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Tom Gates, Band 06: Jetzt gibt's was auf die Mütze (aber echt!)
Tom Gates, Band 06: Jetzt gibt's was auf die Mütze (aber echt!)
Tom Gates, Band 06: Jetzt gibt's was auf die Mütze (aber echt!)
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Tom Gates, Band 06: Jetzt gibt's was auf die Mütze (aber echt!)

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Von wegen: "LEISE rieselt der Schnee." Mit Tom wird der Wintereinbruch ein Riesenknaller. Und er selbst kann sein Glück kaum fassen, als die Schulheizung ausfällt und alle Kältefrei bekommen - einfach genial! Wären da nur nicht die neuen Nachbarn, die Toms laute DUDE3-Musik ganz und gar nicht mögen (was stimmt nur nicht mit denen?), und Oma Mavis‘ Strickmützen (auf gar keinen Fall wird er diese Mütze in Form einer Torte tragen!) …

Erscheinungsdatum2. Okt. 2014
Tom Gates, Band 06: Jetzt gibt's was auf die Mütze (aber echt!)

Liz Pichon

Liz Pichon war schon als Kind besonders gut darin, Walt-Disney-Figuren zu zeichnen und zu töpfern. Sie hielt an ihrer Leidenschaft fest und schloss erfolgreich ihr Grafikdesignstudium ab. Heute arbeitet Liz Pichon als Illustratorin und Autorin. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren drei Kindern in Brighton.

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Bewertung: 4.402777805555555 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A sweet little adventure with lots of laughs. My 10 year old (and fan of Dork Diaries and Captain Underpants) loved it. The illustrations were great. I'd check out the rest of the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    My eight year old niece is in love with the Tom Gates series of books. I think it's perfect for kids who are transitioning between picture books and chapter books because it is full of illustrations and comic fonts that make it a bit more approachable than a wall of text for a child just getting used to longer strings of text while reading. I think this one might be her favorite of the series so far, but I only skimmed them myself and can't really speak much on the plot and whether or not you would have to read the others in the series first. My impression is no though.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A good pick for kids who aren't as good at reading or who have little interest in it. Tom's illustrated pages focus on a main event (a snow day at school and his Grandparents' 50th anniversary) but deviate often into side stories, other goings on, and his own doodling habits as the book goes from beginning to end.This is a later book in the series. Earlier books are references in a "remember the time" fashion, with a footnote directing the reader to the appropriate volume. This volume also includes instructions on how to make a stand up monster on paper (that Tom does in class at one point), plus a drawn board for snakes and ladders.Ultimately, it's an entertaining books and with the doodles and deviations as we follow Tom through his activities, it might be a good approach for kids who likewise have a hard time focusing on one thing for very long, or who find a page of type-written text to be dull.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book was incredible. It was read in one sitting. I like how the author made it shirt and sweet. The doodles on each page really capture the kids imagination. Tom is a really sweet and funny boy and acts like any mischievous little boy would. His friends are the group the kids wish for and they then see themselves as the characters in the book. The fossils were my favourite part. It's such a funny read and it should definitely be on every kids bookshelf. Just as great as the first book!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I love this series (and I'm an adult). This is a fun book for kids who enjoy Diary of a Wimpy Kid and are looking to branch out. The doodles in the book really add to its flair. Tom Gates has a wonderful outlook on life despite the fact that he gets into lots of trouble. In Extra Special Treats (not), Tom works to gain the privilege of wearing the Star Pupil Badge even though he continuously forgets his supplies, doodles all over his homework, and hands in wrinkled papers. At home, his family struggles with his uncle's family to plan the grandparents' anniversary and survive the cold and snow that comes in. Tim takes it all in stride with humor and a positive attitude. I definitely recommend this book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I received this book from Library Thing as an early reviewer. It reminds me of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I think kids will love it. It was quick to get into and easy to follow. Great for those kiddos getting into chapter books. Definitely worth purchasing. I plan on purchasing the rest of the series for our school library.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Another wacky and crazy entry in the Tom Gates series.This time, Tom has tells us about lots of 'extras'....extra snow days, extra (good at) homework to get a star pupil badge, extra time with 'The Fossils'...and on and on. Of course, many of Tom's 'extras' go completely wrong and end up a disaster, but in the end, we are laughing out loud. Tom Gates: Extra Special Treats (not) is a fun read for those who like Wimpy Kid or Timmy Failure Thank you to LibraryThing Early Reviewers, Candlewick Press, and L. Pichon for this ARC.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Thanks to Candlewick Press for providing the copy for my review. When I first received it, I thought, "Oh no, it's a graphic novel (Not my style). However it's just a middle school novel with doodles. And I got to like the doodles which Liz Pichon, the author, is very good at. It has an amazing cover (doodle art of course) and the story of Tom's quest for a Star Pupil badge is well written. It has a great cast of characters that included his nemisis, Marcus, his sister, Delia, his parents of course, Mr. Fullerman (his teacher), his grandparents (The Fossils) and his cousins. I will now forward this novel on to my grandson who I'm sure will like it as he enjoys these diary type stories. Well done, Liz!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a great book and I enjoy the hell out of reading it, they are all very entertaining for the young & young at heart. =D


Tom Gates, Band 06 - Liz Pichon

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