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Catwoman - Bd. 2: Brüchige Bündnisse
Catwoman - Bd. 2: Brüchige Bündnisse
Catwoman - Bd. 2: Brüchige Bündnisse
eBook129 Seiten27 Minuten

Catwoman - Bd. 2: Brüchige Bündnisse

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen nagt schwer an Selina Kyle. Doch als Spark in ihr Leben tritt, hat Catwoman das Gefühl, dass nichts und niemand sie beide aufhalten kann und Gotham ihnen gehört. Dann kommen sie jedoch einem Killer in Diensten des Rats der Eulen in die Quere und außerdem einem Psychopathen auf die Spur, der Straßenkinder entführt.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Feb. 2022
Catwoman - Bd. 2: Brüchige Bündnisse

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Bewertung: 3.6111111259259263 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    There are a couple of stories in this TPB. There's the Court of Owls story line that also involves some daggers and the Penguin. Catwoman also teams up with a guy named Spark (apparently he can disable electric stuff and drives very fast). At the same time that he's trying to get into Selina's world, Gwen, Catwoman's partner of sorts is trying to keep Selina sane and it's halfway working.There's also another story. Someone is taking or kidnapping people, including street kids, off the streets of Gotham and then no one sees them again. Also the Cops aren't paying attention to the problem.So, Catwoman, tries doing the right thing (she mostly sucks at it, but, it's sort of a good try).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Catwoman continues to be a fun title with a lot of action. Catwoman has her catty moments of course, but there is plenty of action for the guys to read as well. Almost anything Gotham is good and readable, and this is one of those cases. Not extraordinary, but definitely entertaining.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Catwoman has persuaded Gwen Altamont to be her manager because, as she says repeatedly, “I guess I could have planned this all better.” Fortunately, she doesn’t take her advice often, for otherwise I wouldn’t have had a story to read. Her worst indiscretions? She forms a partnership with a young criminal with electrical powers, unware that he is an informer for dirty cops, and she plays hero when her mind should be on stealing. She interrupts the career of a madwoman who is kidnapping and murdering sex workers and homeless people, and, of all the people in Gotham, she saves the Penguin. I didn’t like the art as much as the story, but having her save the Penguin (and the Penguin save her) was worth an extra star.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Read this one in a little greenhouse-style room atop a bed-and-breakfast on the outskirts of Wasilla, with breathtaking mountains on both sides, seated in a rocker made out of branches. Odd setting for reading about a metropolitan jewel thief, perhaps, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Catwoman - Bd. 2 - Judd Winick

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