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Justine: Oder Vom Missgeschick der Tugend
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Justine: Oder Vom Missgeschick der Tugend
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Justine: Oder Vom Missgeschick der Tugend
eBook576 Seiten8 Stunden

Justine: Oder Vom Missgeschick der Tugend

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

»Es handelt sich darum, daß die Dummköpfe endlich aufhören, jenes lächerliche Götzenbild der Tugend anzubeten, das sie nur mit Undankbarkeit belohnt und daß Leute mit Verstand sich umso sicherer fühlen, wenn sie die verblüffenden Beispiele von Glück und Wohlfahrt sehen, die das Laster und die Ausschweifung fast mit unumstößlicher Gewißheit begleiten.«

»Die Geschichte der Justine oder die Nachteile der Tugend« ist ein Roman des Schriftstellers Marquis de Sade, den er 1787 während seiner Inhaftierung in der Bastille verfasste.

Justine und Juliette sind die Töchter eines bankrotten Kaufmanns. Nach dem Tod der nahezu mittellosen Mutter beschließt Juliette, als Prostituierte ins Bordell zu gehen, verübt eine Reihe von Verbrechen, erwirbt Reichtum und wird glücklich. Justine hingegen wählt den Weg der Tugend, erlebt hierbei eine Reihe von Abenteuern und Missgeschicken und wird fortwährend Verfolgungen und Erniedrigungen ausgesetzt.

In »Die Geschichte der Justine oder die Nachteile der Tugend« ordnete De Sade den einzelnen Episoden charakteristische Tugenden zu wie Schamhaftigkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Grauen vor Untat, Keuschheit, Frömmigkeit, Mildtätigkeit, Mitleid, Vorsicht, Güte und Wahrheitsliebe. Die handelnden Personen sind Charaktermasken des Bösen oder des Guten.

1. Auflage
Umfang: 532 Buchseiten bzw. 576 Normseiten

Null Papier Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum17. Apr. 2014
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Justine: Oder Vom Missgeschick der Tugend

Marquis de Sade

Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade, was a French aristocrat and writer who was notorious for his immoral lifestyle, and whose name provided the basis for the modern terms “sadism” and “sadist”. Among de Sade’s best known works are the erotic novels Justine, or Good Conduct Well Chastised, Juliette, or Vice Amply Rewarded, and The 120 Days of Sodom. Although an elected delegate to the National Convention during the French Revolution, de Sade was regularly incarcerated because of his lasciviousness, spending approximately 32 years in prison or in an insane asylum. He died in the asylum at Charenton in 1814. De Sade’s life is depicted in the 2000 film Quills starting Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet and Joaquin Phoenix.

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Bewertung: 3.2690485714285717 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Read out of curiosity, I'm still pondering the writer's purpose. The vehicle of the abused, virtuous and foolish Justine seems to be merely to put forth his opinions on religion and philosophy of life. Mild by today's standards, this is a relic of its time.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I confess I am a fan of the Marquis de Sade but although I still admire the style presented here I couldn't connect with the content as much as his other work. An interesting concept but one that ultimately is flawed.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Very, very preachy. No good deed goes unpunished being the moral of the story. That she was given even a modicum of comfort at the end seemed to negate his entire premise. Way too wordy to be erotic and way too sadistic to be interesting. A very tiresome book.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    One can only imagine De Sade cackling madly as he penned this hilarious and maybe even unintentional send-up of the self-righteous whiner. Narrated by Justine, a selfish, perpetually-stupid, "virtuous" princess-type who is shocked to find out that her beloved God is not her own personal Santa Claus, the book is rife with rants on the place of vice over virtue - some of which actually make some good points.

    Mostly loved it, tired of it before the lame ending.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Here we go! (Again. I quit the first time because some of this stuff is - spoiler alert - rather unpleasant.)
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I actually enjoyed this book. However it is not for the easily offended, or squeamish. Justine and Juliette are orphaned sisters. They were raised, in a rich family, to be good virtuous girls and had no skills. When orphaned at 12 and 15, with no money, the girls went their separate ways, Justine to be virtuous and seek people's kindness, and Juliette to 'surrender herself to libertinage'. This book is mostly about Justine's struggles trying to make her way through life where everything seems to be against her. There is a lot of sexual abuse, and rape and horrific sadism. Justine goes through a lot and just when you think her life is going to get better, misfortune awaits. The moral of the story is "that true happiness is to be found nowhere but in Virtue's womb, and that if, in keeping with designs it is not for us to fathom, God permits that it be persecuted on Earth, it is so that Virtue may be compensated by Heaven's most dazzling rewards."
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I did get confused over who was listening at what time and to whom. This is the story of a young orphan whose inheritance was lost. Although everyone keeps telling her to sell her body or to become a bad person as then the money will come, she is determined to live a pious life, ultimately meaning she has to suffer horrific sexual and physical abuse anyway.I do believe it is possible to live a happy life, whilst being 'good', without having to prostrate myself in front of every rich (and obviously evil) man or woman I come across, begging they listen to my story as I have no skills, and will not spend the time to learn any either. I just want your charity thank you.Interesting, but the young heroine is no heroine of mine.