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Tom Gates, Band 05: Ich hab für alles eine Lösung - aber sie passt nie zum Problem
Tom Gates, Band 05: Ich hab für alles eine Lösung - aber sie passt nie zum Problem
Tom Gates, Band 05: Ich hab für alles eine Lösung - aber sie passt nie zum Problem
eBook249 Seiten

Tom Gates, Band 05: Ich hab für alles eine Lösung - aber sie passt nie zum Problem

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Sensationelle Neuigkeiten! Die 5 F geht auf Klassenfahrt. Das klingt nach jeder Menge Spaß, Tom ist total aus dem Häuschen! Wenn ihm nur nicht sein Lehrer Mr Fullerman einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht und den obernervigsten Typen aller Zeiten mit auf sein Zimmer steckt …

Erscheinungsdatum9. Aug. 2013
Tom Gates, Band 05: Ich hab für alles eine Lösung - aber sie passt nie zum Problem

Liz Pichon

Liz Pichon war schon als Kind besonders gut darin, Walt-Disney-Figuren zu zeichnen und zu töpfern. Sie hielt an ihrer Leidenschaft fest und schloss erfolgreich ihr Grafikdesignstudium ab. Heute arbeitet Liz Pichon als Illustratorin und Autorin. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren drei Kindern in Brighton.

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The adventures and laughs continue in this fifth diary in the Tom Gates series. Remembering things has never been Tom’s strong suit and once again, his forgetfulness is bringing all kinds of commotion and frustration into his life. An “accidentally” forgotten permission slip for the school activity trip to Tidy Camp means that Tom won’t be tagging along with his classmates doing all those fun things like swimming, kayaking, and building cool stuff unless he can find a way to get his name on that list before they leave, and as Marcus points out, “They’re all booked up now. Bad luck.” How is he going to pull this one off? Mom and Dad are too busy trying to figure out why Delia won’t tell them where her new job is at and even worse, Delia is threatening to paint Tom’s room a horrid colour if he actually does go to camp. How is he going to pull this one off?!Filled with Tom’s usual “funtastic” doodles of monsters, aliens, friends, and family his newest dilemma is sure to entertain readers right from the first doodle filled page! Liz Pichon has written and doodled her way to another engaging Tom Gates success!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The fun illustrations made this one a winner for the eight year old niece. She's read one or two of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and I think this would be great for fans of that series. It's a great transition from picture books to chapter books.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Tom Gates loves to draw! Tom Gates is excited to be going on a school activity trip! Tom Gates is very forgetful. He forgets to enter his T-Shirt drawing in a contest (good thing his difficult sister has his back and sends it in). He forgets to turn in permission slip for the trip (good thing his teachers and parents are forgiving). Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at Some Things) is full of laugh-out-loud humor, expressive illustrations, and good old-fashioned fun reading. Kids, especially fans of Wimpy Kid will love this #5 book in the Tom Gates series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I received this from Penguin and LibraryThing Early Reviewers group. I had previously read the first book in this series. Engaging illustrations accentuate a humorous story about a young, forgetful, but imaginative young boy. There was a lot more "substance" to this addition to the Tom Gates story. Our kids love these books. The author is English. Hence, "scoffing" is similar to our "scarfing" food. This is a great book for a reluctant reader or a reader trying to cross from graphic novels to more "wordy" books.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The cover of the book is adorable and its really colorful. Had tons of fun getting to know Tom and his friend. It's a beautifully written book and an easy read with pictures and doodles on every page.


Tom Gates, Band 05 - Liz Pichon

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