with Lex Luthor to start an assault on the Fortress of Solitude with the help of villains from the future. Lots of Silver Age characters meet their end in this book, as Lois Lane in the future recounts the events leading up to Silver Age Superman vanishing forever.

    Because this book is meant to be the capstone of Silver Age Superman, it fails to be really independent, even though it's collected together as a single bound book. Lots of references to characters I didn't know and events with which I was unfamiliar, including two colors of Kryptonite I had never heard of. As a result, I don't think I can recommend it for casual fans such as myself, at least not without Wikipedia handy.

    It's a light-hearted and fun read, but it fails to deal with the magnitude of the events it portrays. Like Death of Superman and All-Star Superman, the subject is the demise of the Man of Steel. But unlike All-Star Superman, we are treated to almost none of Kal-el's thoughts as his approaches his own end. It's worth a read, but it requires research, and it's nowhere near the best Superman book I've read. Moore seems to feel more at home dealing with darker material like V for Vendetta and Watchmen, so this particular book always feels like something of a shallow knock-off at best or a toothless parody at worst.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I should probably rate this book 5 stars simply because Moore managed to write a superman story that I actually want to rate above 2 stars.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Anyone with any affection for the pre-Crisis (that is, pre-John Byrne) Superman will get a lot out of this story, which was intended as the "final issue" under the old continuity. For others, I'd recommend tackling the trade paperbacks that cover the decades first, because in it's proper context, "Whatever Happened..." is a four star tale in the old style.


Superman - Alan Moore

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