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Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8: Der Spalt 1
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8: Der Spalt 1
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8: Der Spalt 1
eBook77 Seiten14 Minuten

Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8: Der Spalt 1

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Der erste Band der neuen Comictrilogie, die bis zur Gründung von Republika führt!

Aang und seine Freunde haben sich vorgenommen, das Fest zu Ehren des früheren Avatars Yangchen, eines der ältesten Feiertage der Luftbändiger, wiederzubeleben. Eine Tradition, die 100 Jahre ausblieb. Doch eine gemeinsame Raffinerie von Feuernation und Erdkönigreich verschmutzt den heiligen Boden des Austragungsortes. Oder ist noch eine viel schlimmere Plage am Werk? Das neueste Abenteuer des Avatars könnte kaum brisanter und am Puls der Zeit sein: Ein spannender Lesepsaß, der zum Nachdenken anregt!

Die Comics erzählen exklusiv die Geschichte um Avatar Aang & Co., wie sie nach der TV-Serie spielt. Eine meisterhafte Fortführung der Story und wunderbares Begleitmaterial zur aktuellen TV-Serie DIE LEGENDE VON KORRA - zu sehen bei Nick!
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum24. Aug. 2020
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8: Der Spalt 1

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Rezensionen für Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8

Bewertung: 4.076923076923077 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A better start than "The Promise" with better characterization and a more focused plot.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It is the backstory of Ursa, mother of Zuko.

    The revelation is a bit predictable as it gives the hint at the beginning. It answers the questions left from the animated series. It will, however, break the notion of Zuko's decision in the prior circumstances. I'll just hope for Azula's change of character.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    So good! But it's only part 1, so of course there's a cliffhanger!!!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search Part 1 by Gene Luen Yang starts where The Promise ends. Perhaps now after seasons of asking, we'll finally learn what happened to Zuko's mother.Zuko, still reeling from the war feels his best hope for finding balance is in finding his mother. How can he help unite the different tribes when he can't even unite his family?Part of this plan involves giving Azula a second chance. I think I'll be holding my breath throughout the remaining three part series, waiting for her to snap again.Most interesting, though, are the flashbacks for Ursa's teenage years and early marriage. Her time before being the Fire Lord's wife hints at why she's missing now and shows why the family is as messed up now as it is.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Set a year after the ending of Avatar : The Last Airbender, "The Search" concentrates on mainly the plot of Zuko's mother and Zuko relationship with his family. Basically providing some closed loop between the events in 'The Last Airbender' and 'Legend of Korra' since on the later, Zuko is already dead and we only see his grandson rather briefly without character development whatsoever so since this is the 'Official' continuation from 'The Last Airbender'.

    I wouldn't lie that I was quite disappointed by this volume particularly on the last pages where the big cliffhanger erupted out of nowhere which brought us to the characterization of this manga? comic, besides Ursa's there's no development at all. Azula is still more crazy-assed than ever like the former firelord. Iroh is still laid back. The whole Team Avatar is like as it was only with Zuko slightly more emotionally vested in the whole storyline (obviously).

    I felt that the only thing that matter in this series was Ursa's story. Its not a bad thing but it is still an Avatar story, maybe its hard to look at it this early in the series with merely a couple pages but its still not enough for me atleast. A year later and the kids is still their untraumatized happy-go-lucky self, and there's not even Toph in this! For a series designed to fill in the loose holes concerning Zuko, it does pretty bad on delivery concerning the rest of the group which got sidelined and only good for comic relief.

    Considering Korra is more young-adultish in nature, I wish the creator would aspire to keep the continuation in that spirit rather than dwelling their pre-"Save the world" state. Even if they're kids, saving the world should have make them grow up even to a degree instead of bickering as they do. So far, I like Korra's flashbacks of Aang in the past more than this 'canon but read like non-canon' version. I hope this will improve in the future version, but please drop the unnecessary bickering for once. Its wasting space in an already small volume and I want more than this. Don't deprive me years of Avatar character developments for this.

    The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well, the art in this is amazing. I love the various and sundry character interactions, and the fact that we're finally going to get questions answered (in theory, at least) is definitely appealing. I definitely want to know what happens next, but I am...concerned with the apparent turn the story is taking based on the ending of this first volume. I'm hoping the obviously telegraphed twist is actually a misdirection to set up for something else, since if they play this particular twist straight I think the story as a whole is weakened.

    I'm looking forward to July where we will hopefully get more answers.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    More of a 2.5. So-so beginning to a larger arc. The artwork was good and the writing too, but Azula remained pretty one dimensional throughout and some of the transitions between present and past weren't always clear. But I'll keep reading, mainly to see if how the plot twist ending is resolved in a way that will ultimately make sense and not screw with Korra's canon.


Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente 8 - Gene Luen Yang

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