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Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige
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Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige
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Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige
eBook485 Seiten12 Stunden

Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Tarl Cabot, der furchtlose Krieger der Gegenerde, ist zurück! Seine Reise führt ihn diesmal in das Sardargebirge, um das Geheimnis der mysteriösen Priesterkönige zu lösen.

In ihm brennt der Schrei nach Rache, die Verpflichtung, sein verschwundenes Volk zu rächen, vor allem aber seine geliebte Gefährtin Talena wiederzufinden. Wird ihm sein Vorhaben gelingen oder wird sich das Schicksal erneut gegen ihn wenden?
HerausgeberBasilisk Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum6. Nov. 2012
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Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige

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Rezensionen für Die Chroniken von Gor 3 - Die Priesterkönige

Bewertung: 3.310000086 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I've been wanting to read some of these for years, just to see what all the brou-ha-ha was about, what with people actually living out roles in their relationships based on these fantasy books and whatnot, and the feminist outcry...
    So I picked some random ones up, and this was the first one I read.
    Basically, if you're expecting something kinky and pornographic... expect to be sadly disappointed. There's no explicit sex at all (hardly any IMplicit sex, for that matter!)
    Much more adventuring and giant alien bugs underground and battles featuring sword vs. technology & such...
    I'd say this book was basically an imitation of Robert E. Howard. I like Howard, for what it is, so I enjoyed it enough....
    But the master/slave relationship thing doesn't come off as an exploration of alternative sexualities (it's no Kushiel's Dart, this stuff...) - it basically impresses me as the author sadly not understanding women, being intimidated by relationships, and thinking, "wouldn't it be ever so convenient if all men had to do was flex their muscles and women would just realize that they truly wanted to be my slave girls and do whatever I said..."
    It might be heady stuff for a 12-year-old boy, but as a thirty-something woman, I wasn't that impressed. BUT, as I said, that aspect of the books wasn't that huge a part of the book. I remain un-offended - and un-titillated.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    This is one of the Gorean canon, written by John Norman who aimed for the repressed male, masochistic, violence imbued market. He hit it bang on, and probably derived a good income for his efforts. The series was one that I did not persist in for long finding that the "Horseclans" series by Robert Adams had more literary merit. You may snicker. However, I am sure there are still fans of this writer out there.