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The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks
The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks
The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks
eBook35 Seiten26 Minuten

The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks

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Englische Version. Ein unglaubliches und außergewöhnliches, aber wahres Märchen, geschehen an einem ebenso außergewöhnlichen Ort. Erzählt über zwei Menschen, die nicht wissen, das sie die Engel Hunti und Goldielocks sind und viele Abenteuer bestehen müssen, um überhaupt Engel sein zu dürfen. Sie leben an einem Ort, an dem weder der Raum noch die Zeit eine Bedeutung haben, oben im Himmel. Deswegen wird ihre Geschichte, die sich in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und der Zukunft abspielt, nur in der Gegenwarts Form und mit lebhafter Phantasie erzählt. Verzweiflung, Tränen, Hoffnung, Glaube und Vertrauen, aber auch Freude und vor allem die Liebe, verursachen ein gefühltes Chaos im Leben der beiden Engel. Beide versuchen auf ihre eigene Weise, sich diesen Herausforderungen zu stellen und an ihnen zu wachsen. Wie das bei den Menschen im wahren Leben auch passieren kann.
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Erscheinungsdatum18. Aug. 2016
The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks

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    The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks - Martina Hambrecht

    Hunti and Goldielocks

    It is a beautiful place, up there in the sky and space, nor time have a meaning.

    There are angels in complete harmony and love with one another and are mostly occupied, to assist the people on the Earth, or to accompany them on their last journey.

    In this place it is usually quiet and contemplative, and every Angel is dedicated to his duties, but sometimes this silence is disturbed by mischievous laugh and cry interrupted.

    But then something unexpected happens.

    What will make very sad the angels and their Lord, but about this, I will tell you something later.

    The two small Angels Hunti and Goldielocks, be above also loving, small wild rascals called and they keep the older Angel there up quite nicely in motion.

    You might think, would be easier to guard against fleas as these two angels to take care about.

    Goldielocks incites her friend Hunti always reconnect to concoct any pranks with her, because she finds it absolutely funny. She may be a copy of Michel by Lönneberga verily, who did too much nonsense also and this again caused chaos.

    Although hunti is the quieter Angel either, but not less innocuous and also very clever, like his friend Goldielocks and they love each other very, hold together, whatever happens.

    The such day is coming faster than expected and with much pain and tears will be connected, would, but that can guess now none of the angels up there in the sky.

    Like every day, run and jump the two also today unswerving and promptly from a cloud to the others, are hilarious and their happy laughter can be heard in the entire sky.

    Archangel Michael has his great effort so not to lose it out of his eyes and to prevent that they fall from the sky.

    He looks worried the two and admonishes you always back sympathetically, but they are so run, jump and laugh busy, so that they don't hear the

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