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The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.
The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.
The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.
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The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.

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This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French.
Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch.
Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.
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Erscheinungsdatum24. Mai 2022
The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.

Werner Zurek

The Zurek family comes from an old noble Polish family Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 in Voelklingen in the Saarland as the son of the employee Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler. At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school Voelklingen - Geislautern and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968 From 1968 to 1970 he began training as a machine fitter. From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Roechling - Völklingen as a rolling mill (metallurgical skilled worker). From 1972 to 1974 he was a two-year soldier with the German Federal Armed Forces in Daun, where he was trained as a radio operator in electronic combat reconnaissance. He finished his service as a sergeant. As a reservist, he was promoted to sergeant-major. Acquisition of secondary school leaving certificate at ILS From 1975 he was a civil servant candidate in the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration). After passing the final examination, he served as a border inspection officer according to the Federal Border Guard Act and as a customs officer in customs and tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub. In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born. In 2014 he retired. Awards: Air defense training at the technical aid organization Rifle line of the Federal Armed Forces Training at the German Red Cross State Explosives Permit Basic certificate from the German Lifesaving Society European police sport badge at the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community. Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the heir to the throne of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza. Bundeswehr veteran badge. Aid organization sponsor: Bringing Hope to the Community Uganda (BHCU) Member of the Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard

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    The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki. - Werner Zurek

    The noble Polish family Nowosielecki. Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.


    Wappen von Nałęcz (Bd. 6 S. 512-516)


    Nowosielecki des Nałęczer Wappens (Bd. 6 S. 586)

    Rzewuski des Krzywda-Wappens (Bd. 8 S. 221-225)

    Rzewuski des Krzywda-Wappens (Bd. 8 S. 221-225) - 1

    Jakubowski, Wappen Topór (Bd. 4 S. 429-432)

    Beski des Prawdzic-Wappens (Bd. 2 S. 111)

    Smitkowski vom Prawdzic-Wappen (Bd. 8 S. 420)

    Wappen von Nałęcz (Bd. 6 S. 512-516) - 1

    Titel - 1

    Nowosielecki des Nałęczer Wappens (Bd. 6 S. 586) - 1

    Rzewuski des Krzywda-Wappens (Bd. 8 S. 221-225) - 2

    Rzewuski des Krzywda-Wappens (Bd. 8 S. 221-225) - 3

    Jakubowski, Wappen Topór (Bd. 4 S. 429-432) - 1

    Beski des Prawdzic-Wappens (Bd. 2 S. 111) - 1

    Smitkowski vom Prawdzic-Wappen (Bd. 8 S. 420) - 1


    The noble Polish family Nowosielecki.

    Die adlige polnische Familie Nowosielecki.

    Nowosielecki, Wappen des Adels. Zum Wappen gehörende Familien: Nowosielecki

    Novosielecki, coat of arms of the nobility. Families that belong to the coat of arms: Novosielecki   

    Nowosielecki -  Polish  noble coat of arms  , a  variation of  the  Nałęcz noble  coat of arms  .  

    In the red  field there is an  unbound silver knot on which an etched  croissant =  waxing  crescent moon =  waxing  crescent moon can be seen  .    

    Jewel  : five  feathered  ostriches  .  

     Blankets  : red, silver lined. 

    Herb entitled Chechen family  nickname  settled in  the sixteenth century  on  Wołyń  .       

    Czeczel of the Jelita coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 240-243)

    Czeczel of the Jelita coat of arms . Neither Paprocki nor Okolski wrote about it. Teofil Sitoński claims that the horseshoes are used in the coat of arms with the cross, but that they use and write Nowosieleckie; Maciej Czeczel, nee Eudoksja Mormiłowny, fathered Siemion and Wawrzyniec the sterile and Bazyli, this family of Bazyli, Konstantyn, Jędrzej the childless, he had a son, Semyon, whose daughter Anastasia Strzelnicki was married; and the sons of Jan sterilis. Aleksandra, son of Jan 1697. Stefan Czeczel had Helena Borejkowna behind him. Gregory the red master of the armored banner of 1658. Military comput.       

    1753. Antoni Sadymontowicz Czeczel, the cupbearer of Zwinogrodzki, was a member of the Crown Court of the Bracław Voivodeship and, it seems to me, also Judge Bełski. Antoni Czeczel, ensign of Zwinogrodzki, was a member of the Seyms from the Bracław province in 1768. - Paweł Horodniczy Zwinogrodzki. - Wielądek heraldry. [P. 241]     

    Niesiecki first placed the Chechens with the Novosiel coat of arms and only later in Volume IV. He also revoked it and awarded them the Jelita coat of arms. - Duńczewski writes extensively in his herbarium about the Chechens of Sudymont, who, as this genealogy shows, are the same Chechens that Niesiecki writes about and to whom the Novosieleckies were appointed. After leaving the places quoted by Niesiecki in this description, I am adding here the rest of the genealogy of these Chechens Sudymuntowicz, the coat of arms of the Jelita, collected from authentic documents, starting with Andrzej Sudymuntowicz, heir in Kuszczyniec, Czeczelów, Roszków, Borsukowce, Szczuczynny, Kaławce, Minków, Kaławce, Minków, Mołłokiszu and others in the Bracław Province. Around 1396 with Vytautas, the Duke of Lithuania and his army, on various military expeditions, this gentleman was served by the prince, the province of Bracław, which at that time was still less settled; he has defeated himself. When he finally penetrated the Tatar steppe without saying anything to his brother, the Polish king Jagiello, there was a large army of the Turkish sultan Tamerlan and unexpectedly attacked the prince Vytautas and surrounded him on all sides, who liked to defend himself, but could not withstand his power. , and after losing many brave knights and the army and saving a small amount, he settled in the land of Bracław and Podolia, as mentioned in the description of Kromera Cellarius. Registration number. Polonium. et MD Litv. fol. 364. From there he did not return to the Lithuanian principality out of shame, which can be read about it in the Lithuanian history of Kojałowicz and other writers. For this time to my soldiers and friends, for their courage, he distributed in the then still empty country Bracław and today's voivodeship land and wilderness with privileges and letters, between which he awarded a large part to Andrzej Sudymunt an der Czeczwa, where he had until then Heads were called Czeczelówka, from which his successors later got their surname Sudymuntowiczowie Czeczelowie. He also had other honors on the Dniester, such as Małokisz, Kaławry, Raszków, Bundura and others, as evidenced by the privileges in the Crown Deed and the approval of King Olbrycht of Poland. This Andrzej Sudymunt had two sons, Borys Sudymuntowicz Czeczel, whom he got on the Czeczwa and Kublicz Czeczełówka, with other hamlets and good things above the Dniester: he had a second son Wasyl Małyszewicz Czeczel,                

    Borys Sudymuntowicz Czeczel fathered two sons, Hrehor, the Substarost von Bracławski, and Matias, as evidenced by the manifesto of the aforementioned Hrehor Czeczel in the Crown Protocol of 1581. Worn for King Stefan, [p. 242], in which he expresses that the privileges granted and approved by King Olbrycht of Prince Witold, his predecessor Andrzej Sudymunt, for the aforementioned goods at Winnicki Castle were rejected. Hrehor, sons of the city of Bracławski, with Katarzyna Kle-szczowska, fathered Andrzej and three daughters, Pałachia Rostkowska, Regina Mikulińska and Teodora Wereszczakowa. Andrzej, the captain of JK Mci's troops with Helena Terlecka, fathered Hrehor and two daughters, Marianna Tyszkiewiczowa and Anna Zaleska; The same Hrehory had his first wife Marianna Bielecka; including son Jakub Czeczel and daughter Helena Kozicka. The same Hrehory had a second wife, Zofia Lipska, whose descendants are listed below. Jakub Czeczel, son of Hrehor von Bielecka, also had two wives, the first Zofia Leniewiczowna, with whom he fathered Piotr Czeczel, the cupbearer of Bracławski, Hajsyński and Kiślacki, the Starost. The latter was a member of General Seym of Warsaw in 1746 and a commissioner in Radom in 1753. from the province of Bracław, honored everywhere for recognition, perfection in law and economy in the Commonwealth, who with Franciszek Szaszkiewiczowska had three sons Roch, Mikołaj and Nikodem, who lived with his parents in 1755, his own: with his second wife Przyłuska the same Jakub Czeczel, Stefan and Jan childless. Hrehory fathered with Zofia Lipska Jerzy, who was ninety-eight years old in 1748, who left this world in 1752 when he was with King John I near Vienna. The same with Teresa Strażewska, he fathered Antoni Ludwik binominis Czeczel, cupbearer of Zwinogrodzki, chief of Bracławski, husband under crown law. Perfect, who was a member of the Sejm Extraordinari in Warsaw in 1750 and a member of the Crown Court in the Bracław Province in 1754, full of the affects of the Lord, with intact justice, as a wise, righteous and wise judge and of electoral virtues.           

    Matiasz, son of Boris and brother of Hrehory, the sub-mayor of Bracławski, with Eudochia Molmorowna he had Semiona, who had two sons with Eudochia Juszkowska, Aleksander married Chrynicka, from Jan sterilis, and Jan, brother of Aleksander, also sterilis , and daughter Anastasia married to Strzelnicki, whose Konstantyn sterilis: the second son of Matias Laurentyn, i.e. Lawryn, married Marianna Brańska, with whom he fathered Michał, and that Andrzej and Benedykt Czeczel were childless: he had another son, the same Laurent , Stefan, who fathered ukasz with Borejkovna, of whom they are successors. There were two other sons of this Laurenti, Jan and Samuel, who were descended childless. The third son of Matiasz Wasyl, who fathered four sons with Wieczorkowna, the first Wasyl, from whom Daniel had Jan Bogusław binominis with Prażewska, from whom Andrzej comes. Semion, the second son of Vasyl, Andrzej the third, Konstanty, the fourth captain of the Crown Forces, the procedure of which is unknown.    

    The tribunal decree on the crowns proves that the Chechens do not wear the Novosiel coat of arms, as Niesiecki said at the beginning, but the Jelita coat of arms. In Lublin in the year 164.2. between Czeczel and Podorecki it happened that they were honored with the coat of arms of Jelita, named by their ancestors, and they should have sealed it. That this family from [p. 243] with W.Ks. Lithuanian from the Sudimmunts who inherited it for centuries, and the coat of arms named after Jelita is the original Polish Sarysz; You need to know that King Władysław Jagiełło W. Ks. Lithuanian; and then the King of Poland, who joined his duchy of Lithuania to the crown after marrying Queen Jadwiga, gave Polish coats of arms to the Lithuanian lords, baptizing him in Cracow, and in 1413. Returning to Lithuania as Władysław Łubieński writes about earlier historians , Cracow Scholastic, the present author, the clergyman of the Crown, in the Book of the Certain World, vol. 1. fol. 303. with these words; King Jagiełło of the Lithuanian nobility distributed Polish coats of arms and reunited Lithuania with Poland, etc. hence the coat of arms of Jelita, the predecessor of Czczelów Sudymuntowiczow, Jędrzej Sudymunt in Lithuania, who served faithfully on all military expeditions, P. Witold, Jagiellon's brother, commented as above. -               

    Nałęcz coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 512-516)

    Nałęcz the coat of arms . In the third volume of fol. 202. I described the Nałęcz coat of arms, which was once sealed by the Czarnkowski house, and then, as far as I know, the Morawski house, where I talked about the origins of the Nałęcz coat of arms. In Poland, however, it is customary for them to put a white binda around the Virgo helmet between deer horns, wrapped and tied in a red box so that one holds with one hand and the other with the other, so their head is so bound that the ends of the garter belt can be seen on either side of the head. OK. Volume. 2. f.248. Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 150          


    Beklewski, Bielakowski, Błędowski, Błoński, Borsza, Brudzewski, [p. 513] Bukojemsky. Chełmicki, Chmiel, Chwalibogowski, Cichocki, Ciechanowicz, wikliński, Czarnkowski. Dąbrowski, Darowski, Dłuski, Domasławski, Drohiciński, Drużbicki, Drzewicki, Dybowski, Dylągowski, Gembicki, Gigański, Gilbaszewski, Giżycki, Golian, Gorski, Gorzeński, Gosłczlązski, Jarzeński, Gosłeckikbski, Grczlązski, Grczlązjski, Greckzibzski, Gosbczikbski, Gosbczlązjski, Greckzibzski, Gosbczlązjski, Jarzibzjski, Jarzewicki's, Gosbławbski, Drzewicki? Jelefiski, Jełowicz, Jeżowski, Jodkowski, Kaczkowski, Kaliszkowski, Kaniewski, Kąsinowski, Kiełbasa, Kłokocki, Kobierzycki, Koczan, Komorowski, Korzeniowski, Lipi, Kurzeni, Łgczyński, Łowki, Łówki, Łęzonieckski, Łęzonieckski, Łęzonieckski, Łęzonieckski, Łczyckski, Kaniewski, Łążyckski, Kaniewski, Kąsinowski, Kiełbasa Malski, Malachowski; Marcinkowski, Mickiewicz, Molski, Morawski, Moszczyręski, Moszyński, Mrocki, Mroczkowski, Mysłowski, Nałęcz, Niemierna, Niesiołowski, Ninieński, Nowodworski, Nowosielecki, Obiezierski, Oborski, Odachowski, Odrzywolski, Odrzywolski [p., 514] Udrzycki, Wardęski, Wąsowski, Watkowski, Wieniecki, Wierszowski, Wierzbiński, Wierzchaczewski, Wilkowski, Wolski, Woyniesławski, Woynowski, Woysławski, Żabicki, Żarczyński, Zbgski, Złotopolski,       

    Duńczewski, Kuropatnicki, Małachowski, Wielądek and the heraldists, the following families join this coat of arms

    Dzierżykraj, Głowacz, Gurski, Jargoski, Kulikowski Uszak, Niepokójczycki, Siep rawski, Sobieszczański. wieprawski, Szujski, Uszak, Woyno. 

    After all, not all Nałęcz coats of arms placed here arrange the coat of arms with the same symmetry, and first the Pirawskis, for the Nałęcz Bound, use three stars; so that one of them is over the top of Nałęcz itself, the other two on the sides; The Sterpinskis turn Nałęcz upside down, but they have a star in the center of the circle and a cross between the ends of Nałęcz. The Dybowski family in Lithuania near Nałęcz made three notches and three ostrich feathers in the helmet. Others make a knot with one knot, others only tie one knot, others tie it once, others make two knots. The Nowosielecki family in Volhynia on the Nałęcz River placed an arrow with a straight blade and five ostrich feathers on their helmets. Our Petrasancta, which describes foreign coats of arms, does not exist like Nałęcz; what to know that this started in Poland. What is certain, however, is that the Ordo Equitum Bandae once flourished in Spain, about which one the Maruny Miraeus protects. under the year 1332. Alphonsus Castilliae Rex, in Hispania novam militum instituit Bandae nomine (Bando, vulgari Hispanorum lingua, taenia es [p. 515] Hispania Equites Bindae. enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset, reginae reginae reginae post varios tumultus et belli vices, pax inita fuit anno 1351. memoriam hic Ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium. A sun in Regno Neapolitano Equites modi. Cum enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset Reginae Joannae, quae regni haeres erat; post varios tumult vices, pax Inita fuit anno 1351. et Ludovicus Tarentinus nuncupatus, jussu Clementis VI. Rex fuit coronatus, in matrimoniumducta Joanna, in cujus rei memoriam hic ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium. A sun in Regno Neapolitano Equites modes. Cum enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset Reginae Joannae, quae regni haeres erat; post varios tumultus et belli vices, pax inita fuit anno 1351. et Ludovicus Tarentinus nuncupatus, jussu Clementis Vl. Rex coronatus fuit, in matrimoniumducta Joanna, in cujus rei memoriam hic Ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium.                  

    Ancestors of this house.

    Piotr, the archbishop of Gniezno, in 1059, Długosz was attracted by the coat of arms of Nałęcz, but Damalewicz in Vitis Archiep. Gnesn. to the coat of arms of Leszczyc, where I also talked about it. Piotr or Piotrowin, from St. Stanisław, the Bishop of Cracow, pulled from the grave and risen to bear the coat of arms, testifies Pruszcz in Fortecy fol. 45. That. Stanisław, who at that time still lived in great glory, went to heaven and thanked him for the prayers for himself and that the people at his grave in Piotrowin would receive various graces, claims M. Baronius. Szymon Nałęcz, castellan of Kalisz 1264. Mikołaj, voivode of Kraków, 1260. the same or another Mikołaj, castellan of Kraków, heir in Rościnin, Bialy Kosy and Sokolniki in 1283. I left him in the first volume. These were discussed in the first volume. Mikołaj, castellan of Łęczyca in 1381. Piotr von Krempa, pastor of Kujawy, founded an altar in this cathedral in 1451 with the title Assumption of the Lord. Back then. in Praepos. Vladislav.            

    Jan Bishop of Poznań, called Gerbisz, and the other traditor, the Poznan Canon, elected to this cathedral according to the chapter confirmed by Jakub Świnka, Archbishop of Gniezno, in 1286 and consecrated in the Lędzki Monastery. During his time, the rectory of Santock was removed from the jurisdiction of the Poznan bishops by Otto Dlugi, the prince, and incorporated into the Soldyna chapter, which John saw through the gaps, although this was at the expense of his diocese, he died in 1298. He became buried in the Poznan Cathedral. Długosz in Episc. Poses.   

    Mikołaj, the Bishop of Poznan, from the cantor of Gniezno and the Poznan scholastic, drawn to this miter by the free voices of the entire chapter, in 1382 a pious man, humble and generous to the poor, confirmed by the Archbishop of Gniezno from Jan Suchywilk, however Ludwik, the king of Poland and Hungary, insulted that this election was placed under the authority of Władysław, the Duke of Opole, Jan Holit or Kropidło, his nephew, for this diocese without his consent [p. 516] was: to test Nicholas in order to obtain royal grace, he went to Buda in Hungary with a request, and when Louis the King refused him, he went to Rome, but because of Louis' instinct in Tarvisium he was detained; and they were not sent forward until Sprinkler stayed with the episcopate. For the Pope is one thing for Urban, so that he does not keep the king from himself: how much the Church of God breaks during the schism; Second, that he had the sprinklers too close to him: he willingly let Ludwik persuade him and awarded him the Poznan miter. Długosz in Vit. Episkop. Poses.        

    Jan Bishop of Plock, son of Count Abraham, was brought to this cathedral in 1310. died in 1318. He was buried in Plock. The Jan scholar of Gniezno, mentioned by Kromer in 1283, is added by Paprocki. that he was later Bishop of Chełm, which cannot be said because there were no Chełm bishops at that time and they did not come soon. The ancestors of this coat of arms are mentioned where the family belongs. From Kolna Dobrogost of the Nałęcz coat of arms, 1458 castellan of Kamieniec. Jan Socha Nałęcz royal writer from Jagiełło Król. Bielski. Bartholomäus von Wissenburg defeated the Teutonic Order Biel. fol. 339. Cromer lib. twenty.          

    Ledochowski's coat of arms of Saława (vol. 6 p. 32-38)

    Ledochowski of the coat of arms of Saława, in the Volyn Voivodeship. Denisk Leduchowski is mentioned by Metryka Wołyńska in 1528. Samuel the regional judge of Krzemieniecki. Jan, Jerzy and Samuel signed the election of Władysław IV. Stefan, first Bracławski, then Wołyński castellan in 1676. Franciszek, first chamberlain of Krzemieniecki, envoy of the Wolyn Voivodeship when he was convened in 1696. Then castellan of Wołyń, had Siemiaszkowna behind him the son of the Starost of Włodzimierz., daughter of Rozalia or Salome, first of Jan Potocki from Kiev, then ashes of the wife of Tuczampski staroste. Stanisław, his brother, also Chamberlain Krzemieniecki, Marshal of the Crown Court in 1701 and then Marshal of the Confederate Republic; He exercised both offices in such a way that, not corrupted in court, he saw only justice, and in all his actions only sought that he would tirelessly preserve his homeland in his rights and freedoms, in which he worked so much that he would and the other himself would like to admit that he was an incomparably great man, and without interest in his son who loved his homeland: in 1717 he was Marshal in the Chamber of Deputies, and the Crown Act will affirm) what is made by freedom bound hearts have agreed. He has not regretted his happiness and health, which gratefully rewarded him with your grace bestowed by the Volyn Voivodeship, where he died in 1725 in immortal memory, worth being buried in Podkamień, where the church was built with his generosity . Their goods in Chocin. He founded the Trinitarians; [P. 33] especially to the Blessed Mother of Devotion, on whom the feast of the Immaculate Conception in Lutsk, after the Volyn Knights were invited to join him, descended, a man of great piety, fine mind, unsurpassed humanity; he had Marianna Wielhorska, the castellan of Volyn, but he left her no offspring. There was her third brother Felicjan, who however died childless. Jakub in Leduchów and Warkowice, the squire, founded the monastery of the Fathers with his wife Marianna Szaszewska, the sub-capital of Drohicki. Bernardynów in Warkowice 1733. N. Wołyński, the wife of his princess Czetwertyńska: Józef, the ensign of Łomżyński, took Helena Rotariuszown, the Wendenska chamberlain. N. had Marianna Frykaczowna behind her, the other - Teresa Boguszowna. N. Swordfish Wołyński Teresa Tarnowska, Rolicz coat of arms, Rypin castellan. Teresa Ledochowska stood behind Maliński's Wołyński teacup. N. for Dymitri Dyakowski, N. for Samuel Nahorecki, cupbearer of the royal captain Bracławski. but he left no offspring with her. There was her third brother Felicjan, who however died childless. Jakub in Leduchów and Warkowice, the squire, founded the monastery of the Fathers with his wife Marianna Szaszewska, the sub-capital of Drohicki. Bernardynów in Warkowice 1733. N. Wołyński, the wife of his princess Czetwertyńska: Józef, the ensign of Łomżyński, took Helena Rotariuszown, the Wendenska chamberlain. N. had Marianna Frykaczowna behind her, the other - Teresa Boguszowna. N. Swordnik Wołyński Teresa Tarnowska, Rolicz coat of arms, Rypin castellan. Teresa Ledochowska stood behind Maliński's Wołyński teacup. N. for Dymitri Dyakowski, N. for Samuel Nahorecki, cupbearer of the royal captain Bracławski. but he left no offspring with her. There was her third brother Felicjan, who however died childless. Jakub in Leduchów and Warkowice, the squire, founded the monastery of the Fathers with his wife Marianna Szaszewska, the sub-capital of Drohicki. Bernardynów in Warkowice 1733. N. Wołyński, the wife of his princess Czetwertyńska: Józef, the ensign of Łomżyński, took Helena Rotariuszown, the Wendenska chamberlain. N. had Marianna Frykaczowna behind her, the other - Teresa Boguszowna. N. Swordnik Wołyński Teresa Tarnowska, Rolicz coat of arms, Rypin castellan. Teresa Ledochowska stood behind Maliński's Wołyński teacup. N. for Dymitri Dyakowski, N. for Samuel Nahorecki, cupbearer of the royal captain Bracławski. Bernardynów in Warkowice 1733. N. Wołyński, the wife of his princess Czetwertyńska: Józef, the ensign of Łomżyński, took Helena Rotariuszown, the Wendenska chamberlain. N. had Marianna Frykaczowna behind her, the other - Teresa Boguszowna. N. Swordfish Wołyński Teresa Tarnowska, Rolicz coat of arms, Rypin castellan. Teresa Ledochowska stood behind Maliński's Wołyński teacup. N. for Dymitri Dyakowski, N.

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