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Style: Großartig aussehen von Kopf bis Fuß
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Style: Großartig aussehen von Kopf bis Fuß
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Style: Großartig aussehen von Kopf bis Fuß
eBook283 Seiten1 Stunde

Style: Großartig aussehen von Kopf bis Fuß

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Egal, ob auf einem Hochglanzcover oder dem roten Teppich, beim gemütlichen Abhängen mit Freunden oder auf dem Weg zur heißesten Party des Jahres – Lauren Conrad sieht stets fantastisch aus. Im Bestseller Style enthüllt der Beautystar die Geheimnisse seines unverwechselbaren Stils und liefert wertvolle Tipps, wie jeder seinen eigenen einzigartigen Look entwickeln kann. Lauren Conrad erzählt, wo sie ihre Ideen hernimmt, wie sie shoppt, wie man mit falschen Wimpern klarkommt, und weiß, was zu den Must-haves im Kleiderschrank jedes Modefans gehört. Von Pflege- und Schönheitstipps über die passende Frisur für jede Gelegenheit bis hin zur Frage, wie man das perfekte T-Shirt findet – es gibt kein Thema, zu dem Conrad nicht fundierte und inspirierte Anregungen liefern kann. Und ganz nebenbei erzählt sie von ihrer eigenen Stil-Evolution vom lässigen Mädchen zum Liebling der Starfotografen.
Herausgebermvg Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum11. Juli 2014
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Style: Großartig aussehen von Kopf bis Fuß

Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad is an accomplished designer and entrepreneur, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, and was the star of MTV’s hits Laguna Beach and The Hills. She has been featured on the covers of People StyleWatch, Elle, Glamour, Redbook, Lucky, Cosmopolitan, Allure, Rolling Stone, Us Weekly, and Entertainment Weekly, among many other publications. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

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Bewertung: 3.9259259555555555 von 5 Sternen

27 Bewertungen4 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    such a great book, i've read it over and over.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    [ Friday, May 27, 2011] I LOVE Lauren's style... she is elegant and girly!!! And she always feels like summer! Got to get this book soon... like next week 'soon'!!!

    [Monday, January 07, 2013] I got the book yesterday, the photos are so cute and the tips are very nice but I got to say, I prefer the second book Beauty much more.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In Style, celebrity TV star, fashion designer, and writer Lauren Conrad shares her secrets to mastering fashion and style. In the first section, Fashion, she discusses how to create a wardrobe, shop for clothes, clean out your closet, accessorize, and dress for different occasions. In the second section, Beauty, she discusses tips for makeup and hair. In the final section, Lifestyle, she shares tips for work style, potential packing lists for a variety of types of travel, and how to dress for events and parties. Throughout the book, there are pictures and quotes to help reinforce the information in the text.

    This is a useful book for people who are interested in learning how to create their own style. Of course no book can capture all style needs from body and hair type to race, but Conrad tries to incorporate a lot of information that will work for a variety of people. The most frustrating part of the book is that she assumes that the reader, like her, will have plenty of money for makeup, clothes, and to take things to the tailor, but girls without monetary resources will still likely find something useful in the book if they are looking for ideas on how to create their own look. A lot of the tips are common sense, so it will be most useful to girls who are just beginning to assemble wardrobes and wear makeup. From tips like how to find the perfect pair of jeans to how to pose for pictures, this book will offer a lot for those who are looking for a jump start into the world of fashion and style.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    First things first, I'm a fat girl and I wasn't offended by this book.

    I had read some reviews and everyone seems to think that the information is only for skinny people. I get it, but it's not. It's just full of basic information about clothing and makeup. Nothing in here is specifically not for a fat girl. The tips she offers still applies. 

    I had no problem with this book. It's easy to read, nicely laid out and I like the pictures. It's alright.