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Tom Gates, Band 03: Alles Bombe (irgendwie)
Tom Gates, Band 03: Alles Bombe (irgendwie)
Tom Gates, Band 03: Alles Bombe (irgendwie)
eBook395 Seiten

Tom Gates, Band 03: Alles Bombe (irgendwie)

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Tom ist total aus dem Häuschen. Die Vorbereitungen für seine Geburtstagsparty laufen auf Hochtouren. Nun muss er nur noch sicher gehen, dass alles nach Plan läuft. Was gar nicht so einfach ist, wenn man eine Oma hat, die Geburtstagstorten mit Würstchen-Garnitur für eine Delikatesse hält. Oder wenn Papa meint, dass ein DJ im Dino-Kostüm und mit Glitzerstiefeln total angesagt ist. Oh Mann! Aber Tom lässt sich von so was natürlich nicht kleinkriegen und sorgt auf über 400 durchgehend illustrierten Seiten mit seiner glorreichen Erfindungsgabe dafür, dass die Party ein Bombenerfolg wird! Auch Toms dritter Comic-Roman macht einfach Riesenspaß!

Erscheinungsdatum9. Aug. 2012
Tom Gates, Band 03: Alles Bombe (irgendwie)

Liz Pichon

Liz Pichon war schon als Kind besonders gut darin, Walt-Disney-Figuren zu zeichnen und zu töpfern. Sie hielt an ihrer Leidenschaft fest und schloss erfolgreich ihr Grafikdesignstudium ab. Heute arbeitet Liz Pichon als Illustratorin und Autorin. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren drei Kindern in Brighton.

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Bewertung: 4.089743461538461 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I had never read a graphic novel previous to this book so I couldn't understand the excitement surrounding the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Smile, or similar series, but I can now! I thoroughly enjoyed middle-school student, Tom Gates, perspective of what an adult would have perceived as fairly typical events in the life of a typical student. Embarrassing parents, out-of-touch grandparents, a moody sister, friends (and friend problems), a birthday party, a school dance, homework... It was all there and it was all fun to read.I can't wait to introduce this book to my classroom library and watch my students reaction!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I really enjoyed this book. The illustrations had me laughing and the story was interesting. I would recommend this for elementary on up.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I was ill the other day and in need of a little of that TLC that I used to get from my mom when I was in grade school and home sick. So I decided to see if I could replicate a little of that TLC by wrapping up in my jammies and blankie, eating chicken noodle soup and crackers, and reading Tom Gates, Everything’s Amazing (Sort Of). And, you know … it worked! (Well, as much as it could without my actual mom and her Vicks VapoRub being present) When I read Tom Gates, I was transported back to the world of the grade school reader. That world where you felt so much joy while you were reading a book, when you felt like you were actually living within that book and with all of those characters. Tom Gates is a UK series, and has been compared to the American Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, which is high praise, indeed. It’s a sketch-book diary, where Tom’s doodles and drawings and handwritten fonts make the words and the stories come alive. Best of all is Tom’s character, which comes shining through in all of his adventures and mishaps (perhaps embellished a wee bit, Tom? LOL) – he’s got a exuberant, cheerful optimism that just can’t be beat. I thought Tom Gates: Everything's Amazing (Sort Of) was funny, fun, creative, sweet, and absolutely delightful. I’d recommend it highly to any upper-grade schooler on your list … or those of you who, like me, sometimes long to be back in grade school themselves.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Tom is looking forward to the school dance and his upcoming birthday. But his family and schoolmates seem determined to ruin his life.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is a cute sketch book for intermediate and middle school readers. I loved how many of the words were visually/concrete and the font/style matched the meaning. In terms of plot, there was nothing overly exciting or riveting, but I do have lower readers and reluctant readers in my classroom that would enjoy the layout and artwork in the book. The "cliff hanger" to get you to buy the next book was awkward and not real persuasive for me to keep reading the next one.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    My 11 year old jumped right in and quickly read this book the day it arrived. He says it was great, five stars, and even better in ways than Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He really liked the various illustrations and use of fancy text (similar to the Geronimo Stilton books).It seems like this is another good entry into the diary style of books that all tweens seem to love.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Tom Gates: Everything's Amazing (Sort of) is a humorous account of a boy who has all the typical problems of a tween: a devilish older sister, school bullies, parents who embarrass him at every turn, and grandparents (lovingly named The Fossils) who are out of touch, but tolerable. His birthday is coming up and although he leaves gift hints all over, he's not sure they are taken seriously and his parents want his party to be held at Dino Village! For goodness sake, that's a little kid venue! Yet, he gets to invite all his friends and it turns out better than he thought it would. Luckily for Tom, too, his band will not be playing at the school disco and thankfully his friend's dad won't be the DJ. Things are turning out ok.For fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the Tom Gates series will be a quick read, but it does not come close to matching the cleverness of Kinney's work. The story is scattered and pointless at times (maybe on purpose?). Another distracting element are the British terms used throughout the book. Some of them left me scratching my head for their meaning. There is a small glossary in the back of the book, but it does not define all the confusing terms for us. Thank you to LibraryThing Early Reviewers, L. Pichon, and Candlewick Press for this copy.


Tom Gates, Band 03 - Liz Pichon

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