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Catwoman - Bd. 1: Spieltrieb
Catwoman - Bd. 1: Spieltrieb
Catwoman - Bd. 1: Spieltrieb
eBook129 Seiten25 Minuten

Catwoman - Bd. 1: Spieltrieb

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Sie liebt die Nacht. Sie liebt alles, was glänzt! Und sie liebt das Spiel mit der Gefahr. Doch dieses Mal wird aus dem Spiel tödlicher Ernst. Und was passiert, wenn eine Katze auf eine Fledermaus trifft? In dieser Story funkt es kräftig zwischen Catwoman und Batman! Kein anderer Titel der "New 52" startete so sexy und zugleich so aufsehenerregend wie Judd Winicks (BATMAN) und Guillem Marchs (GOTHAM CITY SIRENS) turbulente neue Abenteuer mit Catwoman!
Erscheinungsdatum28. Feb. 2022
Catwoman - Bd. 1: Spieltrieb

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Bewertung: 3.5090909163636366 von 5 Sternen

55 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The artwork is pretty great: unusual angles and POVs everywhere. Greater consistency throughout than I've seen in some of the other new 52. Storyline isn't surprising, but it's fresh enough to be wholly entertaining.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Another solid Batman universe title. Catwoman is written really well, and her misadventures with the caped crusader are well documented. I am not a huge fan of Catwoman as a character, but I do like her just because of the universe she exists in. Judd Winick does a a serviceable job to the cat burglar, so here's hoping that it continues in the right direction. Looking forward to reading more.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is definitely not even an Eartha Kitt Catwoman, nope, uh uh. This Catwoman TPB is definitely set in the current time, and the writer(s) do an amazing job balancing the good and the bad of the character, not making excuses, but also making Selina screwed up enough that when she and Batman-- have a moment (or a few) it doesn't seem like he's totally and utterly going against his 'code' either.I don't love the art, although the artist seemed to do better with the male characters than the female ones.Anyway, I think it's a good new start to the character and can't wait for more.


Catwoman - Bd. 1 - Judd Winick

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