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eBook48 Seiten29 Minuten


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Über dieses E-Book

Akne ist die Plage von Hunderten von Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, und die meisten dieser Menschen sind jung und emotional schlecht gerüstet, um mit der Peinlichkeit, sogar Schuld und Scham und oft auch Mobbing umzugehen, die nur allzu oft einen Ausbruch von Akne begleiten. Das in dieser Broschüre enthaltene Wissen wird Ihnen helfen, mit Akne umzugehen,
Erscheinungsdatum21. Jan. 2021

Owen Jones

Author Owen Jones, from Barry, South Wales, came to writing novels relatively recently, although he has been writing all his adult life. He has lived and worked in several countries and travelled in many, many more. He speaks, or has spoken, seven languages fluently and is currently learning Thai, since he lived in Thailand with his Thai wife of ten years. "It has never taken me long to learn a language," he says, "but Thai bears no relationship to any other language I have ever studied before." When asked about his style of writing, he said, "I'm a Celt, and we are Romantic. I believe in reincarnation and lots more besides in that vein. Those beliefs, like 'Do unto another...', and 'What goes round comes around', Fate and Karma are central to my life, so they are reflected in my work'. His first novel, 'Daddy's Hobby' from the series 'Behind The Smile: The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya' has become the classic novel on Pattaya bar girls and has been followed by six sequels. However, his largest collection is 'The Megan Series', twenty-three novelettes on the psychic development of a young teenage girl, the subtitle of which, 'A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!' sums them up nicely. After fifteen years of travelling, Owen and his wife are now back in his home town. He sums up his style as: "I write about what I see... or think I see... or dream... and in the end, it's all the same really..."

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    Akne-Behandlung - Owen Jones

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