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Countdown to the apocalypse: The Jupiter catastrophe 1994
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Countdown to the apocalypse: The Jupiter catastrophe 1994
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Countdown to the apocalypse: The Jupiter catastrophe 1994
eBook355 Seiten5 Stunden

Countdown to the apocalypse: The Jupiter catastrophe 1994

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Über dieses E-Book

The universe is the visible creation of the almighty God. On earth, He created life. According to the word of God, numerous prophecies and Wolf Biedermann's scientific findings, the Apocalypse - the Harvest of the Earth and the end of the world as we know it - will soon take place. Several prophecies also claim that the Apocalypse will even occur in our lifetime. The catalyst of the Apocalypse was the Jupiter catastrophe that took place in 1994. According to Holy Scripture, all those who are faithful to Jesus Christ will be saved by God's salvation before the destruction of the earth. This event will be the greatest historical event the Earth has ever seen. It will also be the last.
Herausgebernovum pro Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum4. Dez. 2014
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Countdown to the apocalypse: The Jupiter catastrophe 1994

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