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unknow china / asia: "The cradle of civilization"
unknow china / asia: "The cradle of civilization"
unknow china / asia: "The cradle of civilization"
eBook68 Seiten42 Minuten

unknow china / asia: "The cradle of civilization"

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Über dieses E-Book

"The cradle of civilization" lies in Asia, it is said.

China, everyone has already heard of it.
However, most people can not imagine any real China at all.
China is both tradition and modernity.

Here you will find information and insights into a China.

You will see it with different eyes afterwards.

I try to convey with these lines why we Europeans do not understand the Asian way of thinking.
In Asia, business life, as well as private life, is inseparable through centuries of tradition.

In Asia nothing is as it seems, here one lives with spirits, traditions, customs and faith.
Even in normal conversations, there are rules here that must be adhered to.

I will give you a little insight into the way of life, the millennial traditions and customs.
Perhaps I am able to teach you why it is so difficult to understand the Asian way of life.
I think you can get a little picture of it when you have made this 'time trip' through the millennium.
They will read how the Ming Dynasty emerged, why it is so bad to lose face, how business in China works.
You will get to know the beginnings of the Republic as well as today's ninja negotiation tactics of the economy.
When you have finished reading the book, you will understand why you should not offend ghosts in Asia and why a person in China is always one year younger than in Europe.
Erscheinungsdatum29. Okt. 2017
unknow china / asia: "The cradle of civilization"

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    unknow china / asia - tom suthamma

    High culture

    China is one of the world's oldest human civilizations. The earliest existing written original documents date back to about 15th century. 

    From about 8000 BC, humans, agriculture begins to operate, It is believed that this is due to the decline of large wild. Sheep and goats were domesticated. Ceramics gained more and more importance. First high cultures. Cities are built and the trade will be enlivened by the use of bicycles and coastal navigation. Science and technologies are developing further and further. Iron is the important raw material. Great Empires arise, the Roman Empire had taken the whole of the Mediterranean and the Persian Empire, the Mauryan Empire, the Han dynasty in China. Siddhartha, and Zoroaster brought new theological views in the Rich and were thus founders on Religion, the 

    Rich's strengths. 

    The nomadic peoples in Central Asia, the Turkic peoples in Eastern and Central Asia, and the Mongols were down to 15. Century is on the rise.With the Ming dynasty in China, the empires are named in Asia from this time. In the 18th century. and 19. Century were areas which were only to control the trade with European points of support, under European colonial rule. Various wars and revolutions make Asia what it is today. 

    Asia is a fascinating continent, in part because of its size. With over 44 billion square miles, Asia is the largest continent in the world and takes up a third of the entire land masses of the world. Due to the size of the continent is a lot of different types of Vegetation. From the treeless Tundra to tropical rain forest in Asia, everything. 

    Asia is a assyrische word which means sunrise. It corresponds to the German word Morgen of land, and the Latin Orient -, therefore, the country in which the sun rises. 

    Around 60 % of the world's population lives in Asia. Of course, many different cultures in Asia are due to this size. It is interesting to note that in China and India each have a billion, of the approximately 4 billion people from the whole of Asia. 

    The density of population is in China at 639 inhabitants on a square kilometer, in India, with 364 inhabitants.

    the great wall

    The great wall of China(chin.: Wànlĭ Chángchéng) is one of the most important monuments of the people's Republic of China and stretches from Shanhaiguan Pass on the East coast to the Jiayuguan Pass in the Gobi desert. With a total length of more than 6,200 kilometers 

    (the main wall has a length of 2,400 km), it is the largest man-made structure in the world. In terms of volume and mass, no other building of the earth close to you. 

    The ’Great Wall’ construction consists of several sections, each of which has a different age. In addition, the Chinese wall is not closed at all Points, so that it is possible today to get over the former border wall, without the need to over climbing. Due to the fact that the Chinese wall was rebuilt over the centuries, and restored, to recognize different methods of construction. 

    The first wall-like border about 500 BC, made of clay were prepared, mixed with rice and straw. 214 BC, the order of the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, were erected in other sections of the wall. The great wall of China to protect the Chinese Empire as a bulwark against attackers from the North and the marauding nomadic tribes. 

    About 180

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