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The spiritual inner Life
The spiritual inner Life
The spiritual inner Life
eBook26 Seiten15 Minuten

The spiritual inner Life

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Every baptized Christian is a temple of God. Unfortunately, many people do not remember that and do not care. Some do not know what this actually means in concrete terms for them. It appears quite diffuse. Some are not sure how to worship and adore God. God is not complicated and there is also no special knowledge required.
Erscheinungsdatum16. Nov. 2014
The spiritual inner Life

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    The spiritual inner Life - Andrea Pirringer


    Dear readers,

    how does spiritual inner life arise and how does one get there? - Many Christians ask themselves these questions (some, however, no longer. They have abandoned it).

    Since nowadays one gets less and less satisfying answers to these questions, one turns more to the external of Christianity. That appears to be more practical and tangible. With the non-material areas of the life of faith it is a rough ride because it is more difficult to understand.

    There is a lack of concrete spiritual guidance and assistance. Of course there is a wealth of books on religious subjects, but only a few of them are simplified and lively writings, which point up the ordinary Christian the ways on which one can come to a living religious inner life.

    Some believe that spiritual life is reserved for monks and nuns anyway; a Christian who lives in the world, doesn’t need such a thing. Spirituality in everyday life is limited to Sunday worship attendance and a few prayers during the week.

    In the worldly environment, everything revolves more and more about formalities. This trend has intensified in the last 20 years so that it has developed into an unhealthy imbalance. The balance between interior and exterior has been lost, and man wonders why

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