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I am the greatest conversation with myself: thinking like a coach and coachee
I am the greatest conversation with myself: thinking like a coach and coachee
I am the greatest conversation with myself: thinking like a coach and coachee
eBook57 Seiten18 Minuten

I am the greatest conversation with myself: thinking like a coach and coachee

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Über dieses E-Book

I tried to put this book to reflect my thinking, feelings and wishes to help one understand that as I am my own systematic coach and coachee. It gives you also a good perspective change to look within yourself on your goals and your feelings plus desires.

I take responsibility for the layout and the writings; I drew a lot of it from my diploma studies in systematic coaching studies.
I am grateful to the institute, and I am grateful to all.
I am my own systematic coach and coachee.

To better understand systematic coaching, I will explain as follows, just consider your body.

Your body is made up of different part, hands, legs, stomach, chest, lungs, head, and it complete make up the body system. If one part of the body system is having a problem, your whole system will be affected, and the body cannot function well. You may need to consult a practice for instance a medical doctor to check out what is wrong with you and what you need to do. The doctor will do a checkup and carry out standard medical procedures maybe measuring your blood pressure or take your body temperature then proceed to know which medical step to take further.

If I come back to systematic coaching; this is a similar scenario where, I look at myself or coachee and applies a procedure (method) to help achieve the goal.
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum21. Jan. 2022
I am the greatest conversation with myself: thinking like a coach and coachee

Edward Dzerinyuy Bello

Edward Dzerinyuy Bello, stammend aus der Gharuh-Familie im Dorf Nkar, Teil des Nso-Stammes in der Nordwestregion Kameruns, Afrika, ist ein angesehener Führungs­persön­lichkeit, Berater und Autor mit Sitz in Potsdam, Deutschland. Mit einem reichen akademischen Hintergrund, der sich über Kamerun und Deutschland erstreckt, begab sich Edward auf eine transformati­ve Reise, die in einem Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) an der SRH School of Management in Berlin gipfelte. Seine akademischen Bestrebungen, kombiniert mit einem leidenschaftlichen Engagement für Führung im KI-Zeitalter, inspirierten die Entstehung seines bahnbrechenden Werkes "Empowering Leaders".

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    I am the greatest conversation with myself - Edward Dzerinyuy Bello

    Dedicated to,

    Verynyuy Tina

    Rosalie Fomo-Nyuy Bello

    Edward Wuyika Bello Senior

    Agnes Wiysenyuy Bello

    I am who I am because of you for

    showing me love and being there for

    me always no matter what.




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    1. Contact phase

    Phase Two

    2. Clarification of concerns Phase

    3. Definition of objectives Phase

    4. Work phase

    5. Final Phase

    6. Evaluation Phase

    Chapter Four: Thinking like a coach . . .

    Chapter Five: The rapport in coaching

    Rapport is given verbally and non-verbally

    Nonverbal rapport

    Verbal report

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    The roller compass

    Objective and effects



    The author of the book YOU ARE THE GREATEST – in conversation with yourself, Edward Dzerinyuy Bello drew the zeal of writing about this book first from himself and secondary from the society.

    He feels better when sharing knowledge, so he studied Systematic coaching Why he chose the topic is because many people don’t know what they want in life or don’t how to go about it. From his own experience he got a coach to guide him, and he deed soul-searching and felt he can inspire the world in writing.

    It’s not been an easy task putting material together for Publishing.

    He needed a trustworthy person and, someone patient, whom he can converse freely about anything without mincing words.

    I also got inspired from Edward’s coaching

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