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Der Weg des wahren Mannes: Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität
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Der Weg des wahren Mannes: Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität
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Der Weg des wahren Mannes: Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität
eBook275 Seiten3 Stunden

Der Weg des wahren Mannes: Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Der ultimative spirituelle Wegweiser für Männer.
Was ist meine wahre Bestimmung im Leben? Was wollen die Frauen wirklich? Was macht einen guten Liebhaber aus? David Deida untersucht die wichtigsten Themen im Leben eines Mannes von Karriere und Familie über Frauen und Intimität zu Liebe und Spiritualität um Männern einen praktischen Wegweiser für ein Leben in Integrität, Echtheit und Freiheit zu geben. Mit klaren Hinweisen, stärkenden Erkenntnissen, Körperübungen und vielem mehr unterstützt Sie der international anerkannte Experte für Sexualität und Spiritualität, ein erfülltes Leben zu verwirklichen jetzt sofort und ohne Kompromisse! "Es ist an der Zeit, sich über das Macho-Ideal nur Rückgrat und kein Herz hinauszuentwickeln," schreibt David Deida. "Es ist aber auch an der Zeit, sich über das sensible Softie-Ideal, nur Herz und kein Rückgrat, hinauszuentwickeln."
Erscheinungsdatum23. Jan. 2014
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Der Weg des wahren Mannes: Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität

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Bewertung: 3.7954545409090907 von 5 Sternen

132 Bewertungen8 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a great "manual" of life. Irrespective of gender or personal situation, this book is really excellent in provoking you TO GET STUFF DONE.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A simple, profound guide to what many of us *boys*, feel is missing in our lives.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen

    I know of no one who writes more interestingly, more intelligently, or more liberatingly than Deida on the subject of energy, sex, life, love and living it to its fullest in every single passionately way possible.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    The book has some interesting truths to tell, however most of it is too magic, fantastic or vague to be useful. I didn't really know what he was actually talking about most of the time. I'd rather read a more science based book.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Somehow feels much ''less'' useful now that I'm married.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Generally, when engaging with the concepts of masculine and feminine, I tend to highlight the similarities as opposed to the differences. So often I see difference used to stereotype and degrade others.But maybe there are times when the differences are worth exploring too.For David Deida, the masculine is everything eternal, and the feminine is the ever-changing. I’ve been reading a lot of other texts that have been talking of such subjects recently [J. G. Bennett, Joseph Campbell]. I can see how this can be a useful frame some of the time.I find Deida somewhat annoying. He read the book aloud in my audio edition, and he places emphasis on everything!I wasn’t particularly into this book, but I can think of a handful of friends that would probably love it.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I have read this book at least half a dozen times. Along with Tony Robbins, David Deida had a profound impact on effecting positive change in my life. The core concept of the book is simple, align your life's energies with your true mission, cut through the bullshit and stop trying to be something you're not. It's a wake up call in the face a of modern movement to align the sexes as if they were the same. The Way of the Superior Man shows that being a man is still a manly endeavor, but it's not some bullshit 1950's caricature. "Live with an open heart, even when it hurts" probably wasn't your granddad's worldview. At the same time, "Live as if your father were dead" wasn't either. The core of the book is how to figure out who you really are and who you want to be, and align your life around that purpose. It's quite a challenge, and quite a challenging book. The writing style is simple, but the lifestyle is challenging. If you think men and women are the same, this book is not for you. If you think one is better than the other, this book is not for you. If you understand that masculine and feminine are different, and that that difference moves the world like the tides, and you're willing to stand and face the challenge of challenging yourself to both excellence and love, this book will be worth its weight in gold.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a book that I highly recommend to my female friends who are having difficulties with their mates. David empowers men with this book and he has an incredible in depth understanding of male and female psychology and what men really need to grow in order to throw off their mother complex and be the kind of men they were meant to be. He also explains to men where they should draw the line when with women who have failed to mature themselves into a deeply loving relationship that has room for both male and female ways of relating to the world.