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Industrielle Organische Pigmente: Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung
Industrielle Organische Pigmente: Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung
Industrielle Organische Pigmente: Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung
eBook550 Seiten11 Stunden

Industrielle Organische Pigmente: Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung

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Über dieses E-Book

Revised and updated, this highly acclaimed work, now in its second edition, remains the most comprehensive source of information available on synthetic organic pigments.

The opening part of the book introduces chemical and physical characterization with associated terminology. The middle section describes the synthesis and applications of the various classes of pigment in detail. The final chapter discusses ecological and toxicological themes.

Standardized methods have been used to obtain the data thus facilitating comparison between pigments. Chemists, engineers, colorists and technicians are sure to find this book invaluable.

From reviews of previous editions:
'Presentation throughout is of the highest quality and the volume must now become the standard reference text in this important area of colouring matters.'
Dyes and Pigments
'This is a very wide-ranging reference work ... it would be difficult to find a topic in this field not covered by this book.' Ecochem
Erscheinungsdatum11. Feb. 2009
Industrielle Organische Pigmente: Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung

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    Industrielle Organische Pigmente - Willy Herbst

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