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Textbook of Aurasurgery: Medicine in 21st century
Textbook of Aurasurgery: Medicine in 21st century
Textbook of Aurasurgery: Medicine in 21st century
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Textbook of Aurasurgery: Medicine in 21st century

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In a world where only measurable, supposedly logically-rationally justifiable methods meet the criterion of scientificity, there is not much room for subjects such as spiritual healing. Spiritual healing neither fulfills the facts of logical rationality, nor does it follow the biochemical principles of thought that are generally regarded as the basis of life processes today. And yet, despite all the uniformity in medical-scientific thinking, a residual doubt remains even among many orthodox physicians: the doubt whether living organisms such as humans and animals are primarily organic-morphological systems which are to be treated accordingly with logically justifiable "materialistic" methods such as operations, pharmaceuticals, etc., or whether humans and animals are not rather energetically-informationally animated and thus spiritual beings which do not necessarily follow logical-rational laws and in which morphology is subordinate to spirit.
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum8. März 2021
Textbook of Aurasurgery: Medicine in 21st century

Mathias Künlen

Dr. med. Mathias Künlen Studium der Humanmedizin an der LMU München Deutsches medizinisches Staatsexamen 1988 US-amerikanisches medizinisches Staatsexamen FMGEMS 1989 Facharzt für Neurologie seit 1994 Gründer und Vorstand der Softmark AG, Softwareentwicklung im Bereich des Cognitive Computing Gründer des IFA Institut für Aurachirurgie AG, Fürstentum Liechtenstein Shotokan Karate 3. DAN im DKV Deutscher Karateverband Kyusho Jitsu 2. DAN im DKV Deutscher Karateverband Arztpraxis in Grünwald südlich von München Fernanalysen unter www.medicodes.net Internationale Seminartätigkeit und Buchpublikationen Für eine Kontaktaufnahme schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an info@aurachirurgie.me

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    Textbook of Aurasurgery - Mathias Künlen

    Dedicated to my wife Christine.

    Everything we are is the result of what we have thought.

    Buddha , 623 BC



    What is Aurasurgery?





    Active law



    Subtle surgery

    Mental healing

    Morphic fields

    Evaluation by conventional medicine

    Paradigm shift

    Shaping the world










    Materialization and dematerialization



    Rules and principles

    Aurasurgical session


    Consent of the patient

    Connection with the universe




    The energy follows the attention




    Energy control

    Systematics of energy control

    Resonance optimization: Energy control in the same element

    Energetic control via cycles

    Nutrition cycle (parent-child relationship)

    Inhibition cycle (child-parent relationship)

    Control cycle (grandparent-grandchild relationship)

    Destruction cycle (grandchild-grandparent relationship)

    Intuitive mnemonics

    Informational disturbances

    Miasmatic patterns

    Karmic Patterns




    Testing of guilt, oaths and vows

    Dissolution of debt, oaths and vows


    Slave Yoke





    Fear of heights



    Failed escape


    Freeze to death

    Medical tests

    Black magic

    Buried alive








    Four partition



    Electric chair


    Factory farming

    Stretching bench

    Cut off limbs

    Birth problems


    Cooked alive




    Mouth pear

    NLS analyses for karmic and miasmatic disorders

    Therapy examples


    Pelvic obliquity

    Hip joint arthrosis

    Spinal degeneration

    Herniated disc



    Spinal stenosis

    Shoulder joint arthritis

    Frozen shoulder

    Biceps tendon rupture

    Tennis elbow

    Golfer's Elbow

    Ulnar constriction syndrome

    Supinator syndrome

    Carpal Bone Osteoarthritis

    Dupuytren contracture

    Finger joint arthrosis

    Saddle joint arthrosis of the thumb

    Tendovaginitis stenosans


    Metacarpal fracture

    Knee joint effusion

    Knee joint arthrosis

    Patellar tendinitis

    Meniscus damage

    Achilles tendon syndrome

    Hallux valgus

    Hallux rigidus

    Amputation, tourniquet and CRPS.

    Internal medicine

    Tooth extraction

    Thyroid gland


    Ankylosing spondylitis



    Arterial hypertension

    Autoimmune diseases

    Crohn's disease

    Bronchial asthma


    Tongue tie

    Irritant cough

    Umbilical hernia, omphalocele


    Diabetes mellitus


    Vascular occlusion


    Element affiliation


    Parkinson's syndrome


    Multiple sclerosis

    Trigeminal neuralgia

    Plexus Palsy

    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Acoustic neuroma

    Abducens Palsy

    Synovial cyst



    Sleep disorders


    Drug abuse


    Hair loss

    Cosmetic surgery

    Ulcer cruris




    Macular degeneration





    Menstrual cramps







    Prostate Hyperplasia

    Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis)



    Closing words



    About the author


    In a world where only measurable, supposedly logically-rationally justifiable methods meet the criterion of scientificity, there is not much room for subjects such as mental healing. Mental healing neither fulfills the facts of logical rationality, nor does it follow the biochemical principles of thought that are generally regarded as the basis of life processes today. And yet, despite all the uniformity in medical-scientific thinking, a residual doubt remains even among many orthodox physicians: the doubt whether living organisms such as humans and animals are primarily organic-morphological systems which are to be treated accordingly with logically justifiable „materialistic" methods such as operations, pharmaceuticals, etc., or whether humans and animals are not rather energeticallyinformationally animated and thus spiritual beings which do not necessarily follow logical-rational laws and in which morphology is subordinate to spirit.

    The physical-chemical methodology of conventional medicine, which is highly technical and characterized by specialists and economization, has reached its limits. The orthodox physician concentrates to a large extent on morphologies and on the measurement of technical findings that can be objectified. He fights the physical symptoms without sufficiently appreciating their deeper meanings and energetic-informational aspects and without developing an understanding for the essence of nature and the secret of life. It is necessary to move from a diagnosisoriented to a more diagnosis-oriented medicine. The question to be asked is: What message does a disease send out? Are there effective approaches to the patient beyond today's established methods that lead to healing? Are there new interdisciplinary approaches that can be used in this context? Are there alternative diagnostic and therapeutic concepts, instead of going deeper and deeper within the current paradigms in the hope of finding the solution? All of this would be of great value, especially in the area of chronic diseases that are often difficult to treat with conventional medicine and are enormously cost-intensive.

    In trying to clarify these questions, not much can be expected from the established universities. A quote from the world-famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (*1875; †1961) illustrates the dilemma: „I know that the universities have ceased to act as light-bringers. One has become tired of scientific specialism and rationalistic intellectualism. We want to hear about truth that does not narrow but broadens, that does not darken but enlightens, that does not run down on us like water but penetrates to the marrow of our bones."

    Aurasurgery presented here as one of many access paths to mental healing represents the step into the medicine of the 21st century, as it has long been predicted by great thinkers and scientists. It meets in people a deep longing for knowledge: to fathom the human soul, to understand it better or even to address it therapeutically in order to come to healing cine paradigm and has fundamental implications for the practice of medicine in the future.

    The book illustrates the methods and procedures of Aurasurgery in the sense of a technical manual with indication lists and diagnostic and therapeutic process descriptions. The presentation concentrates on concrete applications, surgical techniques in the aura and spiritual principles of energy and information control by means of defined consciousness techniques. Finally, the results of Aurasurgery can even be examined and proven with the help of corresponding software. Thus all principles, which the reader can learn and train.

    Aurasurgery has now reached a high scientific standard, with the possibility of visualization and even quantitative measurement of psycho-spiritual disorders by means of non-linear system analysis (NLS analysis). With these computer systems, which originated in Russia, it is possible to make the invisible visible and the unconscious conscious. Both in the context of diagnostics and especially in the preliminary testing of therapeutic approaches and in measuring the success of aurasurgical treatments, there have been impressive advances in mental healing that would have been considered impossible until recently. With the procedures and methods shown in this book, Aurasurgery is no longer inferior to the scientific standards of Western orthodox medicine; on the contrary, it leads into areas of healing from which orthodox medicine is currently far removed. At this point it should be emphasized: Mental healing by means of Aurasurgery does not describe a healing of wounds. The effectiveness and success of Aurasurgery is due to the different approach to the patient, a clearly defined and precisely applicable energetic-informational approach, which is fundamentally different from that of Western conventional medicine.

    I thank my wife Christine Waldhauser-Künlen for her inspiration and support in writing this book. As a trained orthodox physician, she drew my attention to Aurasurgery on the basis of a personal experience and, in accordance with her motto „Help yourself, then God will help you", convinced me that there is more between heaven and earth than the mechanistic-deterministic thinking of the skeptical orthodox physician. Through her spiritual-energetic support and not least because of my many years of experience in dealing with energies in the context of Karate and Kyusho Jitsu, my deep interest in this exciting subject was awakened, from which this book of Aurasurgery was finally born.

    I thank Gerhard Klügl, with whom I was able to learn Aurasurgery. I thank Quirin Waldhauser for his numerous and well-considered suggestions. Thanks are due to my friend Herbert Mansdorfer, alternative practitioner in Kirchheim near Munich, for his exemplary support. I would like to thank my Karate Masters Fritz Oblinger (8th DAN) and Lothar Ratschke (8th DAN), from whom I was able to learn the energetic principles of Kyusho Jitsu. By applying the appropriate energetic techniques, Aurasurgery becomes an even more effective and healing discipline for patients.

    Note: When „physician" is used in this book, it is understood in the sense of the one who heals. The term thus also includes alternative practitioners, therapists and healers.

    This textbook is intended to encourage us to think about alternative ways to heal. Ideas for this may already exist in our fantasies, but a functional methodology for implementation is missing so far. May this book reach and enlighten many physicians, alternative practitioners, therapists, patients, but also interested laymen, so that it may free many sick people from their ailments and touch the soul of the healthy.

    Triesen, Liechtenstein in January 2021.

    Chapter 1

    What is Aurasurgery?


    Aurasurgery represents a subtle surgery in which operations are performed in the patient's energy body (aura) and thus extracorporally. Direct contact with the patient by the physician is only envisaged in exceptional cases. We also speak of „operations in the aura". In the context of Aurasurgery, healing as a central task and goal of medical action takes place through the energetic-informational exchange between physician and patient by means of energetic surrogates and commercially available surgical instruments. Corresponding principles are derived from the interdisciplinary knowledge of quantum physics, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), informatics and Asian martial arts.

    The methodology of Aurasurgery opens up new possibilities that are inconceivable with conventional medical procedures and methods. Energy and information as the basic elements of life¹ in any medical action. The physician uses the following techniques of consciousness and surgical procedures in the aura to bring about targeted reprogramming at the cellular level and in the patient's consciousness.

    Aurasurgery is characterized by a methodical concreteness that can be implemented effectively in daily medical practice. In the 21st century, it offers the basis for a new and at the same time- and cost-saving medicine, which impresses with its humanity, effectiveness, simplicity, precision and the absence of side effects.

    Aurasurgery is intended as a complement to established medical systems such as conventional medicine or alternative medicine. It explicitly does not claim to be uniquely valid and should always be weighed up comparatively with regard to its indicative position and applied in a complementary manner under certain circumstances.

    Aurasurgery does not require any special talent, but can be learned and applied by everyone. As spiritual beings with soul, all people are able to heal each other through the use of energies and information according to the principles explained below.


    Aura describes more than the term „charisma does. The aura is the biophysical energy field that permeates and surrounds the organism, which cannot be measured according to conventional medical-scientific criteria but which can be impressively and reproducibly depicted in its effect, e. g. in the Asian martial arts as „Qi².

    Combat situations generate stress in the people involved, which on the one hand leads to an increase in cortisol levels in the blood, but at the same time also has a negative effect on the aura: the homogenity of the aura decreases. The more skilled the fighter is in processing combat-related stress reactions, the more he radiates this energetic quality of sovereignty and composure through his aura. There are reports of samurai fighters who were able to decide a duel just by facing each other, without any physical fighting who would emerge as the victor simply by assessing the aura. At the same time, close physical proximity between people leads to stress with an increase in pulse and blood pressure, which can also be measured as a change in the aura. Some physicians make use of this phenomenon for diagnostic purposes by testing the tolerance or effect of substances on the patient by means of changes in the patient's own aura, e.g. by palpating the pulse on the patient's own radial artery.

    The aura, which all living beings have, is composed of several energy fields of different density (etheric body, astral field, mental field, causal field). The clarity and intensity depend on the level of consciousness of its bearer. An energetic aura acts as a protective shield and makes it possible to send out love and peace and at the same time to make oneself insensitive to destructive forces such as fear, hatred, greed, etc.

    Aura can be visualized with the help of Kirlian photography. Known as corona discharge photography or high-frequency high-voltage photography, Kirlian photography is a photographic process for visualizing glow or corona discharges. It was developed by the Soviet couple Semyon Kirlian and Valentina Kirliana starting in 1937. A corona discharge (from Latin corona: „crown, „wreath, „ring") is an electrical discharge in a non-conducting medium, for example in air. It often occurs as a peak discharge and is associated with a luminous phenomenon. In nature, it is observed as so-called Elms fire.

    NOTE: Aura in the context of Aurasurgery must not be confused with the usual term in conventional medicine of aura in the context of a migraine attack. Characteristic there are dynamic, usually visual or other sensory perceptual disturbances, which usually occur as scotomas in about 20% of cases.

    The aura of the human being as a biological energy field is subject to continuous changes. Aura is not a static energetic field, possibly even interspersed with „fixed holes", as is often described, but rather varies throughout the day, radiating more and less at different times of the day and thus showing a high degree of dynamics depending on the vitality and hydration of the organism.

    Diseases in biological organisms show themselves in a generally reduced or specifically disturbed radiation of the aura. People with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, e. g. due to hyperacidity, disease of the bacterial colonization in the small intestine or in the area of the large intestine present a disturbance in the aura, which can be localized well to the respective area of the affected organ. Accordingly, there is reduced radiation over the stomach, small intestine or various areas of the colon. Tumor patients show a diminished aura, which usually affects the entire organism. People who suffer strongly from the influence of electrosmog also present a significant disturbance of their aura, which as a rule can only be restored by consistent elimination of the radiation sources or by suitable shielding measures. Especially electrosmog is a massive problem of our time, very controversially discussed and evaluated by many, but in daily practice it turns out to be an ever increasing health risk. This topic is described in detail in the chapter „Karmic pattern of electric chair".

    The aura can be measured as an indicator of therapeutic success, and changes in the aura can be monitored in real time during aurasurgical treatments. Shown here is the Kirlian image of a patient, 47 years old, with a chronic headache on the left and knee pain on the right.

    Fig. 1.1: Findings preoperatively, with severe disturbances in the aura, not only in the area of the left temple, but distributed over the entire body.

    Fig. 1.2: Findings postoperatively, the aura is evenly distributed over the body and intensely pronounced. On the left temporal side there is still a slightly disturbed radiation.

    Time: July 19,2001. Location: Human Energy Systems Laboratory. University of Arizona, Tucs on Arizona, Therapist: Gerhard King!

    Fig. 1.3: Aura representation: Patient with ankle pain on the right.

    Fig. 1.4: Aura representation: Patient with lumbar spine complaints and painful radiance into both legs.

    A weakened organism shows itself in a weak energetic radiation and thus in a reduced aura, which, however, can be restored. The recovery of the organism through sufficient fluid intake, healthy nutrition, good lifestyle and a quiet, radiation-free place to sleep with sufficient sleep leads to a replenishment of the aura and shows in a re-increasing energetic radiance of the person concerned. Also the removal of harmful mental energies, e.g. by Al Hijama³, helps to improve the aura. The patient shows after some time and regular treatments a clearer look, presents a healthier skin coloration and more life energy.


    Aurasurgery is not content with symptom relief. Instead, it aims to identify, interpret and treat the underlying energetic-informational patterns of the disease in order to achieve lasting health.

    This objective corresponds in principle to that of psychosomatic medicine, although the procedures and methods of Aurasurgery differ fundamentally from those of psychosomatic medicine. While psychosomatic medicine works very strongly via the spoken word in the sense of talk therapies, there is rather little talking in Aurasurgery. In Aurasurgery, as the term already expresses, surgery is performed instead.

    It is important that Aurasurgery is not only used therapeutically, but also provides decisive statements regarding energetic-informational correlations and backgrounds within the scope of diagnostics. These must first be explored with the methods described below, in order to then initiate the appropriate aurasurgical therapy on the basis of the resulting findings.


    With its energetic-informational methodology, Aurasurgery stands in contrast or in addition to the physical-chemical methodology of Western orthodox medicine. If we look at complementary medicine, we find terms such as „energy medicine, „information medicine, „regulation medicine or „quantum medicine, all of which ultimately deal with the same underlying principle as Aurasurgery. However, Aurasurgery differs in the extracorporeal access to the patient via his aura.

    Aurasurgery thus finds its unique selling point in the specific methodology of extracorporeal energy and information control described below, through the use of anatomical illustrations or models and commercially available surgical instruments. In addition, Aurasurgery symbolizes the connection to spirituality, which distinguishes it in a special way.

    Active law

    Aurasurgical treatments are performed either directly in the patient's aura and thus close to his body or by using so-called „surrogates such as anatomy atlas or anatomical models as energetic placeholders of the patient. The fact that the aurasurgical treatment takes place extracorporeally in the energetic body and thus without direct connection to the patient's somatic body is not an end in itself, but reveals a deeper meaning. It is only through extracorporeality that subtle connections between physician and patient are set in motion, which would not be possible with a direct intervention, for example, in the context of a laying on of hands, a massage, an injection treatment, a conventional medical operation or an acupuncture treatment. Such direct interventions „manipulate the patient or cover the subtle energetic information transmissions between physician and patient, which just typically come about only when the patient in inner peace without physical influence from the outside focuses on his inner sensations in mindfulness and reacts. This principle of resonance formation (from Latin „resonare = „to echo) will be described in detail below.

    The extracorporeal work with the use of so-called surrogates enables the physician to bring energies and information precisely to the „place of the pathological event". For example, the physician opens the anatomy atlas on the side of the gallbladder illustration, places the book on the patient's lap and asks the patient to hold it with both hands. The physician then uses the illustration to perform a gallbladder operation on the patient using surgical instruments without actually touching the patient's body during the entire procedure.

    This approach seems paradoxical and contradicts orthodox medicine: How could the physician gain immediate access and direct contact with the focus of the disease within the patient by working outside the patient's body? The discipline of orthodox medicine generally works through direct contact between the surgeon and the focus of the disease. Even supposedly extracorporeal therapies, such as shock wave lithotripsy for the treatment of gallstones, kidney stones or ureteral stones, even if the name suggests otherwise, ultimately only with direct contact of the patient body with the focused shock waves emitted by the lithotripsy device and are therefore, according to the understanding of Aurasurgery, no actual extracorporeal therapy.

    A non-contact extracorporal therapy is hitherto unknown in conventional medicine and is therefore a unique feature of Aurasurgery. Aurasurgery is only possible because this form of therapy does not involve mechanical processes, but rather programming the level of consciousness. The aspect of extracorporal therapy without direct contact with the patient's body is at the center of every Aurasurgery treatment and makes this method as unique as it is effective.

    Aurasurgery offers the possibility to work on pain patients in a subtle way, even if they are not accessible for a coarse therapy in the sense of physiotherapy or osteopathy in the acute state of pain. For example, a patient with a pain syndrome of the cervical spine will not tolerate a coarse-material therapy due to the associated painfulness, and in many cases there is even a contraindication for such a treatment in view of the clinical deterioration that may occur. An example of this are lesions of the intervertebral discs in the area of the cervical spine, which, in the case of a coarse-material treatment, e.g. by manual setting, run the risk of causing therapy-induced paresis and paraplegia. However, such restrictions do not apply to Aurasurgery. Rather, appropriate therapy can be performed at any stage of the disease, whether acute or chronic.

    Fig. 1.5: Aurasurgical gallbladder operation on an illustration in the Anatomy Atlas as an anatomical surrogate.

    The law of action of Aurasurgery is divided into energy, information and the effect of force on matter, mediated by will, consciousness, soul and spirit. Ulrich Warnke describes the situation as follows: „What sounds vague at first glance has a solid physical basis. everyday world in an ordering and organizing way. With the concept of fields, the theory of relativity describes transitions from energy to mass and vice versa. Matter is in the origin an energetic-informational field. It is created by consciousness, soul, spirit, and it continues to be influenced by these spiritual-energetic fields, up to the transformation back into its original state. It is not a matter of a materially limited brain activity, because everything that spirit and soul create belongs to the larger context of a cosmic whole."


    Aurasurgery includes two subdisciplines:

    Resolution of Karmic Patterns.

    Energetic-informational operations on anatomical surrogates without touching the patient's body.

    The task of Aurasurgery is to transmit healing information through energetically effective procedures and to trigger reprogramming in the patient's consciousness. The subdisciplines each describe exact indications and treatment processes, which makes Aurasurgery so convincing and helpful in its application.


    Aurasurgery can be used effectively for both physical and psychological ailments. While physical ailments are treated according to the somatic (body-related) concept described below, psychic ailments are accessible to a somatopsychic principle. This means that somatic treatment results in a cure for psychological ailments: This is the reverse of the idea of psychosomatics, in which physical ailments are treated by treating the psyche. This somatopsychic principle is not new, but has long been used successfully in TCM acupuncture, for example in ear acupuncture.

    Both functional complaints without corresponding objectifiable manifestations and organic diseases with manifest measurable findings are treated aurasurgically. Aurasurgery achieves results that are unthinkable in the „logical-rational and material world view" of conventional medicine, especially in the field of chronic diseases. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the energetic side of an illness in order to recognize and adequately treat karmic stresses, for example. Interpretation and dissolution of karmic patterns are among the central tasks of Aurasurgery.

    According to some Aurasurgeons, self-treatment is not useful because the patient is not neutral towards himself and accordingly the principle of Aurasurgery is thereby undermined. Neutrality and objectivity are ultimately decisive in Aurasurgery. It is also not possible to supply or withdraw energies from oneself. Other Aurasurgeons consider self-treatments as quite possible and meaningful: Just as an acupuncturist can acupuncture himself and thus achieve therapeutic effect, the physician, even the patient, can treat himself in the aura if he has the necessary expertise. We also know this from meditation: the mediator consciously and intentionally sends energies into various regions of the body and lets the Qi move imaginatively through the body. The fact that this works in Aurasurgery is due in particular to the fact that it is not the patient's body as such that is treated, but always only a partial aspect of the body in the form of an organ or a tissue structure by means of an anatomic surrogate. If, for example, the patient takes the anatomy atlas in his hand and gives energetic and/or informational instructions to the surrogate by means of consciousness techniques, as will be explained later, this leads to a therapeutic effect on the addressed organ or the tissue structure of the patient, without the patient in his entirety being energetically charged or discharged to any appreciable extent. In this sense, Aurasurgery describes an energetic/informational self-referentiality.⁵ The great advantage over other mental self healing methods is that Aurasurgery offers concrete strategies and practical techniques that allow an extremely targeted approach. Each person is thus able to perform a successful self-treatment with the methods and procedures of Aurasurgery. Yes, it can be formulated even further: Aurasurgery offers enormous potentials and opens up new possibilities for spiritual self-healing to all people.

    Remote treatments are controversially discussed, used successfully by some Aurasurgeons, but rejected by others because personal contact with the patient is considered indispensable for therapeutic success. It must be remembered that the journey to the healer alone is part of the healing process. If remote treatment is to be performed, personalization or a connection to the patient can be established by the physician opening the anatomy atlas with the image of the corresponding organ, writing the patient's name, date of birth and full address on a piece of paper and placing it under the image. He then presses on the organ illustration with the dissecting probe and, if treatment is needed, receives an appropriate response to the patient, who is connected to the physician by telephone. Successful aurasurgical operations via internet sessions are also known. The advantage here is that physician and patient can not only hear but also see each other.

    Aurasurgery has both a healing and a preventive effect. For example, once karmic patterns, which will be described in more detail below, are removed, the diseases typically associated with each removed pattern will no longer occur.

    Subtle surgery

    Aurasurgery is a non-invasive „subtle surgery based on an energetic-informational concept, as opposed to the invasive „coarse surgery of orthodox medicine. The term „subtle implies that the human organism is not only a morphological, but also an energetic-informational entity, whereby, contrary to common understanding „subtle is not of a spiritual, but also of a material nature. Fine materiality describes the last stage of matter in the lowest density at the transition to a purely spiritual phase, as defined by quantum physics. The boundaries between matter and spirit or energy are fluid at this point, in both directions. Fine materiality can be influenced and modified by information. In distinction to the „structure body or „matter body with the highest compression, we speak of the „energy body or also of the „information body of the human being. From the change in the fine materiality by means of aurasurgical and thus spiritual methods, in many cases after some time a change in the coarse materiality develops (information -> fine materiality -> coarse materiality). For example, cysts or gallstones often regress with a corresponding time lag after aurasurgical operations.

    While the orthodox surgeon works on organs in a coarse material way by means of surgical instruments, the Aurasurgeon operates on the image these organs or their energetic representations in a subtle and virtual way with the help of the same surgical instruments. The fact that surgical techniques and instruments, of all things, are used to achieve healing on the spiritual and consequently on the ethereal level, seems at first glance to be a paradox, which, as will be explained later, can be easily explained.

    The renowned monk, Zen master and mystic Willigis Jäger writes: „In addition to the physical energies that we take for granted today, there are also subtle, metaphysical energies that are no less effective. Some people experience these energies on the physical level. Shaking, tingling or twitching can occur unintentionally and uncontrollably. Some energies reach beyond the physical body, e. g. telekinesis, telepathy, precognition and many more.".⁶ Unfortunately, these phenomena are simply dismissed by conventional medicine as neuronal malfunctions of the brain or as pure „imagination". Willigis Jäger writes further: „There are definitely energies which radiate through our hands and through our body when we turn positively towards a person or a situation. Blessing or sending out positive energies can be done with words, gestures, laying on of hands, but also with a mantra or with prayer gestures."

    Aurasurgery is based on these very energies and works in the patient's consciousness. It is based on the assumption that there is always a disturbed function before the illness of an organ, which in turn is preceded by disturbed information (disturbed information -> disturbed function -> organic illness). Without eliminating this disturbance, which usually precedes it by years or even decades, a lasting cure of an organ will not succeed. Conversely, it can be said that Healing can only take place if it is possible to start at the deepest level, i.e. in the area of the disturbed information. The further „above" or in the morphology the physician begins to work, the lower the chances of a lasting cure. Consequently, if the treatment takes place exclusively on the coarsemorphological level, as is usually practiced in school medicine, the chances of lasting success are small. In Aurasurgery, the healing information is transmitted on an energetic-informational basis, as a spiritual intention from the physician to the patient, a subtle form correction by means of energy and information.

    The mission of Aurasurgery is to understand the „language of the organs and to recognize and interpret the messages behind the symptoms and to integrate them into a therapy concept. The organism as a storehouse of information communicates itself to the physician via the aura. This is an essential complement to the pure symptom theory of conventional medicine, which is reduced to measurable findings and morphologies. Today's medical establishment invests little time and effort in responding to the patient in this way, communicating energetically-informationally and deciphering the information the patient sends out. The physician trained in traditional medicine concentrates to a high degree on technical values that can be objectified by measurement and fights the corresponding symptoms of the disease, usually without recognizing or accepting the deeper messages behind the symptoms. The goal of Aurasurgery is physical, mental, spiritual and social health, the experience of self-healing powers and the overcoming of diseases. For those who come from orthodox medicine, this idea seems abstract at first, especially since it is about a more organic-material understanding, where illness is a functional disorder of the material body. Accordingly, this is exactly where conventional medicine starts: With diagnostic methods and measuring procedures that are limited to diseased parts of the body and represent the results of a disease process that has developed over a long period of time. This thinking can also be found in certain terminology, such as the term „cancer screening. Strictly speaking, cancer screening in the form practiced today is not „preventive care, but rather serves the „early detection of an already existing pathological organic finding.

    Mental healing

    We call the energy of the aura the spirit, as will be explained later. Energy and spirit are equivalent entities. Aurasurgery describes the treatment and healing via the spirit, which exerts healing influence on organisms as dynamic space-time structures. Compared to many other methods of mental healing⁷, Aurasurgery uses concrete and standardized procedures and methods, which are described in detail below. The fact that defined standard procedures are used in diagnosis and therapy is of eminent importance, especially since acceptance in mental healing activities often fails due to the lack of structure and process orientation in daily work. Therapeutic work functions particularly well when there are clearly defined and transparent processes that convey a sense of sovereignty and professional routine to both physician and patient. For doubting patients in particular, acceptance of mental healing is low if they have the feeling that the physician is acting purely speculatively, as it were, if methodological descriptions are only vague, without a concrete plan and clear concept. The situation is quite different in Aurasurgery: by means of anatomical surrogates, surgical instruments and the use of clearly defined surgical and consciousness techniques, the physician transfers the energy of his spirit to the medicine or the organs of the patient via the spirit-matter connection, sends information, thus changing the cellular consciousness⁸ and inducing the self-healing powers there, which finally has a „material" effect. Willigis Jäger writes: „Man is a unity of body, soul and spirit. That is why it is possible to penetrate into the transpersonal space by becoming aware of our cells. There we experience ourselves as a unity, the division into body, psyche and spirit falls away. The fact that we divide the human being in this way is already a result of thinking and not of experience. We can only experience ourselves as a whole We can think of ourselves as a composite trinity."

    The German physician and psychoanalyst Alexander Mitscherlich (*1908; †1982) writes in „Illness as conflict" that illness arises when consciousness is withdrawn from an organ. According to aurasurgical experience, such a withdrawal of consciousness can be caused by karmic as well as miasmatic¹⁰ patterns, as inherited or also as acquired informational burdens. If the physician brings a diseased organ back into consciousness, he initiates the patient to recognize and use the natural self-healing powers. The goal is thus a targeted change of consciousness, which leads to functional and even organic-material manifestations in the sense of the spirit-matter connection.¹¹

    Morphic fields

    The English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake (*1942) calls the mental control level in the sense of subtlety morphic fields.¹² To these the morphogenetic fields (= form-giving fields) belong as a subunit. Morphic fields are characterized by the so-called morphic resonance, which contain an immanent memory.

    In one of his many books¹³, Sheldrake writes: „Since the 1920s, many biologists who have studied plant and animal development have been convinced that, in addition to genes, there must be organizing fields within the developing organism, so-called morphogenetic fields. These fields contain somewhat invisible plans or blueprints for the various organs and for the organism as a whole. In mathematical models of morphogenetic fields the goals of the morphogenetic process are represented as attractors. These attractors lie within „attraction basins" in a multidimensional phase space and pull the evolving organism toward the developmental goals. The development of a mouse is shaped by mouse fields, the development of a pine tree by pine fields. With the help of these fields not only the normal development but also the regeneration can be explained. If you cut a willow tree or a flatworm into pieces, each piece can regenerate to form a completely new organism. Like other types of fields, morphogenetic fields are intrinsically holistic. The isolated parts have the ability to reform an entire organism because each part is still connected to the field of the whole organism. The problem is that no one knows exactly what morphogenetic fields are or how they work. Most biologists assume that at some point they can be explained by conventional physics and chemistry. For a variety of reasons, I disagree. I believe that they are a new kind of field that physics does not yet know. Morphic fields of all kinds have a history and contain an intrinsic memory due to the process I call morphic resonance. This resonance occurs between activity patterns in selforganizing systems because of their similarity, regardless of how far apart they are. Morphic resonance works across space and time, from the past to the present."

    Other types of morphic fields are, for example, behavioral fields that underlie animal behavior and instincts. Corresponding morphic fields contain a collective memory of the species. As Sheldrake puts it, „When a kitten grows up, its instincts and behavior are shaped by morphic resonance from countless cats in the past. These fields interact with the nervous system and brain by imparting pattern and order to otherwise indeterminate or chaotic processes within them."

    Morphic fields also underlie our perceptions, thoughts and other mental processes. The morphic fields of mental activities are called mental fields. Through mental fields, the extended mind extends into the environment via attention and intention and establishes connections with other members of social groups. With the help of these fields telepathy, the feeling of being stared at, clairvoyance and psychokinesis can be explained. Perhaps it can also be used to understand premonitions and precognitions, namely through intentions projected into the future.

    Morphic fields of a body are connected with the morphic fields of e.g. foreign bacteria or viruses and form a resonance, which makes the body susceptible to pathogens. According to the idea of immanent memory morphic fields of exogenous pathogens continue to exist in the human organism even after bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites have been eliminated by the body's own immune system. In such a case, the morphic fields of the foreign pathogens alone would have an adverse effect on the organism, disrupting or even damaging its physiological function as well as its structural integrity. Accordingly, an aurasurgical treatment will not have an anti-bacterial effect in the sense of orthodox medicine, in order to combat the corresponding bacteria as organisms, but will eliminate or antagonize fields and information still present during and after the antibiosis, which per se permanently damage or weaken host organism.

    Such damage and weaknesses prepare the breeding ground for further bacterial growth, since an energetically weakened immune system is unable to generate sufficient resistance to pathogens. The patient is thus caught in a vicious circle that can bebroken and permanently resolved by a surgical reprogramming. In this sense, it is a new way of looking at things that represents a meaningful and decisive addition to the isolated orthodox medical evaluation of antibiosis. However, disturbing or even damaging morphic fields can also originate from other sources, for example from fateful experiences or grayish scenes which the patient has observed in the past, either in real life or on film, and which become fixed as memories or information.

    Morphogenetic fields not only shape cells, tissues, organs and living organisms, but are also effective at the molecular level. The morpho genetic fields of protein molecules shape the way chains of amino acids fold together in the right way to give proteins their characteristic shape. Genes specify the sequence in which amino acids are linked together, but they do not decide how those chains of amino acids fold together. Any one chain could potentially fold into an astronomical number of different shapes. A typical chain of 100 amino acids would yield quadrillions of possible three-dimensional shapes. If it were to fold up, „exploring these shapes at will until it found the most energetically stable form, this could take longer than the entire universe exists. This circumstance is called Levinthal's paradox, after the molecular biologist Cyrus Levinthal (*1922; †1990). In fact, the folding process takes only a few seconds, at most a few minutes. Moreover, proteins do not have only one possible minimum-energy form. According to calculations, many alternative minimum-energy shapes are possible. In the literature on protein folding, one speaks of the „problem of the mul tiple minimum. The mathematical models of the folding process understand the final shape of the protein as an attractor or an attraction basin. These models are consistent with the idea that folding is determined by a morpho genetic field.

    The consideration goes even further, if one takes into account morphic fields, which are reproduced from one generation to the next or are carried over to this one, what is not an impossibility, if one assumes that morphic fields can persist as storable information over generations. Such a consideration would ultimately lead to understanding the idea of „being born again" in a new context, in which not the physical organism is reborn, but the information of past generations in the form of morphic fields persists in parts in subsequent generations.

    In 1945, the Austrian physicist and Nobel Prize winner of 1933 Erwin Schrödinger (*1875; †1961) postulated: „The organism continuously absorbs orders from the environment. Thereby it keeps itself on a high level of order. Decisive are obviously the special interactions of the organism with the environment. To maintain this order, i.e. to remain healthy, does not seem to depend primarily on the absorption of substances, but on the simultaneous effect of the stimuli and their mutual quenching and strengthening."¹⁴

    Many people report anxiety with tachycardia and sweating, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, nightmares as soon as they eat meat, especially white meat. The symptoms usually appear immediately after consumption and persist for several hours. In the sense of the morphic fields, the fear of death and the stress of the slaughtered animals are transferred to the consumer.¹⁵

    Morphic fields also play an important role in transplant medicine. In a study, researcher Prof. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona found a total of 70 cases worldwide in which transplanted patients „inherited the characteristics of the donor. He calls the phenomenon „cell memory.When the organ is transplanted, the information and energy stored in the organ may be passed on to the recipient", Schwartz suspects. For example, he found the case of a patient whose fear of heights disappeared after the transplant. The organ came from a mountain climber. There are also reports of former non-smokers who began smoking after an organ transplant and it turned out that the donor had also been a smoker at the time.¹⁶

    The Dutch priest and well-known author Hans Stolp describes in his book¹⁷ that the morphic fields of transplanted organs influence the recipient in a characteristic way and thus change his personality. In his opinion, there is a soul entanglement between the donor and the recipient, in that the information contained in the aura of the transferred organ is intermingled with that of the recipient. Different organs store specific memories: The kidney stores everything that has to do with fixed habits and communication, the liver everything that has to do with moods, the lung everything that has to do with facts, and the heart everything that has to do with moral values. Thus the author describes that

    kidney transplant patients communicate and interact with fellow human beings differently than before the transplant.

    liver transplant recipients are transferred the unprocessed experiences of the donor, so that feelings occur that do not belong to them at all, but to the life of the donor.

    lung transplant patients are typically changed in their insights, intuitions, and ideas.

    heart transplants present memories of the deceased, sometimes even from their previous incarnations.

    According to Hans Stolp, the story of a heart-transplanted girl in the USA who regularly dreamt gruesome scenes at night and saw a man whose appearance she was able to describe in a remarkably precise manner has become well known. She told this to her attending physician, who in turn knew that the girl had received a heart transplant from another girl of about the same age, who had been murdered by a previously unknown perpetrator. The physician decided to contact the police after her patient was able to describe the man's appearance and also his place of residence quite accurately. The police became active and succeeded in arresting a man at the place described by the girl, who in the course of further investigations actually turned out to be the murderer, was convicted of his crime and sentenced.

    Hans Stolp goes one step further: He postulates that the removal of an organ hinders the final process of detachment from life on the part of the donor and thus his death remains incomplete according to the energetic-spiritual context. In this respect, the donor of an organ makes a great karmic sacrifice when earthly experiences have to be relived in the following incarnation. Thus, after death, the donor of a heart lacks to a certain extent the ability of personal judgment, which leads to the fact that he does not advance in the spiritual world or cannot develop accordingly. According to Hans Stolp, a sense of loss arises for the donor, which causes him to continue to focus his attention on the earth or on what lies behind him after death, rather than on the spiritual world that spreads out before him. Stolp writes, „He (the donor) remains focused on the past and does not open himself to the future. In the spiritual world, however, the law applies: That to which one does not direct one's attention - and for which one consequently has no awareness one cannot perceive. Therefore, a part of the spiritual world remains hidden for the donor. As long as the recipient is alive, the donor has no access to the spiritual level of the donated organ. If the recipient dies, this becomes accessible again, but the character and living conditions of the recipient have changed the spiritual level, so that the donor no longer receives back what he once donated."

    The consequence of soul entanglement is that the donor of an organ forfeits his development as a spiritual individual.

    Evaluation by conventional medicine

    Mental healing is not highly regarded, if not even suspect, in the scientific-rational world of the Western hemisphere. In a society where measurable data, scientifically proven by conventional methods and predominantly biochemical, justify the world view, methods based on the concept of energy, i.e. on knowledge of physics beyond the thermodynamic point of view, are still by no means self- understood Qi Gong teacher and author Ulli Olvedi writes: „Mental healing in the Western world takes place in a twilight space on the edge of social recognition, and it is not uncommon to find somewhat wonderful personalities endowed with such a gift. Since there is no official place for such abilities in our Western civilization-unlike gifts are recognized at an early age, methodically trained, and rewarded with high social prestige-they develop mostly as a kind of wild growth, and the lack of a protective, disciplining, and cultivating educational situation leaves those so gifted to the necessity of laboriously carving out for themselves a worldview in which they can fit with their uncalled-for abilities."¹⁸

    In Western orthodox medicine, life processes are explained and described in terms of biochemical processes. Biochemistry teaches only the „how, but not the „why. Even a bacterial infectious disease does not ultimately describe the „why, but only the „how of a corresponding course of disease. Whether an infection affects a person or not depends not only on the infectivity or quantity of the pathogens, but also in particular on the immunological situation that the person presents at the time of exposure to the pathogens. In epidemics, for example, it is evident that only some, but by no means all, people are affected by the pathogen in question. At the same time, people are susceptible to infectious diseases to varying degrees in their respective phases of life, even if they all have the same healthy diet and constant living conditions, the term „weakened immune system, which is commonly used in conventional medicine, ultimately refers to nothing more than a lack of energy in the immunological cell assemblies to present themselves to pathogens with the necessary dynamism and to eliminate them. Immunological cells as morphological units thus represent only one part in the overall process. Much more important are the vital forces behind the morphologies to provide an effective defense response. Without the necessary energetic vitality, immunological cell associations are ineffective. Again, a spiritual-energetic principle is at work here, which places the energies above the morphologies. Immunological cells in themselves are worthless as long as they do not carry any energetic potency. Accordingly, mood and „energetic constitution, which make a person susceptible to pathogens, have a great influence. Interesting in this context are the studies on the influence of stress and the probability of catching a cold, which show that only about 20-60% of people who are exposed to cold viruses actually become ill.

    In a high-profile paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers Cohen, Tyrrell and Smith studied the effect of stress on the likelihood of catching a cold.¹⁹ Volunteers were asked to spend a week at a research institute in southern England. To quantify the stress present, participants first listed the events that had had a recent negative impact on their lives. Subsequently, the subjects were given nasal drops containing either cold viruses or just physiological saline. They were then placed in isolation so that they had no contact with other people. Those who had experienced a great deal of stress were more likely to contract the common cold. Of those who reported the lowest level of stress, 27 percent contracted a cold. This rate increased steadily as more stress was experienced, reaching a peak of 50 percent in the group reporting the most stress. This relationship was also found when other factors influencing cold infection were taken into account, such as the time of year in which the subjects participated in the study, as well as the age, weight and gender of the subjects. This study, along with other comparable studies, confirms that a higher experience of stress is associated with lower immunity to disease.²⁰

    As obvious as these results may seem at first glance, it must be clearly stated that there are no measuring methods in orthodox medicine that make statements about the mental-energetic constitution. Accordingly, such considerations are not taken into account, but the clinical evaluation of immunological constitutions is limited to the measurable, namely the quantitative counting of immune cells and antibodies against defined pathogens or against the body's own structures (autoantibodies). Aurasurgery puts the mental constitution in the foreground of the considerations and is thus less concerned with the „how than with the „why of a disease, similar to what psychosomatic medicine or TCM does. In comparison to

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