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Teaching Novels: Lord of the Flies, The Cement Garden, The Buddha of Suburbia
Teaching Novels: Lord of the Flies, The Cement Garden, The Buddha of Suburbia
Teaching Novels: Lord of the Flies, The Cement Garden, The Buddha of Suburbia
eBook56 Seiten54 Minuten

Teaching Novels: Lord of the Flies, The Cement Garden, The Buddha of Suburbia

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Über dieses E-Book

This volume contains copy-ready sheets with work instructions and solutions for teachers of students in upper-level secondary-school English courses. "Lord of the Flies", "The Cement Garden", "The Buddha of Suburbia" – this volume provides materials for teaching three of the most important and most widely taught literary works in English courses in German schools. The individual worksheets are conceived to correspond to the language competences demanded by the curricula of the individual German states, such as describing, explaining, reasoning, discussing, etc. Concrete didactical advice is also given to guarantee quick and practical application of the information. The themes of growing-up, dealing with death, isolation, multiculturalism, racism and the search for one's own identity allow teachers to work in a multidisciplinary fashion.
Erscheinungsdatum21. Jan. 2009
Teaching Novels: Lord of the Flies, The Cement Garden, The Buddha of Suburbia

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