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Anthropologie und Naturrecht bei Johann Georg Hamann
Anthropologie und Naturrecht bei Johann Georg Hamann
Anthropologie und Naturrecht bei Johann Georg Hamann
eBook155 Seiten4 Stunden

Anthropologie und Naturrecht bei Johann Georg Hamann

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Hamanns anthropological thinking examines the tensions between freedom and dependence. Man, though always shaped by a specific environment, is endowed with a capacity for self-determination. Correspondingly, Hamann has a normative answer to the question of man's nature and develops his own natural law theory: since man naturally loves himself and others, he does not need a superior authority to live in society. His duties are made known to him through 'nature' in the sense of creation and a normative instance. Important to Hamann is the idea of revelation, in 'nature' and scripture, because he does not believe in a purely intellectual apprehension of values.
HerausgeberV&R Unipress
Erscheinungsdatum15. Feb. 2016
Anthropologie und Naturrecht bei Johann Georg Hamann

Anja Kalkbrenner

Dr. Anja Kalkbrenner hat Deutsche Philologie, Englische Philologie und Philosophie in Münster und Thessaloniki studiert und wurde 2014 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster promoviert.

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