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Analsex Tipps Für Jungs und Mädchen
Analsex Tipps Für Jungs und Mädchen
Analsex Tipps Für Jungs und Mädchen
eBook30 Seiten29 Minuten

Analsex Tipps Für Jungs und Mädchen

Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Ich war schon immer daran interessiert, neue Arten von Freuden auszuprobieren, und natürlich ist Analsex eine von ihnen. Ich gebe zu, dass ich schon sehr früh begonnen habe und die Chance bekam, es das erste Mal mit zwei großartigen Partnern zu tun, was es mich von Anfang an genießen ließ. Da ich eine Menge Fragen darüber auf meinem Blog bekomme, habe ich beschlossen, meine paar Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, sowie die Aussagen die ich von vielen Lesern bekam, mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Wenn es richtig gemacht wird, ist Analsex sehr angenehm, und eine köstliche Art und Weise, Ihr Sexualleben zu würzen und zu diversifizieren. Also warum probiert Ihr es nicht aus?

HerausgeberMy Pouty Lips
Erscheinungsdatum27. Apr. 2013
Analsex Tipps Für Jungs und Mädchen

Angelicka Wallows

I am Angelicka S. Wallows, a young, mysterious, and posh chic girl who likes to have good time and to live life to the max. I enjoy the outdoors, have a huge secret collection of sex toys, and love to spread my wings and discover new horizons! I love letting my hair down and to feel the breeze caressing my bare skin. I hold a Master in Business Administration but that doesn't mean that I am all books!I must confess one thing here: I have a double life. I run a hand-full of her dad's company during daytime and manage multi-million dollar deals on a day to day basis, flying from a country to another to attend to general meetings at the different boards of our companies. At nights, I slip in my most erotic lingerie and forget my busy day by indulging in my passion: erotica and sexy stories.Obviously my rich family doesn't know about it, and I definitely want things to stay that way. They are very conservative, and I don't want my dad's competitor to use my passion to create a scandal and harm my family's business. For that reason you will never see my face, but I always show you the most of myself as I possibly can! This little restriction inspired the title of my website: My Pouty Lips. I am often told that I have very sensual and sexy lips (among other things), and at least i can safely share them with you!I have a very full sex life. I am aware that we live only once and I have decided to explore the most i can in order to know what I am talking about. So don't be shocked if you see me talking openly about anal sex, threesome, BDSM or any other kinky stuff. If I write it, I tried it! I am also opened to suggestions should you want to read about specific topics. You will just have to leave me enough time to explore it first!

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