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Hörbuch7 Stunden

Alles Glück kommt nie

Geschrieben von Anna Gavalda

Erzählt von Stephan Schad und Nina Petri

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

Charles Balanda ist ein erfolgreicher Architekt, dem es im großen und Ganzen verhältnismäßig gut geht. Bis er einen Brief bekommt, der sein Leben aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und in dem nur drei Worte stehen: Anouk ist tot.Dramaturgisch geschickt enthüllt Anna Gavalda, wer diese Anouk gewesen ist: eine Nachbarin in der Kindheit, eine alleinerziehende Mutter, bei der er immer Zuflucht nahm, wenn ihm das eigene Haus zu eng wurde, eine zwanzig Jahre ältere Frau, die für ihn so etwas wie die große Liebe wurde. Durch die seltsame Todesanzeige aufgewühlt, begibt sich Charles auf Spurensuche in die Provinz und findet heraus, wie kläglich Anouk gestorben ist. Dabei lernt er Kate kennen, die in ihrem Altruismus und ihrer Menschlichkeit glatt die kleine Schwester von Anouk sein könnte. Mit ihr bekommt Charles, der Anouks Liebe ausgeschlagen und sie schmählich im Stich gelassen hat, eine zweite Chance.
Erscheinungsdatum21. März 2014
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Anna Gavalda

Anna Gavalda’s first published work was the critically acclaimed collection of short stories I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere, which sold over half a million copies in her native France. She is also the author of Someone I Loved and the internationally bestselling novel Hunting and Gathering (Vintage, 2008), which was made into a film starring Audrey Tatou and Daniel Auteil. Her most recent work, Fendre l’armure, was shortlisted in the Belles-Lettres Category for the Grand Prix of Literary Associations (GPLA) in 2017. Gavalda’s novels and short stories have been translated into over forty languages. In addition to writing novels, Gavalda contributes to Elle Magazine. She lives in Paris.

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I read Consolation back in March but it has taken me this long to write this review. It is so hard to put into words just how amazing this book is.

    I read the first couple pages of Consolation in Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras. To say I was blown away, left with my mouth hanging wide open and wondering what was going to happen is pretty much an understatement. I started talking about Consolation to just about everyone who would listen to me. I’d tell them just how much I needed this book and how much I needed to know about the story. I needed answers.

    So I waited and waited then the day finally came when the book landed on my kindle and devoured it. I read it all in one sitting and at the end of the day I was so happy it lived up to my expectations well to be honest it exceeded my expectations.

    Our Story
    Consolation is the type of book where the less you know, the better. It would be a horrible thing to do to ruin this book for you. So I won’t, so you’ll probably read the most vague review on this because I want you to experience Consolation without knowing too much.

    If you’ve ever a book by Corinne Michaels, then you know that she will have you feeling every emotion. She can make you laugh, bawl your eyes out, yell “WHAT THE HELL!” and so much more.

    It is beautifully written. The emotions, the way things are handle is just amazing. You can’t help but devour the book in one sitting because you want to know what happened. When you reach the last page you can’t help but scream and ask Corinne “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” because this book is in own league. It’s different. It’s beautiful.

    Our Characters
    Natalie endures what is every spouse in the military fears, the knock on the door. The one telling you he/she is never coming home and worst of all she’s PREGNANT. Pregnant and he is never coming home. She falls apart and she has every right to, and we see her struggles and we see her start to piece together the broken pieces of her heart and her life. She grows from fragile to this strong, independent mother. It is truly remarkable to watch her from her weakest to her strongest.

    He is just so right. I loved seeing him go from a party every day sleep with any girl who will ask for it to changing diapers – not very well I may add but still he tries. I loved how supportive he was of Natalie.

    This book was worth the wait. Even though I totally thought Corinne was a bit evil for that ending. But seriously, it was a fantastic read. If you do pick this up then let me know just how much you loved Dreamboat and Sparkles.